I'd like to share with you the experience I had with running a successful Twitter Ad campaign. It all started when I found out that Twitter teamed up with American Express for an exclusive offer:
“We invite American Express Cardmembers and merchants to try our new advertising solution for small businesses. American Express will give $100 in free Twitter advertising to the first 10,000 eligible Cardmembers and merchants that register.”
Lucky for me I am an American Express cardmember and not to mention a bonafide Twitter addict, so you can see how this was an “offer I couldn't refuse”. 🙂 If you have an American Express card, you should go to the site and see if they have any spots left.
UPDATE: Twitter Has Updated their Advertising Platform and Ads Are Now Open To Everyone!
If you're not an AMEX cardholder, running a Twitter Ad is something you should consider giving a try anyway, and based on my experience, setting up the Twitter ad was very easy to do and also very effective.
Twitter Ad Set Up Video Tutorial
In this video I demonstrate how easy it is to set up your Twitter Ad and I also give you a quick tip on how to pick your target market using Tweepsmap. Watch the video called How to Run a Successful Twitter Advertising Promotion.
Running a Twitter Ad vs a Facebook Ad
Overall, the Twitter Ad interface is very simplistic compared to the Facebook Ad interface. Facebook ads can be targeted to reach many different segments from people who have liked your page all the way to people who have liked your competitor's pages. With Facebook ads you can target users by age, sex, interest, job title work place and so much more and you can really hone in on a very specific audience.
Twitter ads are not as laser focused as Facebook ads, however you can choose by country and you also have a choice of 5 different messages you can promote with the ad. I like this option because it allows us to vary the test and promote a wider range of offerings. I also, think that people tend to have a level of ad-blindness on Facebook and they may not have their Twitter ad-blinders on yet, since the platform is so new.
Don't miss this: YouTube Advertising Formats: The Essential Guide
In the video I talked about how I used a combination of JustRetweet along with Twitter Ads to promote a SlideShare presentation called Get Plugged In To Google Analytics: The New Listening Tool for Social Media ROI. You can also download the entire Google Analytics presentation as a pdf for free.
I found some level of success with using Twitter ads and I certainly recommend using them to promote your small business, launch a new product, generate buzz for an event or to grow your Twitter following. The ads are affordable and effective and the Twitter ad interface is user friendly and super simple to set up. How about you; would you give Twitter Advertising a try?
I was wondering when Twitter was going to come out with advertising for small business. Originally advertisers had to spend really big money to be on Twitter. Thanks as always Ileane for sharing! I’m tempted to get an American Express card. They have offers for Foursquare members too a lot.
Hi Lisa, I want to thank you for being the first person to comment on the blog today. I appreciate you!
You’re welcome for the heads up on the American Express deal. Hope you get it in time for the free ad!
Hi Ileane,
Congratulation for being the few people that got American Express card member for twitter 🙂
I once heard about it from Anita but it sucks I’m not from America ;), thank you for mentioning JustRetweet on your video and thanks for supporting the community.
Hey Valentine! I got really lucky to register for the $100 of free Twitter advertising way back in March when it was first announced. I actually got an email from American Express about this around the same time I saw a tweet from Anita Campbell. It gave me a chance to see if Twitter ads are worth the investment and compare them to Facebook ads and at the same time, and let you guys see how the interface works.
I’ve seen the power of JustRetweet too so there’s no way I can leave that out. 🙂 Thanks for stopping by my friend. Have a wonderful day!
Yet another great marketing tool for small businesses. I guess we’ll see an ad service on Pinterest shortly.
Marty, I have to be honest with you, I doubt if I would ever run an ad on Pinterest. But I’m sure you’re right. lol
It’s nice to see an affordable option to rival Facebook ads though, so I’m happy Twitter is doing this now.
You never know how Pinterest will develop in the future. You might change your mind 🙂
Marty, don’t get me wrong, I like Pinterest but I can’t figure out what they could do to make ads stand out among all those gorgeous images everyone is already posting. I guess they can make the ads bigger but I’m not sure how users will react to that. We’ll see….
Hi Ms Ileane,
Thanks for the video tutorial, it was a great experience for me learning a new thing about SlideShare features. I’m happy for that. However, about Pinterest, I see Pinterest becoming a leader in the social marketing business in couple of years to come only if the founders hold on unto the site and do not sell it to Facebook or Google.
