Basic Blog Tips wants to be your “go-to” resource for blogging tips, social media advice and video tutorials, and with this in mind, we constantly strive to bring you fresh ideas and content that covers every aspect of blogging. Here's a recap of what we've been up to this month.
Upgraded Theme to Magazine Premium
The Magazine Basic theme for WordPress was suggested to me by DiTesco from IBlogZone back in July. Since that time, I've enjoyed using this WordPress theme so much that I upgraded to Magazine Premium and eventually joined the affiliate program. I love the layout of this theme and the developer has established a fantastic support area where he responds to questions quickly and makes tweaks when necessary. Magazine Premium Theme was updated by Bavotasan recently to release Version 1.1.5 and if you're interested, you can get your hands on the standard license for $39.97 or the developer license at $97. Â As you can see in the demo screenshot on the right, there are tons of features you can advantage of with Magazine Premium Theme so click the image if you want more details. Don't fret if the price is too steep, because the Basic version of the Magazine theme is available for free. We use Magazine Basic on my daughter's blog and she loves it – which brings me to my next news item.
[box type=”important”]Update: In April of 2011 I started using Thesis Theme and the Thesis Awesome BlogSkin![/box]
Estava Morioka – Get Involved Contest
My daughter launched an online web store featuring affordable women's clothing called Estava Morioka – The World is Your Red Carpet!
She has a companion blog where she shares style tips and some incredibly witty fashion and makeup stories. She's currently running the Get Involved Contest on her blog which gives everyone a chance to share their hilarious situations and anecdotes (related to beauty, fashion, health, relationships of course) for the chance to win a 25% discount on your holiday purchase from her collection. Please visit the blog and get all the details about how to submit your entry, this should be a lot of fun. Check out one of my favorite posts Leave the Thong at Home, and you'll see what I mean. 🙂
Guest posting on Basic Blog Tips
I really enjoy guest posting and recently I put together a post which includes links to all of my guest posts. By the same token, I also enjoy hosting guest bloggers here at Basic Blog Tips, and you can find all the guest articles together in the Guest Post category. I've been very fortunate to have the following distinguished guest posters:
If you're interested in doing a guest post on Basic Blog Tips, send me a Tweet or use my contact form.
Influential Blogger Interview on
Are you curious about how I started blogging? Or maybe you want to know what keeps me going? Well, I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Nile Flores of for her Influential Blogger series earlier this month and you can find the answers to those questions and more in Interview With An Influential Blogger: Ileane Smith (I'm still blushing). Oh, and check out this lovely banner Nile created for the post.
Also be sure to include your latest post in Nile's Sharing Sunday event next weekend on FaceBook. I've met some great bloggers there over the last few Sundays.
Guide Goods Big Prize Contest
I just love contests, don't you? Hosting contests is just as much fun as winning them 🙂 and last week I was simply ecstatic when I learned that I won the Guide Goods Big Prize Contest. Wait until you hear the prizes!
First, I won A Step by Step Guide to a Better Blog, the fabulous eBook from Kiesha Easley of We Blog Better. This eBook is a comprehensive blogging guide that “takes your blog from setup to the next level”.  The second contest prize I received is one week of free ad space on the primary blog of Justin Germino. This prize was more like double-whammy for me because it gave me the chance to utilize the beautiful graphic that Jimi Jones created when he did that wonderful guest post that I pointed out to you earlier called How to Discover Your Writing Voice.
What's planned for December on Basic Blog Tips
I look forward to a month filled with sharing valuable content, in-depth interviews and maybe even another CommentLuv Contest before this year is out! I also have plans to make use of the new blogging jobs board over at, you should check it out if you need to outsource some of your workload or list your online business services.
Now it's your turn to let me know, what have you been up to lately and more importantly, what are your blogging plans for the rest of 2010?
Related articles
- How to Get a Butt Like Nicki Minaj (
- Has Kanye West's Metrosexualism Gone to Far? (
- CommentLuv Ambassador Contest on Basic Blog Tips (
- Blogger News and Reviews for January 2011 (

Hi Ileane
Wow you have been busy. I love your news for November letting us know all that’s happening in your part of the blogosphere. Been over to Estava’s blog too. She has visited me several times as she seems to love all things lavender 🙂
Looking forward to see what is next on your agenda. You sure don’t stand still and let the grass grow under your feet lol
Patricia Perth Australia
Hi Patricia, thanks for the support and all of the retweets. I’m glad to see your blogging and networking efforts working for you in such a positive way. I notice that you’re always featured on the homepage as a top commenter. Keep up the good work.
