RSS Syndication for Blog Engage
Brian from Blog Engage has introduced a new service that makes it easy for you to promote your blog posts in the community. Sign up for automated RSS syndication of your blog posts on Blog Engage today.
Late last year Brian started up the RSS service (aff. link) and so far it has been a roaring success. Here is what signing up for this wonderful opportunity has to offer you:
What's Included with our service?
1. Google Adsense Revenue Sharing.
2. Automatic submission of all future blog articles.
3. Automatically fills in the title, description and tags.
4. Automatic hourly or daily updates searching for your blogs new content.
5. Automatically submit one or multiple articles per RSS Feed Update.
6. One free vote with all RSS Feed articles submissions.
7. Do follow backlinks from every submitted blog article.
8. Create your blog profile and start building brand awareness immediately.
Blog Engage benefits bloggers
This will save you valuable time and get your content out in front of more readers from the Blog Engage community. I've been promoting the Blog Engage community whole heartedly since I first joined and I find that it's a very effective way to promote my blog. Over time the community has improved and spam has disappeared now that the community is by invitation only. I have a Twitter list for Blog Engage and be sure to let me know if you're a member of Blog Engage and I need to add you to the list 😉
Increase Blog Traffic with Blog Engage
The last time Brian posted an update on the amount of traffic to Blog Engage back in the beginning of December, the numbers got my attention. I'm sure we reached 1 million page views by the end of last year.

Brian's video introducing the benefits of the Blog Engage RSS Service
Invitations to Blog Engage
If you're looking for a blogging community that will help you reach new readers or new clients for your small business, Blog Engage is for you. If you want to sign up for Blog Engage RSS Syndication you are welcome to use my affiliate link.
If you're already a member, you should consider joining the Blog Engage RSS Affiliate program Affiliate Lights and spread the word to your blogging friends about the benefits of promoting your blog on Blog Engage.
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Hi Ileane,
Thanks so much for posting about the service it means so much to me. I’m so excited about the affiliate program I hope all our initial members really take advantage of this it has great opportunity to make money.
The Blog Engage RSS service is such a great value for it’s low cost that any blogger can benefit from a membership. We have one blogger Justin from Dragon Blogger who actually made more money this month then it costs for him to be a member. This is from the Google Adsense Sharing we have and the ads on his syndicated story pages.
Best of luck to you and all the blog Engage members promoting this service.
Hey Brian, you know that @DragonBlogger is always an excellent example of successful blogging, so I’m not surprised he is doing so well. I think that RSS syndication is the way to go for anyone who is trying to be more efficient with their time online. Thanks for offering the service, I’m sure many bloggers will have success stories with this new program just like Justin. Thanks for coming up with the idea.
Hi Ileane!
Looks fantastic! Thanks a lot for sharing this. 🙂
I’ve already seen Blog Engage on about 6 different websites I follow. I reckon if they are going through that much trouble just to get the word out, they must have something worth checkin’ out!
Will be taking a look thanks for the review.
Hi Zac Blog Engage has helped me in many ways and promoting my content is just one of them. You should give it a try.
Tomorrow morning my own assessment and view of BlogEngage RSS Subscription will be up on DragonBlogger. Nice overview and I also justify the monthly membership.
Justin, I’m looking forward to your review of the RSS Syndication over at Blog Engage. I’ll be sure to add a link to your review in my post. Thanks for the visit.
I’ve seen so many people using BlogEngage or mentioning it in their posts. Some even seem as if they’re on a first name basis with the creator! That’s neat to see, because it means that even the creators aren’t so big that they’re unreachable. Could you imagine trying to contact Mark Zuckerburg? =)
Delena, Brian is one super cool guy and he’s very approachable. He loves to interact with the community and he is very hands on, so you will see him commenting and voting on the site just like any other member. Let me know if you need the invitation for Blog Engage.
You have introduced a great service Blog Engage RSS at very low price.We have a lot of benefits in it. I have pretty interest in it.
Nice set of blogging tips, thanks for sharing them on your blog, you are bound to become one of the most wanted woman bloggers ever!!..
Do you plan to join Blog Engage soon? One thing you will need is a gravatar if you want to push SEO services – or any other kind of business. Check out this post if you need help with establishing your brand by using a gravatar.
Thanks for the introduction of Blog Engage RSS service. Great opportunity for us.
Hi, thanks for saying that.
Hey Ileane,
I think you guys are doing a great service over there at Blog Engage. I was introduced to the RSS service by Brian not too long ago and I plan on joining the affiliate program he put together. I think the Google Adsense Sharing is great. I plan on seeing you in there.
