I joined the Social Buzz Club 2 years ago after seeing one of my blog posts Retweeted with the hashtag #sbzclub. At the time, I had no idea what the hashtag represented but since the retweet came from an Influential Tweeter my curiosity was piqued. Some of you might be familiar with the Social Media Maven known as Ching Ya. Here is that tweet that caught my attention:
Blog Writing Checklist – are you including the 8 Essential Elements in your posts? http://t.co/JRMWrFAj via @rtmixmktg via #sbzclub
— Ching Ya (@wchingya) March 21, 2012
The post that Ching Ya shared on Twitter is a guest post from Tom Treanor titled Blog Writing Checklist: Have You Covered These 8 Blogging Essentials (what a great post – you should check it again even if you read it before). Tom was a member of Social Buzz Club and it turns out he submitted his guest post to the community where it could be shared on all of the top social networking platforms influencers like Ching Ya, Amy Porterfield, Denise Wakeman, Lou Bartone, Rebekah Radice, David Leonhardt, Rebecca Livermore, Gina Carr and many many others.
Social Buzz Club Background
After I did some digging it didn't take long for me to find and fall in love with the Social Buzz Club. First and foremost, I was super impressed to learn that it was founded by two brilliant women entrepreneurs: Laura Rubinstein and Kathryn Rose. Here is the idea they had that formed the basis of Social Buzz Club.
[shadowbox]What if a marketing collaboration network could be set up comprised of professionals in the social media and online marketing space, with the sole purpose of spreading the word about each other’s businesses or clients in an authentic, positive way? This would extend the reach of the client’s message and encourage the sharing of quality content across the social media platforms. [/shadowbox]
Social Buzz Club works exactly the way it was intended from the start and although some may see it as a social sharing community, since the day I joined 2 years ago, I discovered that Social Buzz Club is so much more than just a place to find and share content. Let me explain what I mean by that.
Social Buzz Club's HOT Webinars![SocialBuzzClub Hot Webinars](https://i0.wp.com/basicblogtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/SocialBuzzClub-Hot-Webinars.png?resize=300%2C300)
Yes, your content will be shared.
Yes you will find fantastic content to share with your following.
But my favorite reason for introducing you to the Social Buzz Club is the unique learning experiences offered during their weekly webinars. There is always so much to learn in the constantly changing landscape of social media and the online marketing and the weekly webinars keep you on the cutting edge of what's hot and what's not in the online world.
It's vital for us to stay abreast with all aspects of content creation and content marketing and I can't think of any other social community that delivers access to this type of high value training on a consistent, on-going basis, then what you'll find in Social Buzz University.
All of the Social Buzz U webinars are free if you catch the live broadcasts (more about that later) so sign up to get notified for each session. Members have access to the full archive of online training in the learning center library.
[shadowbox]UPDATE: This week's featured webinar guest is Google + Influencer, Martin Shervington. [/shadowbox]
How Is Social Buzz Club Different?
You might be wondering how this community differs from some of the other networking communities that I have talked about before like Blog Engage or Triberr for instance. One basic difference is the syndication of your content. With Blog Engage and Triberr your content is added to the social stream based on your RSS feed. To put it another way, your blog posts are automatically added to the system each time you publish a post. This is a fantastic feature that saves time and once you set it – you can forget it. Hit publish and boom, you're good to go.
But what happens if you want to promote one of your old blog posts? Or what if you have a page on your blog that you want to promote? What about promoting a landing page or squeeze page?
That's where Social Buzz Club comes in. You can submit any of your older content manually for other members to share. And even if that sounds too time consuming for you, check out their VA services. The rates are reasonable and it's a great option that you can use on a monthly basis if you're working on a project or taking on a new client.
Where Will My Content Be Shared?
Currently there a three networks that you can add to your account and that your content will be shared to by Social Buzz Club members:
- LinkedIn Pages, Profiles and Groups
- Facebook Pages, Profiles and Groups
You can add more than one of each of these which is another unique feature and I'm currently sharing to 3 different Facebook pages! Speaking of Facebook, let's talk about something that is a brand new feature of the site. They have hooked up with 22 Social Facebook App which will allow all community members to share the live broadcast of the weekly webinar on their own Facebook pages (this is HUGE people).
Oh btw, there's also a private Facebook Group for members to meet, mix and mingle as well.
Add Social Buzz Club to your social media marketing arsenal. I'm sure you'll find countless benefits just like I did. I didn't cover everything the site has to offer here but if you have questions let me know. If you're already a member of Social Buzz Club, please share your feedback and let other's know what the network has done for you.
Way cool Ileane! I am more than happy to join the Social Buzz Club. Wonderful community which I am happy to promote to others.
Thanks for sharing!
Hi Ryan,
You will love Social Buzz Club! It’s perfect for someone like you who has tons of high quality content to share. And your so full of enthusiasm I know that you will be rocking the community in no time at all! I’m so glad you’re going to join us.