But, I’m certain if Pinterest comes up with any marketing idea for small businesses, it is going to sell 🙂
Thanks for your post
Great Tool for marketing Ileane. Superb Tutotrial with Video.
American Express card member for twitter i think its not for Indian.
BTW thanks for sharing this.
Hi Amit, Thanks for the positive feedback. I think they will expand the Twitter Ad platform to include every country and if I hear that they do, I’ll let you know.
Sometimes a Twitter Ad campaign is much more productive than any other campaigns like Facebook etc.
Thanks for the great info.
Nandita, this case study, is an example of real-world results and I’m certainly glad to spread the word. Thanks for your comment.
Hi Ileane,
Great video! I just wanted to point out that you don’t need to go to the widget screen to on TweepsMap to see the chart, you can simply click the “List” Button on the left side to show you a table and a chart of your followers.
Hey Samir! Very cool of you to visit the blog and leave a comment. Thanks so much.

Samir, I don’t see a List button on the left of the Tweepsmap. Here’s a screenshot. I hope I’m not missing it. 🙂
Thanks again Samir, please stop by anytime!
Thank you Ileane!
You are only half way through;)
You need to click the button “Tweet and review your TweepsMap” you will unlock few goodies there.
Samir, I wanted to focus on getting the list of countries first. Now that I’m done I will certainly go back for the goodies lol!! Thanks Samir.
Haven’t used any kind of ad campaigns on any Social Networking site yet. But I think clever campaign and ad targeting on sites like Twitter, Facebook can definitely help to increase one’s business…
Hi Sumon, you should try some social advertising one day. Thanks for commenting.
I also think so, Ileane. Will give it a try in near future 🙂
Thats indeed a nice post about twitter. I am not so active user of twitter. However the post is really informative for me. Thanks Ileane.
Hi Atish! LOL I just left your blog a few minutes ago – how cool is that. Sorry for taking so long to get over there but I moved it up to the top of my To-do list. Thanks for stopping by Atish!
Oh! Thats great. I think at the same time when I was writing comment on basicblogtips, you were writing the comment on techtricksworld.
Thanks Ileane.
how cute 🙂
🙂 thanks 🙂
Hi Ileane, that’s great use of the $100 Twitter ad credit; You got advertising, a great blog post, a video (nice one too 🙂 and you did some valuable testing. Very nice 🙂
It almost sounds like Twitter ads could help in certain contests that count things like RTs but that would depend on the rules/terms. Asking the contest admin is probably best as it could give an unfair advantage. Just a thought 😉
Hey Brian! I see you have figured out my plan for “Twitter Ad” domination! LOL
I’m not sure if you were thinking about the Blog Engage contest, but I can’t think of any reason why Brian would mind if someone used an ad. The ad would still send traffic back to Blog Engage and it might also help with branding.
I’ll ask him just to be sure and let everyone know what he says.
There is another great contest going on right now too for Small Business Tips and sponsored by GrowMap. It’s called Gushcloud and UBL Small Business
Marketing Blog Outreach Blogging Contest http://smbcontest.com/about-smbcontest/ and I’ll be sure to check with her on this also.
Thanks Brian!
Wow, this is really interesting Ileane, I always learn things when I come to your blog. I must admit Twitter is not an avenue I really go for – I know it is one of the top 4 but I have never felt entirely comfortable with the 140 character limit and the fact that everyone seems to be “shouting” and no-one listening.
Seeing Twitter advertising is something that looks really interesting and I may explore it ! – Great info Ileane, thanks for sharing,
Hi Nicky, I try to document all the new stuff I come across – otherwise I will forget all about it! LOL
I registered for the Twitter Ad credits weeks ago, by the time I got approved I had almost forgotten about it. Luckily for me Gmail has some tools that help keep me organized and I was able to pull up the old email from AMEX saying that I would hear something soon.
As I mentioned in the post, I’ve always embraced Twitter and I just started getting into Facebook big time since they introduced Timeline for pages. Thanks for your feedback Nicky and I hope you get great results from it.
Ms. Ileane the problem i see with twitter ad campaign is that twitter is not used by Asian people as much as Facebook, so Facebook campaign will be more fruitful in our region.
Zeeshan, when I look at my Facebook Insights these days I’m surprised to see that my Facebook page has more likes from Asia than the US – by far. 🙂 Have you ever tried a Facebook Ad? I’d be curious to hear about it.
