My Secret for a Successful YouTube Collaboration

The Secret Ingredient for a Successful YouTube Collaboration Video

Put two or more YouTubers together on one video and there is bound to be a barrel of laughs. No laughs means no views. Regardless of the seriousness of the topic being addressed people want to feel good while they are watching your video and they can tell if there is positive energy between the folks in front of the camera or not.

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How to Use Twitter Lists Like a Pro

The Complete Guide To Using Twitter Lists Like a Pro

Your Twitter is a mess! At least that is what your mother would say if she saw how many tweets were flying around in your Twitter stream right now. The problem might be that you are following way too many people, right? Well, you are certainly not alone. So what is the solution to all your woes?

Twitter Lists.

Twitter Lists will, first and foremost, help you clean up your Twitter mess, let me show you how.

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Part-Time Blogger’s 5 Time-Saving Tips for Effective Comments

One of the fun parts in blogging is receiving comments to your posts. It’s nice to get feedback on what you have written about. Unfortunately, sometimes managing the comments can be very time-consuming. Especially if you are blogging while having a day job, you may not have that many moments to deal with comments.Here I present five ways to deal with comments. The main point is to make this process more effective – by getting rid of all the extra work that is otherwise involved. That way you have more time to do something more important in your blogging.

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How to Promote Your Blog on Pinterest

Time for You to Get Serious with Your Pinterest Promotions

We know that Pinterest is a huge social network that has tremendous potential for growth in 2014.
We also know that visual assets are the wave of the future and a critical component to any successful online content marketing strategy. We can even see the growth of Pinterest traffic in our very own traffic reports on Google Analytics. So let’s start taking our Pinterest promotions more seriously shall we.

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How to Explode Your Twitter Following Through Twiends

One of the problems with Twitter is that it can take a while to get the necessary exposure for your account and have hundred or even thousands of followers listening to what you have to say. Twitter is actually a lot like blogging in the aspect that you must build up your following and have an audience that is listening to what you have to say.

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4 Strategic Tips To Get Massive Amounts of Blog Traffic

No matter whether you receive 100 visits to your site per day or 100K visits per day, you still need more traffic, don’t you? YES is the answer. So in this post I am not going to give you the usual traffic generating tips. But I am going to talk to you keeping the big picture in mind – the strategic approach to getting more traffic. Let’s dive in.

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