Kudos to all of your accomplishments! They’re really impressive.
My goals for December? Ummmm….get my blog relaunch….relaunched? 🙂
Barbara, I can’t wait to see how if I’m a winner in your Facebook contest Unleashed Inner Expert. Best wishes.
There are great achievements for a young blog like BBT!!
Keep up and the good job, and congrats so far.
Thanks Kimi.
Hi Ileane,
It feels honored to see my name on your post. Its so nice of you to offer me the opportunity go guest post here. I wish to appear again with some useful content.
Because I am compelled to devote more of my time in studying and preparing for an exam in Feb, I’m forced to remain thinner till then. I wait for the day when this exam is over and I’ll have all of my time to enjoy blogging.
Suresh, the pleasure is all mine and I’m honored to include you in my list of guest posters. I’m sure you’ll do well with your exams, you always do!
I’m so glad that you loved this theme Ileane. I also use it on one of my websites and the free version in itself is already good, let alone the premium one. You probably should do a review of the differences between one and the other 🙂 And BTW, thanks for the mention.
DiTesco, that’s an excellent post idea. A comparison of Magazine Premium vs. Magazine Basic would be helpful for anyone who is trying to decide if the upgrade is worthwhile. Thanks for always sharing your great advice!
First time finding your blog. What a wealth of information !!! Thank you for being so involved and loving what you do. I will be coming back.
Hey Cinnamon, Welcome to Basic Blog Tips! I see you’re a CommentLuv member – which means you get special treatment here. 🙂
Really like the way the site is coming along Ileane and you are a highly respected fellow blogger in the community. I myself switched to a magazine theme back in October and was the best decision I made for Dragonblogger.
Justin, that’s wonderful feedback, and I appreciate you for it. Cheers!
Ileane – I love the Magazine Basic theme and you have inspired me to try it out on one of my websites. It’s very clean, simple, and to the point.
I gave my praises about you on about influential bloggers and thought it was well deserved. I also checked out your daughter’s site at Estava Morioka and think it looks great. Keep up the great work and keep the contests coming.
Hey John, I didn’t see your comment on but I’ll be sure to check it out. I’m very grateful for all the kind words, glad you like the theme too. Thanks!
I love your theme too. It is so clean and professional. I know someone that is looking for a new magazine theme, i will be sending them your way.
You have had a busy month! Wow! I am impressed.
I saw your daughter’s new site is really nice too. I hope she does really well.
Looking forward to December.
Hey Sheila, just like you and your sister Kathryn, this blogging thing is “all in the family”. Thank you for the support, I’m sure you’ve got a funny fashion story you can share with us in the Get Involved contest 🙂
Thanks for the shout Mom. Great post! I’m working on taking your advice and following your footsteps and doing some guests posts and hosting guests as well. You are the best teacher and I am your eternal student!
Love ya!
Awww, sucks…you’re so sweet. LOVE YOU!!!
Great stuff, Ileane.
I love the clean look of this theme, reminds me of home. LOL
You’ve been rockin & rollin here at BBT and I could not be happier for you and your accomplishments.
To answer your closing question, the remainder of my 2010 will be finalizing my 2011 plans, which include some regular guest posting, including stops here at BBT, the launching of a photo site, and a host of other goodies. It’s going to be a busy year, but that’s what it’s all about.
Congrats and best wishes to your daughter on her new endeavor.
Stay awesome, my friend!
PS: Thanks for all you do, including the mention here and I’m glad you like that post image. 🙂
Jimi, I’m all ears about that new photo site. Give me a hint, is it going to be sports related???? I know you’ve been hanging out at nearby football field quite a bit LOL!! Well a girl can dream can’t she. No matter what the focus it I’m sure it will attractive and engaging. Thanks for everything right back at you, my brother.
Hey Ileane.
The photo site will be categorized like most others with a wide variety but yes, there will be some sports imagery as well. It’s going to be a collaborative effort with a few other contributors. I’m excited about this project.
The Ravens are part of my job assignment since the facility is on land that I manage for the county. Lots of fun there. I should be paying them instead of the other way around. LOL
Jimi, sounds like a sweet gig. btw – GO EAGLES!!!