Have a great weekend Ryan! Chat soon.
I haven’t used Hangouts yet. (I just set up my Google+ account a week ago. I know, shame on me.) But I plan to use them for interviews.
I do tons of interviews…email, in-person, and phone. I think it’d be cool to do a video interview for my audience. It’s more personal and fun.
My only concern is who actually uses G+. If Google hadn’t forced me to switch over (I couldn’t respond to my own YouTube comments), I wouldn’t have an account either. Honestly, the only people I know who use G+ are other bloggers and content marketers. None of my family or friends use it.
Thanks for the insightful post! I was on the “virtual wasteland” side of things, but I’ll give Google+ another go.
James, you should definitely sign up for the Social Buzz Club webinar with Renae Christine. I think you’ll be surprised to learn how people will get access to your recorded Google+ Hangout on YouTube. This is the real power of using Google + to promote your interviews.
Hi Ileane , I have listen very good response about this community i.e. SocialBuzzclub. It is another best ways to drive quality traffic on a blog. But, unfortunetly it is not free and so for a blogger like me is very difficult to take the full advantage from it. can you provide me some laternate path for using such type of community.
Vikas, they certainly do have a free option to join Social Buzz Club. What makes you think they didn’t have one? I guess the benefits are so great that it is hard to imagine you can join for free but you sure can!
Hi Ileane,
Thank you very much for this awesome information. The timing of this blog post from you is so perfect for me. As I am just about to launch my E-Book, I believe this can become one of the BEST promotional platform for me.
Please correct me if I am wrong:
From your article I was able to understand that if I can provide relevant and quality content in this platform, it is going to help me in:
1. Social sharing of my brand name.
2. My personal Social influence score.
3. Targeted traffic.
4. Most importantly Networking opportunities with the influential people.
Am I right???…
Have you received my E-Book??.. I believe, it is in your mail id.
Thanks & Regards,
I heard about this community (Social Buzz Club) first time and it’s looking quite cool and interesting. I’m definitely going to use SBC and also like to share it with my friends.
thanks for sharing..
Hey Ileane, I’m not much into the online communities but I think I might try Social Buzz Club. Thanks for the article.
Hi Ileane
As you know I am also in SBC and love it!
It is not as big as some of the other sites in terms of shares I get, but then again I guess it depends on who you get to know there :>
Thanks for the extra tips on the webinars, I was not aware that was going on.
More reasons to spend time on there
have an awesome week
Yes, Ileane I have joined this community. You are absolutely right they also provide a free plan also. Thanks a lot for provide me this nice informations.
I don’t even know that there is such a community like this Social Buzz Club. Thanks for sharing this information!
I am a member with them but have not visited them recently. I think I should. Thanks for mentioning and reminding us about it.
Thanks for the awesome blog post and introducing me about Social Buzz Club, I had heard about this earlier but never used or read a review. But after reading this review gonna use Social Buzz Club. Its pretty good i suppose
The fact that you can submit older content would be a real plus.
Hey Ileane,
I think some of these are just running all together now. I thought this community was like the rest that you have to vote to get your content shared. From my own personal experience I’ve not found those communities to benefit me at all. Plus I like the comments to be on the blog itself and I don’t want to pull double duty. I’ve left all those communities that do that. So this one isn’t like that? I might have to give it a look around.
Thanks Ileane for sharing this with us and that’s awesome that you’ve been with them for two years now. I’m fixing to jump into some serious training so I’m hoping it will help me see the direction I need to go and which sites I need to take more seriously.
Hope you’re enjoying your weekend and thank you again.
Hi Adrienne,
You’ll enjoy Social Buzz Club for sure. There is nothing to worry about in terms of comments. All of the commenting and interaction happens on your blog! It’s that great. And there isn’t any voting either. It’s similar to Triberr in that sense. You are awarded credits each time you share something and the number of credits you have determines how many articles you can submit. The big difference is the one I mentioned in the blog post. With Social Buzz Club you can go back into your archives and submit your evergreen content because it doesn’t work off of your RSS feed. I’ve been able to get some great momentum going around a few of my older posts and that goes for pages too!
Take a look and let me know what you think. I bet you’ll end up doing one of those webinars yourself before the year is out 🙂
Thanks for checking out the post Adrienne. Chat soon.
Really helpful and informative post. I heared first time about social buzz club. Thanks for introducing me about social buzz club.
Your Post is very Used full thanks for Sharing I am really enjoyed this post.Social Buzz Club Webinars Are Smoking.
Hello Ileane ,I want to join this webinar
I was introduced to Social Buzz Club by a friend some 3 months ago but I didn’t have time to even check it out (really bad I know!) but having read your review here, I am wondering why I didn’t take time to check it out earlier. I have just joined SBC and the people there really know what they are doing. Thanks for this article it is a second chance for me.
Thanks Ileane for sharing this with us and that’s awesome that you’ve been with them for two years now. I’m fixing to jump into some serious training.