This is fantastic news Ileane, I had no idea that the ‘little guy’ could advertise on twitter.
It makes more sense to me than advertising on FB because people are focused on the text messages – they are not as much focused on pictures and videos.
I am glad to hear that you had success with your twitter ad campaign. That is very encouraging news as well.
Thanks for another great post.
Hi Dave, you bring up a great point. The only way to get someone’s attention with a Facebook ad is with an eye-catching photo and choosing the “right” image for your ad can be a challenge. Even Facebook recommends that you split test your ads right from the start.
With Twitter ads, you don’t need to be concerned with an image and the split testing is built-in because the ad rotates between 5 different tweets.
Thanks for your comment Dave!
Yes, it seems to make complete sense. I need to check into this too at some point.
Ah, so much to do and so little time! That’s what life is like, isn’t it? Thanks again Ileane
I have just started testing out Facebook ads and quite happy about the conversion rate. Hoping that Twitter opens for all SME then it would great for the advertisers like me but as a user I would like it to be clutter free for the time being.
Hi Bishwajeet, glad to hear that you are having success with your Facebook promotions. Good for you! I’m sure you’ll blog about it and I’ll look forward to reading all the juicy details 🙂
Great information Ileane and although I’m not ready to run any ads on Twitter, I’m so glad someone showed me how to do that when I’m ready.
I had heard they had come out with this but since I mainly use Twitter from TweetDeck, I’ve never really noticed their ads. Guess I should start paying more attention.
Great job on that video so thanks again.
Adrienne, I’m a HootSuite fan girl myself but I still visit the Twitter website often. It really helps when I want to do some research and find out more about someone. For example I have a couple of extensions that work on the Twitter website like Klout and Hover me. That way if I want to find out how to connect with someone on Facebook for example, I can hover over their profile pic and see a listing of all their networks. Then if I want, I can give them a +K for a specific topic.
Glad you like the video, give it a +1 when you get a chance 🙂
Hi Ileane,
Well, leave it to me to not knowing that you could pay for advertising on Twitter. Thanks for this video tutorial, I’m sure it will interest a lot of people, even in France 🙂 my home country 🙂
Hi Sylviane, thanks for your comment!
I watched this video a couple of days ago and its good to see a post about it. Thanks Ileane. Looking forward to read about the outcome of Ad campaign.
Hi Suresh, I’m really pleased with the outcome so far. I was really nervous about posting presentations on SlideShare and I thought my first one would be a complete flop! I was super excited to have my first first presentation featured on the homepage in less than 24 hours. Recently LinkedIn purchased SlideShare so now I’m even more pleased about it. 🙂
That’s great, Now you can use twitter to target your market and try to get more out of twitter. Your tutorial video is quite informative no doubt about it. thanks for sharing it. Plus I like to congratulate you as now your blog PR is 5.
Hi Ileane,
I am not AMEX currently, but as you mentioned I like to consider to use Twitter Ad. I like much at the comparison part’s (twitter vs facebook), thanks for this enlightment 🙂
Okto, if you have a Twitter account based in the US you should be good to go, but I checked with the Support Team and they said the ads will not be available internationally until the end of the year.
Thanks for your comment Okto.
Too bad it’s not available here in Indonesia Ileane, this tool is great for online business people.
very interesting post thank you for sharing this article with us. I am new with twitter so this has helped me a a lot.
You’re welcome Andrew.
I have never used Twitter ads and haven’t even really considered but I have used Facebook Ads and enjoyed a decent amount of success with them depending on what the campaign is…
I’m sure that like Facebook Ads (Where the picture is so important) with Twitter it’s all about a clever and catchy message.
Thanks for the great breakdown Ileane!!
Ryan H.
Ryan, Facebook ads can be really tricky. Picking the right audience is so critical and there are so many choices. Twitter ads are quite simplistic and I love how you can pick 5 different messages to promote. I will certainly do another Twitter ad soon. I’m glad you watched the video Ryan, please give it a thumbs up over on YouTube if you have time. Thanks!
Hey great post but I now have one huge problem I will have to go and try it out. I am all for experimentation regarding ads and results and as I use PPC and FaceBook this is now one more ad source I will have to master.
Very useful and easy to follow post by the way and thank you for sharing.
Alex, please come back and share your experience with us about using the Twitter Ad platform. Good luck!
I am just starting to set one up and I hope to have everything in place within a couple of days.
