Did you know that you can make passive income online by becoming a Udemy course instructor?
It's true!
If you have expertise or a wealth of knowledge in a specific field of study or topic, you can create an online class and submit to the Udemy Marketplace.
And the beauty of it is that your subject doesn't even have to be highly technical or anything like that. All you need to do is think of something you have real-world experience in, and that you know will solve a problem or a address a pain point for your potential students, and you can totally crush it over on Udemy.
Your course needs to be mostly in the video  format, but you can include audio and text lessons as well. Once it's approved, your course will be available for sale across a network of over 6 million registered students and promoted in the Udemy Marketplace.
For those of you who are unfamiliar with Udemy or if you missed the interview I did with my friend and Udemy Instructor Rob Cubbon, let me explain. Basically, Udemy is an online learning marketplace that offers video training courses which are taught by folks like you and me.
Currently there are over 14,000 instructors being taught in over 80 different languages, so please come and join us won't you?
Take it from me, teaching an online course gives you a great sense of empowerment. There's a remarkable feeling that comes over you when you sell your first Udemy course and then you sell another and another until pretty soon you'll stop counting.
Even though I've been sharing tips and teaching bloggers how to improve their content for years, being a Udemy course instructor somehow seems more official. It's a great accomplishment and it's very rewarding. I know you will enjoy it too, especially if you're someone who is currently struggling to earn an income with your blog. Creating a course and making it available for sale on the Udemy Marketplace is an excellent source for generating a decent amount of passive income each month.
The Growing Popularity of Udemy
Take a look at this chart from Google Trends that tracks interest in Udemy since January 2012.
- How I made $100,000 Teaching Online
- This 71-year-old Makes up to $8,500 a Month Teaching Online Classes
- Through Technology, Building a Better Orientation Model
Overall I must say that I enjoy being an instructor on Udemy and my experience has been very positive. After all, look at all the awesome people that I'm connected to now, solely because I got involved with the community.
But just like anything else you do to earn an income online (and in life for that matter) there are pros and cons to look at. So without further ado, listen to what my panel of Udemy Course instructors have to say as they weigh in on the pros and cons of Udemy!
We'll start off with Rob Cubbon, since he's responsible for all of this in the first place (just kidding Rob) 🙂 and I'll finish off with my feedback at the end.
Rob Cubbon of Robcubbon.com
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
The fact that they do the marketing, advertising, sales pages, couponing, affiliate schemes and promoting of all my courses and I don't have to do anything apart from create the course and answer student questions. AND, it's passive income – I don't have to launch and launch and launch.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
The messaging system sucks. I know they're trying to improve it. They should try to make the whole site more social – I can imagine “your friend x enjoyed this course” would do quite well.
Rob is offering a fantastic price on his course: Learn & Earn: Make Passive Income Selling eBooks and Courses. You can get the course for $17 by entering the coupon code: BASICBLOGTIPS
Editor's note: Rob has an ebook on Amazon that tells his personal story and his chronicles his journey from being a freelancer to becoming an entrepreneur. Once I started reading it I couldn't stop. It's one of the best books I read last year.
Deborah Anderson of Social Web Cafe
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
The best thing about Udemy is the community. While I don't post as often as I like, I do see the Facebook Udemy posts from the Udemy Instructors Group often pop up in my Facebook feed. There is such love in that community! In this day and age where so much of what we do is virtual, it is helpful to be connected and get that sense of “real,” and the community that Udemy put together does just that. It keeps you connected with real people who are experiencing the same challenges and successes as you. Udemy had the foresight to put together the group and moderates it in a way where we feel comfortable sharing and asking questions.
This is priceless.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
I think the most challenging aspect has been communication. The one-way communication works well but I have found that many times the follow-up get lost in a shuffle, possibly between different people on the team. Udemy does so well at so many things that this is relatively minor, but when you really need to get a message (i.e. a response to a question asked by Udemy about your course), it really helps if you can reach the right person (i.e. the person asking the question).
If you want to take Google+ to the next level, Deborah's Hangout Queen course will show you the way.
Important Note: Deborah is one of the featured guest bloggers here on Basic Blog Tips and stay tuned for a big announcement that Deborah and I are collaborating on. [Hint: Triberr Ebook] 🙂
Mark Timberlake of SME Heroes
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
Residual income.
