Do you know who the king of magic is? I know that most of you will answer it as Harry Houdini. Yes, Harry Houdini is the answer. His magic is so popular that sometimes he is referred as the king of magic (at least to me, he is the king of Magic. Note, that I haven't seen his magic ; all of my knowledge comes from books). So, Let's start our post, let's take a look at what Houdini can teach us about blogging :-
Practice making blogging magic
If I wanted to be more precise, I would call Houdini the King of Handcuff Magic or Escape or something like that. For a magician, it takes a lot of time and practice to perform the trick in the right fashion. In this case, Houdini could teach us that “Practice makes perfect”. Many of the new bloggers come to this field in hope making easy money in a short time span. But the real case is absolutely different. You need to invest a lot of work to get the right results. At first it might be little hard to keep up with blogging, to blog. But once you get the hang of it, you will be a great blogger. To become a great blogger (which means a greater thinker, writer, promoter, networker and commenter), you need to work hard, you need to practice.
Practice Thinking – Think like a Bird !
Take a piece of paper or open up Word. Think about what you know (about blogging). Write down the things that come to your mind. Take about 15 minutes to do so. After you have written down the topics that came to your mind, categorize them, based on topics and subtopics. Each little thing in blogging is related to something else. Draw a small chart that shows the connection between the topics that came to your mind. After you have done that, think again. Think of various (other) subtopics that might go into each topic/sub-topic. Do this, for 1 hour. This is a great exercise because it will help you to think in a better fashion, with limited time (it will also give you unique topics to write about). I would recommend that you keep “blogging” as the center of your chart, from blogging, you could derive topics and subtopics, from which you could get more ideas to write about. While you perform this task, be sure to think of everything in this world that is related to blogging (in fact, everything is). Make connections, note down analogies. These will help you greatly when it comes to explaining. I would recommend that you practice free thinking (as I call it) every day for about half an hour. It has helped me greatly to think of ideas related to blogging (in fact, I got the idea for this blogging magic post from free thinking)!
Practice Writing – Write like a Pro !
In order to conjure up your blogging magic, you don't want to be “too formal”, neither do you want to be “too informal”. As a blogger, you need to be something in between. You should be formal, because blogging is a business, and businesses are formal. You shouldn't be formal because your audience is (more likely) to be other blogger or want-to-be blogger. That is, your audience aren't professors. 😉 Just like free thinking, you need to practice writing. But, I would recommend you to write about ideas (and publish it on your blog). Whether its good or bad, you will know it, as soon as you hit the publish button (it may take some time) :D. If you are afraid to publish (fear to failure), then ask other bloggers to read your draft and write a review about it. Note : Send you drafts/articles only to honest bloggers. Ok, if you don't like either of the options that I mentioned above, you would evaluate the article for yourself. Read and score it after some time (preferably after 1-2 days). Note : You may also practice “free commenting” in the same fashion. Write a comment and evaluate it, or publish it, or send it for review.
Should I practice networking and/or promoting ?
Absoutely, I have no answer. The only answer I can give you here is that you could do it, incase if you have some new strategies in hand. You could implement your new ideas into your promotion and networking strategy. Other than that, I don't think that there is much you could do about networking. The same thing applies for promoting. You could try put some new strategies for promoting, but you can't neccesarily practice it.
More blogging magic
Now, that I have talked about practice, I would like to mention some other elements here. Passion, dedication, determination and hard work are some other things that Houdini. Since, I have already talked about this in my old post – What all do you need for blogging ? I am not going to repeat it. But, you have the option to check it out (and I would recommend you do so) or try using the Copywriting Scorecard for Bloggers. Anyway, I thank you guys for taking time reading my article. Thank you for tuning it. I also like to thank Ms. Ileane for giving me the oppurtunity to share some of my blogging magic here.

Precious suggestions and tips Jeevan! I found I’m blogging very causally. I’ve never pulled that piece of paper. Just wrote something whenever inspired, whatever triggered me to write and published straight. I guess I need to buy a few bundles of papers 😉
Hey! Thanks for the great post. Lovely and inspiring. Its great to see how fellow bloggers inside gym.
Thank you Suresh !
Same here. I like to look around and relate my surrondings to blogging (nowadays, what I do mostly is about creating analogies – relate blogging back to the real life).
Welcome and thank you for the comment, Suresh !
Interesting take. You definitely have to think outside of the box and like any great magician make the audience see what you want them to.
Thank you, Tatum !
Glad that you like my post. Thank you for taking time and reading it (and commenting on it) 😀
I really like your “thinking” exercise. I’ll go way too long without blogging sometimes because I’m so stuck on what to write up. That will help a lot. Great post!
Thank you !
Same here (it happens, and it is typical). Glad that I could help. Thank you for the comment !
I also agree on the point that it takes a lot of hardwork in blogging field as well…
and you can say we need to invest hardwork, and simply quote Practice Makes the man perfect..
Nice article.
Thank you Usman !
I am glad that you like my arguments. Practice and hard work are very very important in blogging (alhtough there are other factors that go with it).
The fact that Houdini is mentioned got my attention, love magic. Watch this, I’m going to make the rest of this comment disappear…
Ok…so it didn’t disappear. Next time maybe. There are some pretty good tips in this…but, “because blogging is a business” isn’t entirely accurate. Blogging is both a business, and a pleasurable(?) hobby. Pretty bold statements, but the advice is good.
Jeevan, you are well on your way to taking over the world. You go boy! 🙂 Good stuff.
