5 Effective Tips To Maximize Twitter Advertising

Despite having “only” 645,750,000 registered subscribers compared to Facebook’s 1.4 Billion, Twitter offers more advantages for businesses. Twitter’s short messaging system makes it crucial for users to deliver the heart of the message in 140 characters or less. This makes content more precise and concise whereas in other networks the message could get lost with a post that is too long. With its efficient set up and ease of use, Twitter is great in building an audience or for market acquisition purposes. These factors account for why businesses are looking more at Twitter as the preferred avenue for advertising.

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3 Viral Sharing Tips for Your Squarespace Blog

Here at Basic Blog Tips, most of our blogging articles are focused on WordPress, but today we turn our attention to the topic of Squarespace. It’s a wonderful addition to the Internet space.

The only real problem is that few people know how to fully implement Squarespace and utilize its vast array of advantages. Through no fault of their own, these people fall short of leveraging the amazing potential that Squarespace has to offer in creating a viral blog experience.

Squarespace offers a wealth of tools for building your blog or website is a wonderful addition to the Internet space. The only real problem is that few people know how to fully implement Squarespace and utilize its vast array of advantages. Through no fault of their own, these people fall short of leveraging the amazing potential that Squarespace has to offer in creating a viral blog experience.

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7 Ways to Boost Your Business and Income in 2016!

It’s amazing how time flies. I can still freshly remember how we started 2015. The year however has been a busy and exciting one. Despite the failures and successes, we should now be looking forward to 2016 and putting things together for more successes. If you are into any type of business, here are seven ways

7 Ways to Boost Your Business and Income in 2016! Read More »

9 Automation Tools for Bloggers

9 Automation and Outsourcing Tools for Bloggers

With over 300 million blogs in the world today and over 3 billion people online… trying to run a successful site of your own with no outside tools or resources is quite a feat. This is where software and automation comes into play. In this article, I’m going to highlight some of the best resources for site owners to focus on their bottom line, long-term growth, while also outsourcing and automating the rest.

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Quick Tips to Monetize Your Blog with Ecommerce

Monetizing Your Blog… eCommerce in a Week

In this uncertain economy, everybody is trying to find a way to earn extra money. We all love our blogs, but they add a bit of expense to the bottom line. If you can find a way to earn a little cash to pay the hosting bill, that helps, doesn’t it? These days you have a couple of different options to pay for your blogging endeavors. In this post I share some ways you can monetize your blog in a week!

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10 SEO Tips Cracked From Google Patents

Google patents can get quite technical and complicated. Seasoned SEO veterans might be able to decipher them but for beginners they are practically a bunch of gibberish. That’s why I have put up a compilation of a bunch of very useful tips from Google patents, strip them out off the jargons and geek-speak and put them up in a way that anyone literate can understand.
With that said, in this post you’ll find 10 SEO tips you can get from Google patents

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