Waking up and finding a few more Dollars in your bank account than you had the day before, all whilst you were sleeping.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
More site wide promotions so that everyone's course has a chance of being promoted by Udemy.
Mark is offering 5 free coupons (first come first serve) for his course Udemy Course Creation – Planning Filming Marketing Promotion (normal price $299)
Something else you should know: Mark and his better half Philomena started a Google + Community called Online Video Educators & Entrepreneurs. On Sunday afternoons they host a really informative Hangout on Air where they bring on instructors for interviews or panel discussions. I was on the panel for this one talking about YouTube!
Denise Fletcher from Enabling Transitions
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
The ability to convert existing training material into new products really appealed to me when I discovered Udemy and I do like the idea of earning money whilst I'm sleeping. However reaching a global market is brilliant and something I would have found very difficult without Udemy.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
Udemy have many great attributes and amazing energy. The one area I think they could improve is by diversifying the student base by attracting more non – technical students and more female students. I believe that this would lead to a demand for more diverse course topics and may attract new instructors. Win -Win for everyone!
Note: Denise started a Facebook group for us ladies called Udemy Women Rock! If you want to join, let us know. We ladies always need a special place to encourage one another without they guys around. Use the link below and coupon code Basicblogtips to get any of her courses for $10.
Scott Patton from Power Podcasting
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
Credibility. Once you have 2,000 plus students and forty 5star reviews, you are definitely seen as an expert in your field. This credibility is easily leveraged into coaching clients, Keynote speaking engagements, workshops, and other JV projects.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
Make organizing the courses easier, both the ones I am taking and the ones I am teaching. The system is fine if you only teach five courses, or take ten courses. Otherwise, it becomes a mess.
Scott is offering his course Social Media Business Success with Free Podcast Hosting for $17.
Important note: I predict that Podcasters will soon be taking over the world so you'd better take Scott's course before it's too late. Yes, I said it “world domination” and you heard it from me first.
Professor Ron Stefanski from One Hour Professor
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
In my opinion, the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy is the additional exposure that you get to a lot of students/people whom would never hear from you otherwise. My first course I created has just over 2,600 students and many of them have my websites email list because they enjoy my teaching style.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
Although I love Udemy for giving us a platform to host our courses on, there is definitely room for improvement in many areas. For me, the main thing is that they need to make it easier for instructors to understand and communicate with the students in their course that have completed over 80%.
Analytics are vital in terms of being a successful Udemy instructor and as of now Udemy doesn't give instructors everything they need to truly succeed in my opinion. I created a new course specifically for Udemy instructors (which is almost ready for launch) that shows how to use Google Analytics to increase Udemy Sales.
If you'd like to join the early bird list for a discount when it launches, click here to sign up.
Fun Fact: Prof. Ron was recently featured on Pat Flynn and Chris Ducker's new podcast, 1 Day Business Breakthrough. Find out what happened when Pat and Chris tried to rake him over the coals and how he turned things around.
Phil Ebiner from Video School Online
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
The biggest benefit for me is twofold. First, Udemy allows me to reach thousands of people in a dynamic way – through online courses. It's great to see people from the other side of the world learning from me. Second, it's a great source of secondary (and possibly primary) income. I've been able to use the income from Udemy to go on trips to Europe and the Philippines. It has helped pay for an engagement ring and a wedding. And it's helped me transition to working full time for myself.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
The biggest change I'd like to see on Udemy is the addition of a projects module within each course. I think people like to learn by doing projects. I also think people would like to see the work of fellow students. Having a tangible skill after taking a course would help improve the student experience. So hopefully some day students can more easily post a project to the course page.
Phil created a $200 discount for his best selling Teach Online course!
Good to know: Phil is one of the nicest instructors and I think everyone of his students loves him. If I ever decide to learn Photoshop or anything else in the Adobe Suite, I'll beg him for a coupon.
