How to Set Up TrenDemon on WordPress to Increase Website Traffic

TrenDemon and is a marketing tool that does many things for you and your blog (or website). You are not limited to only using TrenDemon with WordPress. One of the key benefits that TrenDemon promises is that it maximizes the interaction of content on your site. If you include external content items, it can also maximize the interaction with that content, as well.

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Time to Rock Your Guest Post Pitch

How to Rock Your Guest Post Pitch

In order for you to have a chance at guest posting on high-ranking blogs, you have to do more than send an email to the owner asking them if it’s okay to write a post for them. Most bloggers are busy and don’t have the time to invest in people they don’t know. In this post, you will learn the steps to guest posting and how to write a pitch letter that will get you noticed.

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How To Get Blog Traffic with Infographics

How to Create Infographics that Send Hoards of New Visitors to Your Blog

You know all the reasons in the world why an Infographic should accompany your text. You know that visually inspiring and content-rich Infographics are highly shareable, which can expose you to new sources of traffic for your business. You’ve heard that most people on earth are visual learners who can only absorb information by looking at a picture. You certainly know first-hand how busy your readers are. They need you to have an Infographic. You are well aware that it condenses all your information into one visually appealing graphic.

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How to Boost Conversions and Please Customers in Ecommerce

Let’s just get this out of the way: without an easy, intuitive user experience, your eCommerce website is doomed to fail. In eCommerce, conversions can be anything from clicks on specific products to sales, both of which are helpful to your business, and influenced by your website’s interface.

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Social Media Analytics – The 5 Best Tools for Online Retailers

If you are an online retailer who has yet to adopt the use of social media as a marketing tool, you are missing out on an opportunity here. Social media has become a catalyst for traffic and sales for many websites over recent years, with numerous ecommerce websites reporting higher conversion rates from those who

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How to Craft Contagious Blog Articles

How To Write Content That Promotes Itself: 4 Steps To Crafting Contagious Articles

Content promotion is a new drug. “You should spend 20% of your time creating content and 80% of your time promoting it”, – I don’t know who was the first to say that, but the whole content marketing world had gone crazy ever since. That’s because it sounds like the answer to all your problems. The reason you’re not getting traffic is not because your content is poor, but because you don’t promote it enough. And so thousands of bloggers went writing mediocre articles and using every promotion tactic they know to distribute them. I’m sorry, but things don’t really work this way…

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Follow the Yellow Brick Road to Making Money With a Blog

Follow the Yellow Brick Road… to Making Money with a Blog

The journey of making money with a blog is a lot like the movie “The Wizard of Oz”. Dorothy found herself in the amazing land of Oz (The Internet), but she also needed to find her way to see the Wizard (Profitability) so he could help her get back home. Before finding the Wizard, Dorothy first needed to know where to look. Fortunately she landed in the right place when she got to Oz and the munchkins told her all she needed to know, which was to ‘follow the yellow brick road’. With Toto (Wordpress) along her side, she set out to find the Wizard. Of course there was a lot of distractions and obstacles along the way, such as running into the Scarecrow, Tin Man and the Cowardly Lion (Blogging Authorities and Friends in the Industry). There were even run in’s with the Wicked Witch and her scary army (Google Penalties and Black Hat Methods).

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