Amanda DiSilvestro

Amanda DiSilvestro gives small business and entrepreneurs SEO advice ranging from keyword density to recovering from Panda and Penguin updates. She writes for, a nationally recognized SEO firm that offers online marketing services to a wide range of companies across the country.

Are Businesses Still Creating Websites Specifically for Mobile?

Creating a specific website just for mobile can still work for many companies. Unfortunately, creating a website that favors the small screen is quite different than a website you would create for a desktop. This puts extra pressure on web designers because they have to create a website for both a desktop as well as a mobile-optimized version. If you do not have a web designer, then thinking about these different ways customers get information will be important. A website is usually the first thing a startup company creates, so there are a few things to bear in mind.

Are Businesses Still Creating Websites Specifically for Mobile? Read More »

Giving feedback

How to Give and Respond to Feedback Successfully

Feedback is one huge aspect of blogging that is rarely discussed. Whenever you submit or accept guest posts, feedback usually occurs; however people usually don’t put much thought into how they are giving this feedback or how they are going to accept this feedback. They know what they want to say, and they know what they need to do, but is there a polite way to go about feedback in this industry? As a full-time guest blogger, I would say absolutely.…continue reading…

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