Hey John, did we meet over at Lisa Irby’s Website Babble Forum? I pretty sure we did – either way it’s nice to see you here. Looking forward to seeing you over at Blog Engage too. You can vote on my posts from my Blog Engage profile page 🙂
Hey Pete, it’s really great to meet you and I just spent over an hour on your blog. Well part of that time was spent voting over at Blog Engage and adding you to my Blog Engage Twitter List (note to self: edit post with link to Twitter list). Thanks for stopping by Pete and I look forward to seeing more of you over at Blog Engage!
Thanks for this, Ileane! I’m going to go check out Justin’s assessment of the service. I actually tried to get it a few times, and kept getting errors (perhaps due to my browser; I’m not sure) and because of that, I got distracted and moved on. But I am thinking more about it now.
I wonder if the service is best for people who are very actively engaged; otherwise, your karma rating would plummet if you don’t keep up with voting but regularly submit your own posts. Don’t you think?
Hey Tia, your blog will do well on Blog Engage, even with the new format and content. I say that because lots of your readers are already Blog Engage members so I’m sure they will support you. I admit that blogs about blogging, SEO, small business do out number the other blogs, but if you take a look at Alison for example, she is one of the top users and she has blogs that are in various niches. Here’s her submissions
Pete, would you say that it is well worth it for people who submit in any subject, or for people who are primarily “blogging” bloggers?
I really enjoyed blogengage last year when my blog was primarily about blogging. Now that it is primarily about women’s issues, I am skeptical of its value, because nearly all of the active voters are blogging bloggers or write regularly on the subjects of blogging, traffic, SEO, etc.
Same here, Tia. I was quite active there last time and they do focus more on blogging tips and articles compared to specific niches. You can submit your other articles but the impact is not as big as submitting blogging related articles
Hi Michael, do you plan to continue using Blog Engage? I miss you over there. I think people get annoyed when they don’t enough votes to be published to the home page. My advice is to take a different approach, especially in light of this RSS syndication service. Once you sign up, your posts will be promoted by Brian which spreads to the entire community. I keep going back to Alison as an example less than half of her posts are published but she is by far the top user and you can’t even visit Blog Engage without meeting her before you leave. The Adsense revenue sharing is a huge incentive as well.
Thanks for your feedback Michael!
Hmmmm… very nice way to raise your traffic, I think I am going to join this, through your referral link. Also, congratulations for the set of great tips you gave us, really useful. RSS syndication is a very easy way of keeping your readers informed about your newest articles, that’s really great, I’m looking forward to using this. Thanks for sharing. Have a great day! Best regards, Maria.
Maria, that’s awesome news. Best of luck to you with Blog Engage and the RSS service.
This post is an excellent example earning smart and delivering extraordinary service.Very glad at your amazing introduction.
Blog Engage is doing a great job and they recently launched their affliate system and even thought of joining that
Hi Bishwajeet, how are things going? Are you submitting your posts to Blog Engage? If not let me know because I saw a great post on your blog that I wanted to submit over there. Thanks for the comment.
I haven’t joined BE yet, but this is certainly a bonus incentive, thanks for the heads up. 😉
Hey Dennis, You should join Blog Engage. You probably know most of the members already!
Hi Brian, it took years of hard work for Brian from Blog Engage along with the members to build up that level of traffic. Brian often shares progress reports with us and Blog Engage has seen consistent growth in traffic and revenue.
Sounds like a great service and I’m very interested but what exactly dose “Google Adsense Revenue Sharing” means or do?
I’ll have to share my adsense revenue?
Hi, Tinnitus it’s actually very opposite, we share our revenues with you as a member.
Wow well that’s pretty awesome, can anyone join? Or do you have to have a big traffic and nice alexa rank?
Ali, anyone can join BlogEngage as long as they don’t try to spam the community. BlogEngage is perfect for new bloggers and that’s where I got started with making connections in the blogosphere. Come on and join!
Im not sure if I should take the plunge. I havent been having much success with it
Edwin, hang in there! Even if your posts aren’t getting published every time you submit, it’s still worth the effort to be a member of Blog Engage. For example, do you remember where you and I met?? I’m almost positive it was through Blog Engage. 🙂
I feel the same way too but I was kind of delighted that one of my post had a vote of 3, that is 2 more except mine…but one thing I found out, if you vote for others they might also vote for you…and maybe paradventure your post may eventually get published!
Hi Ileane,
I’m trying to signup now for BE silver rss syndication membership but got a bit confused with the correct link to use so you get the credit as the two inks near the end of the post seem to goto the affiliate signup page…ahhh, the membership pics go straight to the syndication signup which is what I want to do.
Look for me on BE!