The get involved contest seems like a great promotion! Seems like a fun way to attract people to her site. Hope it goes well for her!
Hi eye shadow makeup, are you thinking about entering the contest on Estava Morioka? Let me know if you need any help. Thanks for commenting.
I’m a little confused, this is a magazine theme?
Yes. It sure is 🙂
I may have struck gold. Might your daughter be interested in guest blogging for me? Maybe even a regular writer of sorts?
As you know, I am launching; public ready in a matter of days, fingers crossed.
If you’ve been reading along, you also know on one hand it will be all things blogging and WordPress.
More to the point, on the other hand it will be niche specific…teaching all small business website owners (specifically Direct Sales) that an accompanying blog is nowadays essential.
Your daughter is a real life example of someone doing just that. 🙂
Hey Dennis, great question. Give my daughter a visit and see what she thinks! Thanks for coming up with the idea.
I was thinking it better if you approached her first…would she mind being “cold called” by me, so to speak?
Don’t worry, I warned her about you already 🙂
Gee…umm…thanks? LOL!
Hi Ileane,
Congrats for all your achievements Ileane!
You’ve excellent guest bloggers – good for you!
Off to read your interview 🙂
All the best,
Hi Gera, thanks for the feedback and support as always.
to create an awesome blog…hope i’ll have it till the end of 2010, meanwhile i’m savoring blogosphere 🙂
This is hot, B! But, I told you already. Great job.
Thank you Kissie. Congrats on being added to Kristie’s list of 125 Fearless Female Bloggers! Well done my friend.
Thank you, incredible! And right back at you … congrats!
OMG LOL Are you serious? I had NO idea that the talented Nicki is your daughter. Wow! You two ladies are awesome sauce from the apple that doesn’t fall far from the tree of knowledge.
Okay, babble mode disconnected. I’m just insanely happy to know that my Philly homegirl is glowing with pride.
I was promoting Nicki on BloggerLuv, too. Her blog is indeed a champion!
Anyway, my own plans are to continue focusing on the development of ParserMonster, which is the engine that runs Blogmogrifier and a couple of clients’ custom software for business text processing. I have been resisting the urge to run all around the blogosphere, signing up for expert email newsletters. They’re all good, but at the same time, I have to remind myself that I can only take one college course at a time (The Harry Potter time piece thing don’t work for me 🙂 )
I just cleaned out my feed reader, so that should help me focus.
Happy Holidays!
Mitch, I’m glad you know about my babygirl. She’s really an awesome gal and believe or not, she is the one that got me started blogging! sounds interesting and I’d really like for you to share more about it when you have time. Blogmogrifier has so much potential and you’ve done some outstanding work with it. I can’t say thank you enough for all of your support.
Hi Ileane. Thanks for mentioning my contest but my site is called Guide Goods, not Good Guides. 🙂
Oh Edwin, please forgive me. Rest assured I fixed the post and the links always worked correctly. Thanks for the heads up! I also want to share a link to the free resource on Guide Goods called Fools Guide To Not Getting A Virus.
Ok thanks, also dont sweat the name mistake
You ought to be definitely proud of your daughter. I love her blog and the name Estava Morioka is so Hot 😉
Hey Udegbunam, I appreciate your support. It was nice to see you commenting and retweeting EstavaMorioka! My daughter has a gift for writing and comedy, which she actually got from her Dad (believe it or not). One day you should get her story behind the name Estava Morioka. Have a great day my friend!
Btw – would you be interested in doing a guest post here? Let me know and I’ll send out an invitation.
This is an amazing post. I’m proud of your daughter and I congratulate you for bringing her up in such a resourceful manner. Kudos!
Hi Ileane!
i am very keen to see your daughter and its works and also congrats on bringing her to blogging because it really suits to all of us especially girls to stay at home and works for long time as we wants.
Looking forward to see her secret qualities as like you have. great post.
Hi Mario, you found a really old post to comment on. lol I’m not using Magazine Theme anymore and the theme I have now is Thesis with the Awesome Blogskin.
To answer your question about creating your own theme. Yes, and my friend Lisa Irby has a tutorial showing you an easy way to get the job done using Artisteer. If you have some design skills I would certainly give it a try. Personally I don’t have any and I thank my lucky stars for Hesham’s Awesome Blogskin.
I got 2 daughters, and i hope one day i will see the same from them.