Effective Techniques for Any Kind of Web Copywriting

There is no one single trick to writing great web copy. Anyone who’s ever struggled to craft content that grabs people’s attention, persuades them to take an action, and appeals to search engines all at once knows how hard this process is. It requires a special skill set and practice. Lots and lots of practice. Of course, every type of copy on the internet has its own sub set of rules (website copy is different than a landing page, for example). But we’re going to focus on some basic principles that can be applied across all formats.

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13 Top Udemy Course Instructors Weigh in on the Pros and Cons of Udemy

Want to teach a course on Udemy? Get secrets from 13 top instructors who make money on Udemy. Learn how to find a use your expertise to get more students and profit from online courses. You can create a video training course and once it’s approved, your course will be available for sale across a network of over 6 million registered students and promoted in the Udemy Marketplace.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with Udemy or if you missed the interview with my friend and Udemy Instructor Rob Cubbon, basically Udemy is an online marketplace that offers video training courses that are taught by folks like you and me.

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Niche Secrets You Wish You Knew A Year Ago

Lately, I’ve been receiving a lot of emails asking me about diving in and starting your own blog. One question that gets frequently asked is, “how do I find my niche?” A niche is a topic, passion or idea you write about extensively on your blog. In essence, your blog only talks about one thing – your niche. Why in the world would you want only to talk about one thing on your blog? Wouldn’t you get bored? Wouldn’t people get bored reading the same thing over and over again? The simple answer is no, they don’t. People actually like to be invested in niche blogs because they want to learn from them.

In this post, you will learn why you need a niche and how to pick the right one so that you can generate more traffic to your blog.

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50 Blogging Tips from the Best in the Business – Infographic

Do you like chocolate soufflé? Who doesn’t, right? Blogging tips are like chocolate soufflé for bloggers. Especially when they are starting out.
Here is the thing about blogging tips, they are all over the place. Every second blogger on the internet has written up his own blogging tips. What does this mean to you? You have to read blogging tips like reading a daily newspaper. You have to pretty much read it every day. What if someone put all the best tips together in one place? That would be awesome. Hold on, but it will still take a lot of time to digest. Very good point. What if, it’s an elegant Infographic that hits the spot? Now you are talking…

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9 Lessons Learned from Content Marketing Mistakes

Unless you’re brand new to the internet, you’re probably already aware that content marketing is the weapon of choice among businesses with an online presence. Broadly put, the term refers to the distribution of helpful online content to boost customer interaction and increase profits. While creating material for your website or social media channels may sound simple, getting it right can be a difficult, complicated process. In fact, the ugly truth is that many companies fail at content marketing. Here are 9 lessons I’ve personally learned from my experience working on content marketing plans.

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What's All the Buzz About Buzzsumo

Whats All the Buzz About Buzzsumo?

Bloggers and content marketers are starting to pay a lot of attention to a fabulous content development tool called Buzzsumo. And with good reason! Buzzsumo is a content development and research tool that is worthy of praise. I fell in love with the tool while it was still in beta back in 2014 and apparently I’m not alone because it’s been featured everywhere from Ian Cleary’s Razor Social to Mike Stelzner’s Social Media Examiner and this incredible tool even shows up as the subject of a Marketing Course on Lynda.com. At this point, you’re probably wondering, what’s all the buzz about Buzzsumo. There’s so many ways you can benefit from having this tool in your arsenal, so without further ado, here’s 10 Ways to Generate Viral Content Using Buzzumo!

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11 Elements of a Super-Star About Page That Stands Out From The Rest

Your “About” page” is the gateway to that relationship. No matter how amazing your content is, the readers you have attracted to your brand and personality are the ones who make you successful. So it makes sense that your “About” page should be unlike the millions blogs that are started across the globe every single month. Here are 11 elements you could utilize in building a Super-Star About page.

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