How To Make the Perfect YouTube Thumbnail for Your Videos

Everyday, millions of people are flocking to YouTube searching through an endless sea of videos. They want to find information, they need a laugh, or even if they just want to be entertained they can rest assured that YouTube is the place to find just what they are looking for. Let’s face it, this is why so many of us started YouTube channels in the first place. It’s a huge platform with tremendous potential and opportunity for anyone trying to make a name for themselves online. How can you make your YouTube videos stand out among the crowd? By adding the perfect YouTube video thumbnail.

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Are Businesses Still Creating Websites Specifically for Mobile?

Creating a specific website just for mobile can still work for many companies. Unfortunately, creating a website that favors the small screen is quite different than a website you would create for a desktop. This puts extra pressure on web designers because they have to create a website for both a desktop as well as a mobile-optimized version. If you do not have a web designer, then thinking about these different ways customers get information will be important. A website is usually the first thing a startup company creates, so there are a few things to bear in mind.

Are Businesses Still Creating Websites Specifically for Mobile? Read More »

How to Tell Your Story on YouTube

How to Tell Your Story and Connect with Your Audience on YouTube

Are you making the most out of your YouTube channel? Here’s what I mean by that. I’m sure by now you have uploaded a video or two to YouTube. Perhaps you even created a playlist or learned how to add annotations that link back to your website. Of course you should always try to send people back to your blog from outposts like YouTube, but let’s face it, lot’s of people will never leave YouTube and head for your home base unless you’ve given them a darn good reason to do so.

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11 Brilliant Podcasts To Help You Improve Your WordPress Blog Significantly

Podcasts and podcasting are quickly becoming part of main stream culture. It’s no secret that the proliferation of Smart Phones and their wide spread use among consumers of all ages, has played a huge part of the so-called Podcasting Renaissance.

Podcasters are learning quickly how starting a podcast can open doors in terms of audience development. There’s nothing better than literally getting “inside the heads” of your listeners when they subscribe to your show. iPhone, iPads and other smart devices put podcasts into the hands of every-day users who can access their favorite shows as they are jogging, doing household chores, walking their dog, commuting back-and-forth to work or simply looking for a way to connect to an uninterrupted stream of content surrounding their favorite hobbies or special interests.

11 Brilliant Podcasts To Help You Improve Your WordPress Blog Significantly Read More »

Harness the Power of Images to Breathe New Life into Old Blog Posts

If you have been blogging for awhile I’m sure you have some classic, evergreen content buried in your blog’s archives. It’s the kind of blog post that needs to get as much exposure as possible because it’s extremely helpful, well written, and even though it already has a ton of social shares, you and I both know that it deserves even more. Now that you know the kind of post I’m talking about, let’s take a look at how you can use sites like Pinterest and Google + to get your post the traffic and attention it so desperately needs.

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Martin Shervington Social Buzz Club Webinar

Social Buzz Club Webinars Are Smoking Hot #sbzclub

My favorite reason for introducing you to the Social Buzz Club is the unique learning experiences offered during their weekly webinars. There is always so much to learn in the constantly changing landscape of social media and the online marketing and the weekly webinars keep you on the cutting edge of what’s hot and what’s not in the online world.

Social Buzz Club Webinars Are Smoking Hot #sbzclub Read More »

The Science of Commitment: Are Your Readers Loyal?

Are your readers loyal? Loyal to your blog? (meaning they are returning visitors/clients/subscribers).
Let’s forget that for a moment…Do you know why I am writing this? I do love writing on other blogs, but beyond that, I love the traffic that I get from my guest posts.

After reading this post, some of you may visit my blog, which is what I want. But, my ideal goal is to convert you into returning visitors (Hey, I love new visitors as much as the next guy, but I prefer returning visitors. Don’t you?). So, let’s talk about commitment (or loyalty. Call it whatever you want, it’s valuable and very powerful).

The Science of Commitment: Are Your Readers Loyal? Read More »