Bob Marx from MST Selling System
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
The biggest benefit to me is the ability to share my thoughts and strategies with a wider and probably until now unreachable audience. Let’s face it the internet is a crowded place. Udemy allows a gathering place or common ground for like-minded people to learn and discover resources they otherwise would have been aware of.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
As far as my Udemy wish list… it would be nice to have the ability to add some re-targeting links to the course pages. Udemy is already making use of this with Facebook and ad-roll. As a business person it would be great if we had the same ability to invest in more targeted marketing efforts.
Here's a 94% off $10 coupon for How to Create a Udemy Course in 5 Days or Less Part Time
My personal favorite: Out of all the courses on “how to make a Udemy courses” Bob's is my favorite. I love the story he tells about his daughter and his advice about not adding intro and outro music to each and every video in your course. Amen brotha!
Scott Scowcroft from The Scott Treatment
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
The biggest benefit that Udemy provides for many beginner instructors is providing a structured environment in which to learn a new skills set — that, is of course, of how to create and present courses professionally online.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
If there were one thing I'd ask Udemy to change, it would be to open up courses so one party could be online talent while another could serve as a “behind the scenes” producer, and yet still share revenues.
Things You Should Know: Scott's course hasn't been released yet but I'm sure it will be amazing so stay tuned. Scott is well known on Google+ for The Scott Treatment. Click here to learn more.
Dennis Smith from Dennisjsmith.com
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
Knowing other Udemy instructors around the world and building personal friendships and professional relationships with them. Many of them push me to produce more course, procrastinate less so I stay focused on my goals and use my skills to help others with their success. Helping others succeed is what brings me the most pleasure.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
Less control over what instructors cannot do on the platform. I am doing a webinar to help instructors with Udemy marketing and not supposed to collect email addresses.
So it makes it hard to promote the webinar to those instructors who are students in my Udemy marketing course. I understand they want to to be a friendly environment for students but it should be the same for instructors to grow too.
Dennis has a special discount code offer for you guys. Take any one of his courses for $7 when you use the coupon code BASICBLOGTIPS7Â <<Hurry! This expires on June 1st 2015
FREE COURSE ALERT: Dennis also has one course that is always free and that course is called: Udemy Course Marketing: Start Increasing Your Udemy Revenue.  You'll also want to get all of your courses listed on his coupon site: Online Course Coupons
Ely Delaney from Your Marketing UniversityÂ
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
The #1 benefit I saw of Udemy and why I launched this course there instead of on my own site was because of their millions of users. I wanted to really get a big hit with this course and it worked.
I've got over 1,000 people signed up for the program and I reached most of that BEFORE I even told my own list I had created the course.
It's added a ton of feedback to make it better, got me a lot of publicity and it also gave me the opportunity to meet a whole new group of people to collaborate with (other instructors).
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
My one big frustration with Udemy is the their strict rules on not sending students to anything that asks them to buy other stuff or even collect email addresses.
I completely understand their stance on it.
They want to protect their reputation but as a marketer, I have other offerings that have nothing to do with Udemy and it's almost crippling to not be able to bring people into my own world outside of Udemy.
Like I said, I get it but it's still frustrating.
Ely is offering a fantastic 90% discount off his course:Â How I Used Networking To Triple My Business In 6 Months
Not so fun fact: It has taken me almost two years to get Ely on the blog! There's a long story behind that but the important thing is that I finally did it. Now I'm a woman of my word. 🙂
Sergio Felix of Marketing with Sergio
What is the biggest benefit of being an instructor on Udemy?
Being an instructor on Udemy has helped me establish my authority online in their
marketplace in just a matter of days.
I reached the 1,000+ students mark in a really crowded niche (learning WordPress for business oriented individuals) with almost zero promotion on my part so you know there's a big room for grow in their marketplace in niches that are less saturated.
It has allowed me to meet new like minded instructors and also has given me a lot of exposure to new students from niches outside the Internet Marketing industry.
I find their learning and teaching platform to be top notch quality in terms of usability and I love how user friendly their platform is.
There are simply no excuses for not having a published course on Udemy for anyone who is remotely interested in making a profit from their knowledge.
If there is one thing you wish Udemy would change, what’s on your wish list?
A more strict review and approval system for every training that is specifically about making money online.
I have seen a lot of income claims and zero proof to back those claims out so I think it would be wise for Udemy to check out what other platforms (Clickbank) have done in order to keep their marketplace quality as high as possible.