Once I have it rolling I will let you know what happens and how the ROI is. I know that is what every one will want to know about after all.
This was FAN-tastic!! I didn’t know yet about the small business adverts for Twitter. And how cool for you to be able to participate in this early stage of the program.
I loved the video too by the way!
I think this might be something I should look into. I’m delving a bit into some more paid types of ads at the moment, Facebook has been a focal point. And I’ll admit that I haven’t used Twitter as effectively as I could. I primarily use it as a means to syndicate my blog and share associates’ blogs.
Thanks for the help in imagining more possibilities for using Twitter effectively! Great stuff!
Cat Alexandra
Hi Cat! Thanks for the positive feedback. I used some of my affiliate earnings to run a few Facebook ads. They worked ok but I spent way to much time trying to decide on the right approach and what users to target and all of that.
Twitter ads are about 95% easier. LOL!
I’m certainly glad that American Express offered the free credits and I would not have looked into advertising on Twitter if it wasn’t for the offer. But now I know that it is a worth while investment.
Thanks for the comment and for subscribing to my YouTube channel too!
Ileane, thanks for the information. I’m always in search of how to get better in offering my services. I’m not sure what kind of messaging I would use as of yet on twitter, but at least I know how.
Hi Demetrius, thanks so much for stopping by. If you need any hand-holding when the time comes to set up your Ad campaign, just get in touch!
You’re the first person I’ve read about doing a Twitter ad campaign. It’s new to me. I believe Twitter has become less of an important social media medium over the past year or two.
My twitter feed is filled up with announcements and broadcasts versus actual conversation (unlike facebook) so I’ve stopped going there. I wonder what type of response the average twitter advertiser is getting.
Hi David,
Even though Facebook has finally won me over – I’m a Twitter fan-girl to the core! I love the platform and it has always given me great results. That’s how I ended up with 2 Twitter accounts lol (well three actually counting the one I manage at work).
It’s also great for research which is one thing I find lacking in Facebook. I think even the Facebook Group “search” is pretty bad.
However, in terms of engagement and conversations, it is much easier to do on Facebook I agree with that. In my case I prefer to keep the conversations going here on the blog but I realize that most bloggers don’t get as much interaction or have as many active discussions going on as we do here at Basic Blog Tips. (I have my guest authors to thank for that).
That leads me to my next question, are you interested in joining us and writing a guest post here? If you are, let me know and I’ll get it set up. I’d love to feature one of your articles.
Thanks for visiting David!
I was on another fellows blog the other day and I wanted to comment but I couldn’t find the comment button anywhere. I looked for it for about 5 minutes.
So I tweeted him and asked him why he had shut down his commenting system on his blog. Apparently, it had gotten so active he couldn’t keep up with it.
What? Really?
I guess that’s a good problem to have.
I’d love to write a guest post Ileane but I barely have time to write posts on my own blog. I run several businesses. I might take a month later in the year in which I do a 30 day guest posting blitz. I’ll submit one then.
Thanks for doing great work!
I totally understand David. Thank you for keeping me in mind. 🙂
Hi Ileane, I din’t know that twitter has started an advertising program, from the data you show at your video it seems that it’s cheap compared to facebook ads and of course adwords, I might give it a try and see how it works, thanks for sharing…
Kostas, the Twitter ad rates are very competitive and I think that was done intentionally so it would be an attractive alternative to Facebook Ads. Please keep me posted on your results and thanks for your comment.
Great sharing info for ads tip on twitter. Yes you are right we still can make online marketing effort through twitter even twitter is not focus enough if we compare it to Facebook. As my personal experience using twitter for my ads is combining with my RSS feed from my personal website and connected to twitter via twitterfeed.com or dlvr.it
Hi Hendarto, I use Twitterfeed to autoshare contents from about 5 or 6 of my really trusted blogging friends. However I turned it off during this Twitter Ad experiment. I keep saying I’m going to try dlvr.it, just haven’t got around to it yet.
dlvr.it has similar function as twitterfeed
Great post thank you for sharing these advices. Twitter can be used to advertise and become a part of a bigger network but making money is also a feature that twitter provides. If you are serious about it you can make a decent amount of money!
Nice tips! My only thing about Twitter is that it’s just quite an effort to go through all those spam. And it’s has really become annoying to the point where you don’t even want to use it anymore. But once everything settles, I’d still realize that it’s really a useful tool and I need to keep using it.
i will start a twitter acount to day so thanks for the information.
