Relationship Marketing with Wade and Ileane

10 Ways to Get People to Remember You and Your Blog

Relationship Marketing is a concept that some might have trouble grasping and some of you might be wondering what it’s all about. But my friend Wade Harman (who is also a guest blogger here) knows this topic inside-out. He hosts a weekly show on Google+ and has interviewed the most well known social media and search engine marketers on the planet including Jay Baer, Mark Schaefer, Rand Fishkin, Chris Brogan and even little ole me. In anticipation of the launch of his upcoming book, titled The Relationship Manifesto (pre-order it now) I’m pleased that Wade invited me to join him on his show. He knows how to bring out the best of his guests by asking the right questions. It’s a skill that he has mastered over time

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How To Build A Blog That Makes You Look Like A Pro (Even If You’re A Clueless Amateur)

Don’t you wish you could look like a problogger even though you are a total amateur? If someone reads your blog, chances are, they read other blogs too, right? Other blogs that probably talks about the same topics you talk about, wouldn’t you think? If that’s the case, how will you or your content, be remembered if you look like everyone else?

This post covers a few simple tips that can set you up for success.

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Why You Should NEVER Focus on Blog Post Frequency and What to Do Instead

One of the most common questions from bloggers is “how often should I update my blog?” to make it successful. If you’re a beginner, you’ll definitely mess up with your blog posting schedule and it’s really a daunting task to figure out the ideal blogging frequency. There are no rules in blogging. There’s no perfect number that drives lots of traffic to your blog posts. Deciding your posting frequency is one of the key factors that influences your blog’s success. But you’ve to decide which posting frequency works well for your audience. Try, test, fail and learn.

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3 Job Boards for Bloggers Where Bloggers and Companies Meet

Blogging is a very lucrative activity. As a blogger, you can offer your services and be rewarded handsomely. You can either be paid to post on your blog or on your clients’ blog. Either way, there is money to be made. Today, there are some job boards for bloggers, which make it possible for us to easily seal writing deals with companies. Many companies are looking for bloggers to hire for many different types of blogging jobs.

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25 Experts Share How to Get More Traction from Triberr [Infographic]

Day by after, Triberr is turning out to be a must-use content curation tool for bloggers and small business marketers. Well, I tried several times but I just couldn’t resist from using this platform because it’s such a great source of traffic. Triberr can multiply your content reach and potentially help you get dozens of influential shares, especially on Twitter. So what is in it for you? You can learn, engage, share contents of other bloggers and build a strong bond of relationship that turns into their assistance to promote your own contents.

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Lisa Irby Shares Her Online Marketing Savvy with Basic Blog Tips

I’ll never forget the first time I watched one of Lisa Irby’s video tutorials. I was searching on YouTube for blogging and marketing tips and found one of her WordPress videos was one of the first results on the page. That was back in 2009 and I’ve been a huge fan of Lisa’s ever since. We’ve chatted many times on each other’s blogs, on social media and in her online forum Website Babble, and quite honestly I consider her one of the most highly respected people I’ve met online. With that said, today it’s my great pleasure to introduce Lisa Irby to the fans and readers of Basic Blog Tips! Enjoy the interview with my online mentor Lisa Irby from 2Createawebsite.

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