Mostly for the ladies: Sergio is such a sweet guy. I love including him in this article. He's very charming too and gets featured on a lot of YouTube channels and podcasts.
Udemy Instructor Success Tips
One of the most successful Udemy course instructors is a fellow named Alun Hill. Alun's courses are very popular in the marketplace and they're heavily promoted by the Udemy team. Alun seems to have mastered the algorithm and his offerings always appear on page one of any related searches.
He shares his expertise in this ebook How I make $4,000 a Week Uploading Simple Online Courses to Udemy and Only Working 1 Hour a Day – No Camera Required. Great title right! Way to go Alun on making 6 figures on Udemy in the last 12 months.
John Colley is another very successful Udemy course instructor. I don't think anyone has single handedly made more one-on-one connections with other instructors than John. He started a podcast where he interviews other instructors and dives deep into the details of course creation and promotion. (Remember what I told you-podcasting = world domination)
The Online Learning Podcast can be found on iTunes but it also available as a free course on Udemy.
Before you create your first course or your next one, take a look at the advice John shares in this video called: “Udemy” Three Major Mistakes Udemy Instructors Make – And the Third Might Surprise You!
I'm not going to tell you all the mistakes that John covers here, you'll need to watch the video to find out it's only 2 minutes long! But I will say that his #3 reason is the one that hits you right in the pocket-book!
Wrapping things up with my thoughts on Udemy
Udemy is a unique learning platform because you can find traditional courses there like Photoshop and how to use WordPress. But you can also take a class on How to Watch American Football or How to Find the Right Man. Now there's something you won't find on Lynda.com, that's for sure!
This means that just about everyone can make money on the Udemy platform and I love that! Just think about all of the things you do well — what's your special gift or something your friend tell you that you're really good at doing. Then put those ideas into Udemy's suggested format (audio, video or text – but mostly video) and you're good to go.
The challenge for me with putting up my first course on Udemy was that I was intimidated by the whole process. Thank goodness for me that I had Rob Cubbon to “virtually” hold my hand over Skype and coach me through it. But I'm not so sure that other folks will be so lucky. So my advice is to find a mentor that will help you get through it. I just introduced you to 12 potential mentors that I know for sure would be willing to help you. Oh and then there's me 🙂
In conclusion: With all these wonderful things that myself and the other expert Udemy Instructors have to say, I need to confess that Udemy it's not my platform of choice for teaching online courses. Don't get me wrong, I will continue to use Udemy and stay connected to their fantastic community of instructors. I also think it's a fantastic place to get started and learn how courses are structured and optimized for helping students reach their objective (which is UBER important). But it turns out that the platform I'm using now for my online courses is called Teachable.
Stay tuned guys because there's a whole nother blog post to come about Teachable!
So what do you think? Are you ready to become a Udemy Course Instructor? Leave a comment and let me know your plans!
Hey Ms. Ileane,
Great post on Udemy.
I started getting into it and I’m actually in the process of creating a course at the moment. So a post like this is not only timely, but truly helpful as well. Udemy does seem like a power source of residual income so those not on it, or considering to get on it, need to change that.
Thanks for this.
– Andrew
Hi Andrew! I’m excited for you! What is the topic for your upcoming Udemy Course? If you are active on Google+ be sure to join the OVEE community because you’ll find lots of people there willing to help you. The Udemy Facebook group is great but you need to get approved by the team before you can join.
Thank you very much, it cleared all my doubts and made my path clear for launching a course
I can’t wait to see what you come up with Akhil! Good luck.
Great post! Thanks again for including in your list. Many of these are instructors that I admire and respect plus can call my friends. Rob for sure is a big inspiration too many instructors and his students.
Hey Dennis! I appreciate your contribution here. I wanted to include some veteran instructors and some that have recently joined Udemy. I think I did a good job of covering both sides of the spectrum. Thanks again!
Hi Ileane,
Super write up!
