How To Use YouTube Video Analytics

YouTube Video Analytics Just Got A Whole Lot Better

For years YouTubers were frustrated by the lack of traffic data available for their YouTube channel. We longed for a system that would rival the data rich reports we’d come to know and love in Google Analytics, and the old, out-dated YouTube Insights, reports were merely scratching the surface. This left the video analytics door wide open for freemium tracking services like vidIQ, Cyfe and TubeTrackr to easily attract any video marketer who wanted detailed performance reports for their channel. All of that changed a few days ago when YouTube released Realtime traffic reports on the desktop version of YouTube Analytics.

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Benefits of Outsourcing Blog Tasks

The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Blog Tasks Right Away

Do you ever feel burnt out? I know exactly what you’re going through… Repeatedly delivering the goods with your blog content is time consuming and downright draining sometimes.

Just when you think you’ve got a handle on the whole thing, life kicks in and more pressing tasks get done. Is it delusional to think that one day it will all just fall into place? You’ll meet your blogging deadlines, your content will rock and you’ll have your lifestyle back. Of course something that awesome isn’t just going to happen by itself, you need to get proactive.

But it can happen. The best way to get the results you’re looking for from blogging, without working 16 hours a day, is to think about outsourcing tasks to other people. That way you can focus on what you are uniquely good at.

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8 Mistakes People Make When Building An Email List [How to Avoid Them to Grow A HUGE List]

If you are blogging, building an email list is as basic as breathing. Not everyone will be able to build a huge email list that makes money. You may never know what list building mistakes you are making while growing your email list. Building and growing an email list takes a lot of time and money. Everyone makes mistakes while growing their list. Just make sure to correct your list building mistakes as soon as possible to avoid wasting too much money and time. Here are 8 mistakes majority of the people make while building their email lists. Find out what mistakes you are making among them and avoid them to build a huge list who are hungry to buy what you offer.

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3 Blogging Lessons I Learned the Had Way

How a Sneaky San Jose Scavenger Taught Me 3 Blogging Lessons

His grubby paws fingered the half eaten, greasy sausage. McMuffin crumbs. Syrupy pancake remnants. A thimble full of coffee.

Nothing was off limits for this sneaky San Jose scavenger.

During my recent trip to Costa Rica my wife Kelli and I chilled in the capital of San Jose for a day (we knew the way). We enjoyed breakfast at 1 of the 14 million McDonald’s fast food joints in the city. I was simultaneously stunned and entertained by the pillager of home fries. How could a guy be so bold? Clearly he wasn’t a desperate street guy. Clean-cut, dressed well (compared to me he was dressed to the nines) and even the way he picked through spare McD’s fare suggested he could afford to be…..picky. This bold buzzard taught me – and you – 3 blogging lessons that day.

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4 Fundamental Reasons Bloggers Fail

4 Fundamental But Unmentioned Reasons Bloggers Fail!

I have read tons of articles that give us reasons and statistics why bloggers fail. Most of these articles focus on bloggers who are on the scene already and try to bring out some factors surrounding their blogging activities that can bring about failure. Not posting consistently or not having enough time are the other reasons I see being mentioned most often! In this post, let’s cover the 4 fundamental and “unmentioned” reasons bloggers fail. My hope is to help some who are about to start or who are at the verge of collapsing to take shape and possibly start off on a better foundation.

4 Fundamental But Unmentioned Reasons Bloggers Fail! Read More »

Selecting Fonts to Make Your Blog SIte Pop

Selecting Fonts that Make Your Blog Site “Pop”

I recently visited a website and was drawn to it in a way that is not customary for me. Now, I’m trying to figure out what it was that was so appealing about the design. With my own sites, I try to keep them fresh, but also try not to change them so often that visitors start to wonder if they have arrived at the right place! After studying this particular website I realized what had drawn my attention. Are you ready for this? It was the fonts! It was hard to believe that it was not something fancy or technical or complicated, but simply a case of well-chosen fonts that were perfectly placed on the site.

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4 Simple Steps for a Killer Personal Brand

Follow These 4 Simple Steps for a Killer Personal Brand

You always want to look your best… especially in a world where anyone can search for anything and also find anything! The same holds true for both bloggers, businesses, brands and everyone else in between.

With over a billion active sites on the internet and more than half of the world’s population now having access to the internet, it’s now more important than ever to have a great first impression online. When someone wants to learn more about a business, brand, product or how to do something… what do they do? They search for it through Google of course! What comes up in the search results is the immediate and first impression that is given. As someone who’s had a lot of experience in the world of SEO, reputation management and branding, while also having a great online reputation myself, I wanted to lay out some of the most effective ways you can start looking better online in 2016. Why 2016? Because there is no better time than right now, and if you want to stand the test of time on the internet, you need to look good in the process!

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