Good for you! One word of advice, be sure to get a profile pic, because no one likes to follow an “egg-head”. Then you can upload that same pic to gravatar. Best wishes for using Twitter and make sure you read the post here about how to get you first 2,000 followers on Twitter. https://basicblogtips.com/get-twitter-followers.html
So twitter ads.. Do you really think they will work? I believe twitter is a little difficult platform for advertising.. The ad-blindness you talked about, is already high for twitter. Because of its quick nature. Quick tweet and gone. No time for ads.
Don’t get me wrong, I would really like to try a different advertising channel. I will give it a try but I am not so optimistic.
Thank you again for the valuable information!!!
The Twitter ads
don’t show up in the Twitter stream like they do on HootSuite. They appear in the sidebar so they don’t disappear or get lost among the other Tweets. I’m glad you mentioned that because I didn’t really talk about it much in the video or the post. Thanks.This is brilliant. Your video is the first I’ve seen describing using Twitter for ad campaigns. I have a client that might want to test this in Norway, so this was perfect timing (I hope it’s possible to run the campaign in Norway).
I have a question for you. How much do you pay per click, does it depend on keywords or an auction thing like Adwords, or something completely different?
Hi Jens,
I talked to the Twitter Ad support team yesterday after I saw your comment. Unfortunately the Ads are only available in the US at this time but they hope to expand the program internationally by the end of the year.
The bidding system is very much like AdWords and the bids start at around $.50 per option (profile or tweets).
Thanks for watching the video Jens! If you get a chance please give it a +1 on YouTube.
Thanks a lot for asking them about Norway.
I am really eager to test it as soon as it comes to Norway. Hopefully that won’t be too far into the future 🙂
I had heard about the American Express advertising dealio going on, but as I’m not an American Express cardholder, I can’t participate. However, it’s really awesome to hear about it from someone who went through it. Very insightful! 🙂
It’s also good to know, from the comment above, that they appear on the sidebar instead of within the Twitter stream. They do have sponsored ads right now in the Twitter stream so I wonder why they didn’t extend the same to small businesses. Hm…
Thanks for sharing, Ileane!
Hi Morgan,
I actually inherited the AMEX card from my Mom when she passed away two years ago. I have to say that during that horrible time in my life one of the nicest, most respectful companies I dealt with was AMEX.
I am more than happy to recommend that every small business owner get an American Express card because they truly will look out for you. I hope you get a chance to apply for one Morgan.
I just HAD to say that….
You are absolutely right, Ileane, they are good for small businesses. I’ll have to call ’em up and see what we can work out. 🙂
I have to make a correction to what I said. The Twitter ad does appear in the Twitter stream. Only the promoted accounts will show up in the sidebar inside the “who to follow” box.
I had to read the FAQ again just to make sure. Here’s the link to read more. https://support.twitter.com/groups/35-advertising/topics/191-about-promoted-products/articles/20169884-about-promoted-tweets
Hi Carl, Facebook Ads are pretty tricky and the problem is that you might need to invest some cash testing and tweaking your ad. Twitter Ads are WAY more flexible and since you don’t need to wait for the review process, you can capitalize on trending topics by tailoring your tweets accordingly.
What ad network are you using now – Google?
Thanks for your feedback Carl.
It was really helpful post. I am going to test it on my twitter. Thanx a ton for the post.
I think that this pilot project will grow in the future and represent a tough competition for Facebook. Nevertheless, there are several issues related to Twitter ads. On one hand, the users might be used to the old interface, therefore I don’t know if they will click on the ads.
Hi Jack, if you use my Twitter Ad campaign as an example I ended up getting more clicks on my Tweets than I did from my Facebook Ads. In total I got 525 clicks from my Twitter Ads and only 90 from my Facebook Ad.
This is impressive, but in terms or percentage… what is the conversion rate (clicks / views). Your results are a great surprise, which means people are still interested in exploring outbound links
I didn’t even know Twitter had something like this on their interface. Shows you how much I know. I just thought it was on Facebook, but if they are rolling this out, this can create a valuable stream of income for those with businesses on here. My questions is will it be spammy as a result? This is very valuable information and thanks for the video tutorial.
Sonia, the Twitter Ads are very affordable and in the long run it will help small business owners sell their products and services with a significant profit margin because it’s a DIY platform. Facebook Ads are confusing and if you don’t know what you’re doing (like me) you need to hire a professional.