I learned about Udemy from Rob. He’s a boss on the network. I also saw my friend Matt Capala have a ton of success on the site. I love the idea of publishing courses but enjoy writing eBooks more so I stick with the eBooks. As an aside though, since I love doing podcasts too I’d consider doing audio training courses, me speaking into a recorder 😉 Quick and easy and I need not spend time formatting because that’s such a drag for me, and I never do stuff that’s a drag here in paradise lol.
Hey Ryan, I love your perspective on sticking to what works best for you! I eluded to the fact that Udemy courses need to be approved by their team and I find that many instructors are turned away during that review process. Part of the problem is that video is not always the best platform for some folks – and even though it’s one of my favorites – I can relate to those who like to read or listen rather than watch.
Ryan, I really want to encourage you to check out Fedora. You can re-package your ebooks into online courses there with ease. Since Fedora has no review process and courses can be as long or as short as you want them to be I think this would be an excellent platform for you to investigate.
Thanks for stopping by Ryan — you bring the tropical vibe with you every time!!
I love Udemy & always get inspired to start a course or two after these type articles but never do. Perhaps I’ll check out some of the courses on starting a course and stay inspired that way. Great roundup of some really top Udemy sellers.
Hey Matt, if you are on Google+ check out the OVEE community. Even if you’re not on the platform follow along with the community Hangouts led by Mark and Philomena Timberlake every week. I think you will be encouraged by seeing the other instructors talk about how they overcome the challenges and stay on task with making courses. Good luck Matt!
Hola Ileane, I completely loved learning what others think about Udemy and I’m also feeling really honored to be included here with these Udemy instructors specifically because it’s people I keep learning from all the time.
I’m happy to say I’m friends with Rob and Dennis and I will definitely make it a goal to connect with the rest of the instructors mentioned here.
Thanks again and hope you’re having a fantastic day Ileane!
Sergio Felix
PS. The ladies bit was really funny, you made me smile big. 😉
So glad I made you smile Sergio! I always smile when I see you online and it was good to see that you are using Udemy now. You’re a natural on camera so this is a great platform for you. Thanks so much for your contribution to the article. Chat soon my dear!
Great coverage, Ms Ileane! Although Udemy offers a lot of great opportunities for both students and teachers,
I thought that this was a very balanced view. It’s far from perfect, and the reality is that we’re just on the cusp of online education for entrepreneurs – especially creative artists.
There is much to do, and many miles to cover. But, as Arthur Ashe said, “start where you are, use what you have, do what you can”!
John! I love that quote from Arthur Ashe and used it in one of my Instagram posts last year. Take a look 🙂 https://instagram.com/p/q_1rpHPbKp/
I’m glad you mentioned that I gave a balanced view – it was my goal to present both sides of the story and perhaps the Udemy team will see this post and consider tweaking their platform in some way. Thanks for stopping by John, I appreciate your support!
lol – great minds think alike!
For online courses its really great website. I am a student and buy many courses for my web development study. All courses are good and I can say that udemy good sources for online courses
Hi Ethan, great feedback. Thanks for offering the student’s point of view.
Awesome post which contains very useful information. It is informative, inspirational and instructive. Thanks for sharing such an excellent post.
Muhammad Mairaj
Hi Ms Ileane,
Great post ! So far I love Udemy. I have 2 courses on there.
I think like one of your guests mentioned, it’s nice to wake up in the morning, check my e-mail and find that I sold a copy or two of my course overnight.
What I don’t really enjoy is how much revenue is actually paid to instructors. Basically if you don’t have your own e-mail list you can promote the course to (in which case I think you’d be better off creating your own sales system for it anyway but that is another story), it is almost impossible to make a ton of money from Udemy without creating multiple courses.
I do appreciate that Udemy puts your course in front of thousands and does all of the marketing etc for you, like Rob rightly mentioned. I guess it’s a “everybody wins” situation. We need them and they need us. Oh well 😀
But overall, I do enjoy Udemy and will continue to use the platform.
I am also going to check out Fedora and see what I can do there. I have a few course ideas I want to flesh out by the end of June. I have also recently learned of LearnSocial.com. I actually got contacted by someone from there to put my courses on there. I still have to check them out.
Thanks for the post & resources Ms Ileane !
