5 Effective SEO Tips to Drive Tons of Traffic to Your Websites

Traffic is the lifeblood for any profitable website. Unfortunately most beginners don’t know how to optimize their web pages for search engines. And they give up when they don’t see any traffic growth on their sites. Organic traffic can grow your efforts into something authoritative, BIGGER and most often profitable. But what SEO tactics should you use? Where do you actually begin? Let’s take a look at a few effective SEO tips to increase your overall search traffic.

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3 Tools to Help Your Visual Media Go Viral

We all love tools, right? Anything that can help us to be able to get more done, in less time, and still retain quality. Many of us have used tools like Hootsuite and Bufferapp to help us get the job done in social media. Sometimes, however, we need something just a little more concentrated and directed at the needs of specific social platforms like Instagram and Pinterest. In this article, I’ll introduce three cool tools about visual media and three cool tools that will help you get those images and media to go viral!

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How to Diversify Your Blog Content with Different Forms of Expert Interviews

For every well written blog post you write, readers can find a dozen just like it (covering the same topic), and probably just as helpful. It’s time that we diversify and stand out. It’s time that we offer something more than useful advice and tools: It’s time that we explore more formats, packages and marketing channels! One way to diversify your editorial calendar is to offer expert insights from outside contributors.

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6 Top E-commerce WordPress Plugins You Shouldn’t Ignore

Setting up an online store is simple with help from WordPress and its available plugins. The WordPress plugin library contains a number of options for simplifying your ecommerce back-end management and automating your sales process. The best plugins work seamlessly with payment processing options, integrate with other WordPress plugins, provide in-depth reporting features, and offer security for both you and your customers.

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The Ultimate Guide to Using Triberr for Traffic

The Ultimate Guide To Using Triberr For Traffic

Last year I created a Triberr account for the first time. Now I have a reach of over 29 million, one of the largest in the entire network. The beautiful thing is I have done it with minimal effort and a tiny Twitter following. On Triberr, my posts appear in the feed of 500+ bloggers, across 38 tribes, which collectively have a Twitter reach of 29 million followers. In this post I will show you how anyone (yes anyone) can create a large Triberr following with the right strategy.

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Monetization That Fits Your Blog: Considerations and Objectives

Why do we blog? Do we blog for the money? Maybe some of us do. Or, do we blog for the love of writing and hope that it pays the web hosting bill? There are probably many of us who are in between those two points. Regardless of where we are on the spectrum, it is nice to make a few bucks, right? So, how do we do that without spending all of our time on making money and none of the time on the creativity of the writing, let alone, the technical aspects of maintaining a blog?

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7 Twitter Tips to Win More Followers and Influence

At a time when Facebook is no longer cool (hey, Mark Zuckerberg has even admitted it!), now couldn’t be better to hone your skills as a master Tweeter. The micro-blogging social site is now where more teens and young people are flocking (with 26% ranking Twitter as the “most important” social network according to a Taking Stock with Teens study). These social butterflies and mobile moguls are the ones most likely to spread the word about your brand. Knowing they’re there and engaging them are two different things though.

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