6 Simple Tips for Creating Valuable Content on Facebook Everyday

Creating valuable content for Facebook is easier said than done.

These days consumers are getting smarter. They don’t want to be sold to directly, they want to be shown how a particular product can solve their problem. ‘Shown’ is a key word here. They want visuals on how the product can work and they prefer not to have to think about it. Because of this, just posting a promotional product doesn’t work anymore. So, what are valuable Facebook content? In my opinion, valuable content should have four pillars…

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40 SEO Tips from 3 Best SEO Minds – Infographic

Before I started blogging all I knew about SEO was it stands for Search Engine Optimization and it is a complex art of ranking your website higher in search results; that was it!

I knew some were making a handsome income doing SEO for their living; some good and some not so good. The thing about SEO is that you have to be careful whom you learn from as you don’t want to get caught in a sea of black hat SEO tricks.

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11 Powerful Tools to Create Brilliant Content

You started your blog because you have something to say, and you want to share it with other people who might find it helpful, or interesting, or perhaps funny. Of course, you may be in it for the money, and that’s ok, but you still have to offer something of value to your readers, otherwise they will just leave and go somewhere else once they realize your blog’s content is subpar. Even if you’ve neglected that aspect, don’t worry, because help is at hand with these 11 power tools which will assist you to create brilliant content for your blog.

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The Technical Side of Live Streaming from Your Desktop

The Technical Side of Live Streaming from Your Desktop

Those who started live streaming have called it a game changer at best. But we can extend the reach of our live video shows with these 3rd party apps. In this article I will cover some of the software available to manipulate the audio and video streams that each user controls. If you want to have a good radio and/or TV show you gotta have scenes, lower thirds and the occasional fart button to let the audience know that you have figured out how to use the platform to its max potential. You’ll see how to manipulate your computer into being a mixer, at times crashing the drivers which usually do not have virtual cables running in and out of multiple layers of apps.

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3 Examples of Why Your Blog Needs Video

Stop creating the same old blog content with basic text and boring stock images! As bloggers, we are all familiar with the usual text and images that make up our content. However, as the internet continues to expand and get more creative and advanced everyday, basic text and images will only get you so far. The important thing to remember is that there are over 300 million blogs in the world today. If you want to stand out from the crowd and create content that simply isn’t a waste of time, you need to be original and cater to your audience across all platforms.
One of the best ways to do this is through the use of online video.

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Review of Due.com for Blogging Business and Financial Management

As a blogger and freelance writer, I discovered that I needed a good bookkeeping solution to help when the time came to do my taxes. Due.com is really the answer to the needs of a blogger who also freelances a bit on the side. It is an easier solution than anything else I have seen and yet it covers the needs that some other solutions miss (i.e. PayPal only).

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Avoid These 5 Stupid Blog Launch Mistakes to Launch With Success

Imagine this: Launch day has come. Over the past couple of weeks, you’ve been excitedly preparing for the launch of your blog, and today is the day. You wake up, rush to your computer, and quickly log on to your freshly launched blog, and….

Crickets. Nothing. Nobody leaving comments on your blog posts. Hardly any traffic at all. And your email service provider is showing a big fat zero where you wanted to see dozens of new subscribers. Your launch was a bust. That’s the nightmare, right? No blogger wants to experience a failure to launch.

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