That’s fantastic Gertrude. Please share the details of your Udemy courses here so I can have a look at them. You do need to have several courses on Udemy if you want to really make a huge impact and earn a lot. I haven’t seen you in the Udemy Facebook Group, did I miss you there? Have you tried any of the coupon sites to promote your course?
I haven’t heard of Learnsocial so I’m anxious to check out the site.
You will love Fedora because the course can be as long or as short as you wish. I have one course that is only one video and I already sold a few. They are similar to what they refer to as skill snacks over on Skillfeed. Thanks for sharing your feedback Gertrude.
Hi Ms Ileane,
I am in the Udemy Studio Facebook group but turned off notification sometime last year because the group was getting a little too negative for me. Somebody was constantly upset about something. Maybe it’s not like that now but it sure felt that way.
I will need to get back into the groove of things over there. I definitely need to create more courses.
The info for my two courses are here (I created free coupon codes especially for you)
1) Mailchimp Mastery – https://www.udemy.com/mailchimp-mastery/?couponCode=msileane
2)Quash Your Goals – https://www.udemy.com/quash-your-goals/?couponCode=msileane
Please let me know what you think. I can take it 😀
You’re so kind Gertrude. I signed up for both courses and even though I’m using AWeber myself, it’s great to know that I can come over to your course and find answers to questions I might have in the future. Chad Tennant’s Unofficial Udemy Facebook group is another one that I like to check out.
Thanks Gertrude!
Well I must say I’m a big fan of udemy and I have already purchased few course which are related to web development. I guess I have to consider your recommendations too.
Thanks Samir. I appreciate your feedback as a Udemy student.
Hi Ms Ileane,
Great post, very informative and motivating! I am very new to the world of teaching and am in the process of finding my own style as I write my first course. I was looking for a community like this, so its been a great resource for me!
Thank you.
Shawn, it take a minute to get into the groove but once you do there will be no stopping you! Good luck 🙂
I am happy to purchase Udemy courses. The web development course has really helped me a lot. Now i am teaching the same to my friends too and they are happy to get it easily. Thanks Udemy and thanks for the post Ileane
You’re welcome Swapnil! That’s an awesome testimonial for the power of online learning – not just Udemy. Thanks for sharing your story.
Till now I didn’t know what Udemy was exactly.
It sounds very good because usually people who create services have to spend more time promoting their stuff. I think that is the most useful aspect of Udemy (from what I read).
Hey Ileane, thanks for the shoutout! Glad to see you’ve seen success on Udemy and other online learning platforms and I really look forward to what you’re going to say about Fedora. 🙂
Rob, I’m just happy to be part of the community and it does feel good to get paid for sharing my knowledge. I’m certainly not going to quit my day job but at least I’m able to remove AdSense from the blog. Next I’d like to remove it from my YouTube channel. Fedora might just be the key to open that door.
Thanks again Rob for showing me the ropes and for your support and friendship. Some things money just can’t buy!
Nice list Ileane, Can you also share any udemy course which provide tutorial or guide to get approved in Google News? I really wanted to buy the course for the same
Hi Raja,
You can try this course, although I can’t say how good it is. You do have a 30 day guarantee on Udemy Become a Google News Publisher – Get your Site Approved Now

Ileane, Ileane, Ileane! What an interesting post! It was great to read about opinions and experiences from other Udemy instructors. I was familiar with many of these but handful of these people I was not so I’ll have to check them out.
My favorite part of Udemy is the promotions. I drive about 50% of my sales to my AM course because of them so it’s nice to have residual income coming in without having to do much. I could do more on my own site to promote more, however. I’ve never been good at “selling” if you know what I mean.
I agree with what someone said about the support. Sometimes getting an answer (and the right answer) can take some time. It’s nice having the FB and OVEE groups because you can get a lot of questions answered just by browsing! So it’s great to have those additional resources.
Looking forward to hearing about Fedora. I’ve heard a few bloggers mention it, but never seen an in-depth post on it.
I’m always so amazed at how well you use the social platforms for engagement and to bring us great content. I always learn something new from you.
Great to see you here. Your Udemy courses are doing great and we all knew that you would do well because you’re such a natural teacher.
We both need to practice our “selling” skills don’t we? 🙂
As an instructor I love the way Udemy promotes but as a student, I find it super annoying. But then again, that’s my own fault for being enrolled in over 200 courses (I know that’s crazy but I’m addicted to learning).