Caleb, I appreciate you finding the correct link! Welcome to Blog Engage, now I get to add you to my Twitter list too. Cheers.
Ileane congrats you have made your first sale with our affiliate lights program! Your share was 1.00 and it’s recurring so you will get that every month as long as that member remains a customer of blogengage. This is a silver member so there’s much opportunity for getting even larger commissions with our gold, platinum and Business Memberships. Keep up the great work and you know I’ll always be here tweeting your articles helping you promote.
That new silver member is me and I am setting up the profile for the account right now in another tab..
I didn’t realize I needed a free account first though, lol!
Thank you Caleb!
Sidder, since you stopped using Blog Engage have you found any alternatives? You should look into Blog Serp, Blog Engage’s sister site as well.
That’s a ridiculous amount of traffic! Unbelievable. I’m still sitting at 100 page views per day with my blog. Would you say that the results from the RSS syndication on Blog Engage are significantly better than any free RSS syndication services?
TJ, I’m with you as far as stats are concerned. Blog Engage has quality traffic and steady growth that gets better month after month. I’m not sure if there any sites out there that can compare with Blog Engage. If you ever find one, let me know so I can check it out 🙂
I am actually an affiliate to this offer, I was kind of stuck with coming up with a review, which is necessary to earn $10 from Brian…You have given me an insight…
Iroko, please share the link with me. I’d love to read your Blog Engage post. Good luck with your success on the Affiliate Lights program.
You are not a bad traffic! But it’s not surprising! I myself often go to your site to read the info! You write very well! Keep up the good work!
I’m not sure what you mean by “not a bad traffic” but it sounds like a good things so thanks.
Thanks for the information..I was looking for it..The information written is useful and being a newbie I have come to know about many new aspects..
You should give Blog Engage a try. Let me know if you need an invite.
Thank you for the alert Ileane.
Will try to join them next time. A new blog like mine really need some help when come to traffic.
Hi Zezebel, did you ever get an invitation for Blog Engage? Let me know your user name if you joined already and if not, I’ll send you and invitation.
If you don’t want all post published, do you get to pick and choose or is it automatic?
Hi Dennis, I don’t know if Brian has a special way to do that but here’s what you can do. You can create a feed based on a category and exclude the posts you don’t want from that category. Let me know how you make out or if you need me to contact Brian about it.
Thanks for the update Ileane; much appreciated. I’ll keep this close and try it soon after signing up. 😉
That’s an Awesome Traffic Stat of Blog Engage. I submit all my posts there & get some vote ups.
Well, after going through the whole article, I thought it was well worth a shot with so many people already going for it, but my concern is only for the content quality of the blog and nothing else.
And by the way I too have subscribed to blog engage but I am still unable to find that Auto RSS Syndication option, any help, I would really be grateful.
Hi James, when you’re visiting blog engage look for the sidebar image that says, get Listed on the job Board, Increase traffic and Build Back links. Also clicking anyone of Ileanes links would be best and would get you right there.
I’ve been researching Blog Engage, and the RSS syndication sounds great! Could you send me an invite?
Hi Stan, a lot has happened since I wrote this post and the Blog Engage community has seen tremendous growth.
Brian has started charging a one time fee for new members and you can read about it here
The other option is to sign up for the RSS Service – you can use my affiliate link or the banner at the top of the page.
I’ve heard about it many times but never took the time to check it out.
It’s good to hear that the community is still growing, making it even more valuable.
Thanks for spreading the word.
Blog Engage would be the perfect way to promote your business. Take a few minute and check out how Brian features all the business customers and the flash widget he has on the homepage brings attention to them. I really recommend it.
BlogEngage sounds like a pretty cool service to use and syndicating your blog’s RSS feed to the site. After reading this post, I’m eager to find out who exactly uses this service and how they have positively benefited from it. If anyone would like to give me a quick testimonial about their experience, I welcome you to please respond to this comment. Thank you so much and I hope to hear from you soon 🙂
Hi Drewry, Blog Engage has a blog and many of our members have submitted testimonials about the success of the service. Here is one in particular that I received from Alex Whalley at The Build.Rank.Profit Group
But there are loads more!
good morning Ileane,
thank you so much for providing me that wonderful link for the BlogEngage testimonials. after the internet people come to my place today and configure another outlet for me to hook up another computer and Internet connection, I’ll gladly double back to your post here, and read the testimonial. Thank you so much for pointing me in the right direction 🙂
I heard about Blogengage several weeks ago, now checked out closer. Wondering is it good for Adsense sites too.
I checked out this service and right now I am calculating will this service pay off its price. I guess it depends on a specific niche the blog has.