Thanks for the comment Sonia!
Ileane, this was a great tutorial because I haven’t had any experience with Twitter ads yet so this was a really good intro! I agree with one of the commenters who said there is always something to learn at your blog!
I would love to try Twitter ads, mostly because I love Twitter and I’d be curious to see how they work compared to Facebook. Facebook has the advantage of being able to target local users, which is great for small, local businesses. But if you just want reach, this sounds like a good option. On the down side, I’ve seen many “sponsored tweets” which I guess is where the ads are coming from? And they are almost always irrelevant. I can’t imagine why someone thought I’d want to see that ad! I guess part of it is because you can’t do really granular targeting but for a blog or a contest or something it could be really good. Thank you for the introduction! I actually just downloaded the user guide 🙂
Hi Carol Lynn, thanks for the awesome feedback!
That’s interesting that you are seeing irrelevant ads. I used to send out Sponsored Tweets and that was actually the very first time I made money online 🙂 I used a service called MyLikes as well and I guess they are still around these day.
When I did this Twitter Ad experiment I started out promoting my Twitter account. I gained 19 new followers before I turned that feature off. I think the users were definitely from my niche, but here’s the logic I used. Since I’m using the ad to promote my content anyway, people that see the content will most likely end up following me on Twitter in the end. So it’s like a 2 for 1 🙂
If I were more interested in growing my Twitter following, I would have left that on, but for me, growing a following is secondary. Make sense Carol Lynn?
Keep me posted if you need a hand getting your Twitter Ad campaign up and running.
Ileane, you are so fantastic! I’m not a twitter-buff, but this makes total sense to me. This is the best way I have ever seen to monetize on Twitter. I’ve taken courses, took webinars, but in 5 minutes, you have given me such a valuable lesson. I never knew we could do this on Twitter!
Thank you so much for this,
My pleasure Donna! Thanks for your awesome feedback.
Awesome overview of twitter ads. I haven’t tried out twitter ads yet but I certainly love FB ads. All I know about Twitter ads is that they generate 139.5 mil, comparing to FB Ads, which generates 3.15 bil in 2011. Despite the lesser twitter revenue generated, it can be another great source to reach other targeted visitors for certain campaigns.
Wow! That’s a lot of Facebook ads. 🙂
The good thing about the Twitter ads is that they are so new, now is a great time to seize the moment.
Thanks for your comment Ming.
Is that true? Is facebook generating 3.15 billion dollars in one year? This is just insane.. Let me get it right.. 3.15 billion for users or for facebook?
Great comparison between facebook and twitter and I would love to see the twitter controls ads as good as facebook where you can change anything according to you requirement.
Ayaz, please take a look at the video. I think you missed something about the Twitter ad set up. What is it that you feel is missing compared to Facebook Ads? Facebook doesn’t give you some controls that Twitter does and vice versa. Keep me informed.
Super! Thanks for the heads up. I’ve got an AmEx card and went right on over and applied, waiting to see if I am one of the 100,000. I like free! AND I thank you for the video.
I think you will hear from them more quickly than I did because I applied for the Twitter ad program even before it was available. Hope you get some good sales leads from it. Have you tried Facebook ads yet?
Hi Ileane,
Nope, no facebook ads yet.
When did Twitter start displaying adverts? I was using it only five minutes ago and saw no ads. :/
Hi Dean, those Twitter ads sneak up on you don’t they?
Thank you for my lesson for this day.
You’re very welcome Marcie.
I have heard a lot of noise and popularity about the Facebook but twitter is not too far from Facebook. All depends on the nature of the business.
Very interesting, didn’t know that Twitter had ads as well. Out of the two, which is cheaper? But its a good thing that both are offering, there would be good competition between the two and the user will get the benefits.
I don’t have any experience with tweeter marketing campaign but after reading this post it is certainly something I’m going to try!
Very nice articles but to be honest i have tried a lot of things and now im looking for help , can someone help me on that .I would like to have more followers on my twitter and i need some advices to attract more followers ,it is a website for positive attitude and thinking ,we are located in greece and the website is flowmagazine.gr
the twitter username is Flow_magazine .
Thank you and wish to have a help pls
I have been using Facebook for years and have just set up an account on twitter a few days ago. I have to say thank you to your post as It helps me understand more about the importance of Twitter as a social networking site.