It really boils down to the different business models. Skillfeed and Lynda.com have the subscription model versus the Udemy model of paying for every course. I prefer the subscription model which lets me pop in and out of courses and hone in on specific tasks that I need to learn. I’ve loaded up on Udemy courses so that I can do the same thing but it means I get bombarded with emails from all the various instructors on top of the Udemy promotional emails.
Fedora is the perfect hybrid because it allows us to offers one off courses or we can offer subscription options. They have a Facebook group as well and I’m soaking up all of their training (I already admitted that I’m an addict right?) so I can share my experiences with everyone.
Thanks for stopping by Lisa. I’d love to get you on for an interview one day. What do you think?
I know what you mean. I think many Udemy students are enrolled in a lot of courses b/c of all the great deals. 200???? I can only imagine how many messages you get! Someone mentioned to me they were enrolled in 700 courses. I was like “WHOAAAA!” I’m only enrolled in about 8 so the messaging hasn’t been so bad.
I’ll have to look for that Fedora FB group.
Count me in for that interview! Just email me at my site whenever you get a chance!
Hope your Memorial Day weekend is going great. 🙂
Lisa, the check — er I mean — interview request is in the mail!! 🙂
Udemy is the best site to learn any software because it is easy to understand and easy to make money for the teachers or professional blogger.
When it comes to learning about different software applications, Lynda.com and Skillfeed are great options too. The beauty of Udemy is that their course offerings are very different and you can find something totally unexpected there.
Udemy is one of the best website available on the web to learn new things everyday. I really like what you said and mentioned very helpful tips. Thanks IIeane for sharing one more interesting post!
Dear Ileane,
Though I have been using Udemy for quite some time now as a student and it really helped me enhancing my web development skills a lot but I never thought of actually teaching on it.
You have really given a great path me to follow Ileane. I really appreciate it.
Thanks again.
I’ve got 2 courses (links here with coupon codes for 54% reduced prices). So far one course has gotten me a client and i’m working on getting more courses out there. I’m using my marketing background (I’m a copywriter!) and find I need to course-correct as a course progresses, i.e., the students’ reactions frequently surprise me.
The most frustrating part for me has been dealing with Udemy. Their feedback can be puzzling, even bizarre, and their support is less than stellar. But considering what you get it is still a good deal.
Critique your copy like a professional copywriter
Storytelling for small business marketing
Hey there Cathy,
Thanks for coming by and sharing your course coupons with us. Are you in the Udemy Studio Facebook Group? It seems most of the support issues get resolved over there.
Glad to hear you are developing new courses. Good luck with them!
I just completed my first Udemy course. I’d never heard of it, but one of my online friends sent me a free coupon and asked if I’d go through it and tell her what I thought. It’s an intriguing site and seeing what she did was inspiring. Man, that was a long course though, and I found that when I left it one day and came back the next that, though the flow was pretty cool, I’d forgotten some of what I’d learned the day before and thus didn’t pass her test. lol Luckily I could go on with the course anyway.
I could see doing something like this, but folks need to know it’s a lot of work to set up. I mean, it has to be if the course has any substance to it. Whew! 🙂
Congrats Mitch!! Feel free to post a link to your course so I can promote it as soon as you get the course approved. If you could set up a coupon that will help 🙂
Name the coupon BASICBLOGTIPS please. Are you in the Udemy Studio group on Facebook?
No, you misunderstood me. I haven’t created a course. My friend who created a course had nearly 6 hours worth of material we had to consume. Putting together six hours of video, charts, images, etc… that had to take a lot of work. The one I’d be thinking about would be between 6 & 8 hours if I did it properly… but I know it would take me at least 24-40 hours of prep work because of the subject matter.
Still, I’m thinking about it after going through her course.
Oh yeah, I guess I can answer that other question “no”! lol
The points Convenience and Availability are the two prime factors I have personally opted for Online learning. I have been learning from Edureka. Anyone here with any recommendations?
I have not tried Edureka but I’ll ask around to see if anyone has experience with it. What courses are you taking over there? Thanks for the comment Anita.