😀 Glad that I could gain your attention (a common thing between a magician and a blogger – grab the attention of the audience).
Yes, I do agree with that. But consider this, shouldn’t your business be pleasurable ? (if you doing a business that doesn’t interest you, how are you going to make good profit out of it ?)
Thanks and Thank you once for stopping by and commenting !
I like very much your perspective, you say about yourself that you are a newbie blogger – it’s not true, you really are a great blogger, I’ve seen a lot of ‘super’ bloggers that won’t write at least half of what you wrote in this post. In order to work harder and get a lot of great results, you need to put passion and invest time (and money – it depends), you need to stay motivated in order to work harder and efficiently day by day. Thanks for sharing and congratulations, you deserve it!
I am glad that you like my perspective 😀 Thank you very much !
I agree, it requires a lot of time and hard work to keep up with blogging. Welcome, and thank you for all the compliments !
I haven’t done any practice thinking for awhile now.. In fact I rarely update my blog.. come to think of it, why did I stop? Off I go to practice thinking.. Thanks for the inspiration 🙂
Hmm. I think you should get back on blogging. You should find a good motivator so that you can succeed in blogging.
What I can learn from a magician about blogging is the practicing and continuously learning the new techniques. You can’t succeed in blogging if you don’t practice your copy writing skill a lot. Some gurus say to me that SEO and copy writing are two killer skills in online marketing. I guess they are true. In addition, you also need to learn new things, new technique in blogging often to make money online.
I agree with you. You need to practice hard (this is true for all activities).
Anyway, thank you for sharing your opinion !
Hi Jeevan,
It’s really strange for me to watch your passion, dedication and writing skills toward blogging. You post some quality points to consider here like when you say that blogging is just about your thinking power, how deep can you think and explorer your thoughts. This is the thing that makes a simple blogger great.
Thank you for your compliments !
Thank you for your awesome feedback !
I really enjoyed reading these tips, Jeevan. Especially liked “writing like a pro” – learning to balance our writing style so that it’s formal enough but not too stuffy. Nobody enjoys reading writing that’s overly formal and stuffy.
Passion, dedication, determination and hard work are definitely essential qualities in any business, but very important in blogging because we often have to dig deep to come up with new valuable content that will benefit our readers. Great post!
Thanks ! Yes, Formal writing is too formal for blogging.
Yes, those 3 elements will really help you to succeed (not only in blogging, but also in your life).
Thanks ! Thank you for your comment !
Hi…….Jeevan!……….. interesting post in a unique teaching style with enjoyable examples of King of Magic. Hope to read more from you.
Thanks !
Glad that you enjoyed the post !
Its not only enjoyable post but also it teaches us the useful and effective points of blogging to get a good rank in the competitive market. Thanks for this informative post in a unique style.
Practice makes perfect and patience makes you win the day. I really liked your post style and my congratulations to you for writing such excellent post.
Thanks and regards,
Yes ! That is a great quote 😀
Thank you !
Thank you for dropping by !
Well, I would suggest to add your blog to blog directories. It will help increase blog presence on Internet.
Even though it is an irrelevant comment for this post, I agree with you.
Thank you for your comment !
I sure try this . This is nice way to thinking. Just choose topic and write on paper and arrange them.
You should, for sure.
Yes !
Thank you for the comment !
Hi Jeevan! I admired you because at your age you are already an internet marketer and a very good one, too. I’m also new in this kind of business and I really want to make it good. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and inputs. I have learned a lot from your post.
Sure! we also apreciate him for his great achievement is this short age. Best of luck!
Thank you for your compliment !
Good Luck !
Welcome and Thank you for the comment ! Glad that it helped !
You’re a wonder boy Jeevanjacobjohn! You’re just the perfect mentor to those who are taking their first steps in the world of blogging. It’s funny how you can still amaze me although I’m on my intermediate state now. I would gladly share this post to my friends. Thanks a lot!
Thanks, Jared !
Glad that my post amazed you ! Thank you for your comment !
Nice article and an excellent comparison. I just wonder if this ideas has come straight to your mind or you have seen/read it somewhere. In any case, your explanation seems simple as all Houdini’s tricks in the end. 🙂
Thank you !
No, I came up with the idea (of course) 😀
Thanks !
Hi Jeevan,
This was an amazing post jam-packed full of great advice here. I love your “free thinking” strategy here. It’s useful every once in a while to give ourselves permission to let our minds just run without giving it any limitations. Many great ideas die before they can even be born simply because we mentally rein ourselves in.
Hey Delena,
Thanks ! Glad that you like it. Yes, it will really help you to come up with great ideas. Yes, I agree.
Thank you for your comment !
I totally agreed that to be good commenter, all is needed to think deeply and most importantly dedication, practice and hard working. But, in spite of that the things written should be eye catching. It should not be dull and stuffy and should be be the truth, note the fake ones..
Any ways, thank you for your opinion….
Thank you for agreeing with me 😀
I agree. We should always have eye catching content.
Thank you for your comment !
I am really impressed by your way of giving replies to every comment on your article, being so nice with your readers will help you enhance your relationships in the field of networking.
i like writing, now i write in my blog. But i dont have teacher to give me learning about english. I try write in english, its so hard. But i do it. I am Indonesia and have a bad english in school.
Yes, it is hard. But, you should try. Keep on trying and then you will get it !
Dude! every work in the beginning seems to be hard, but when you put your concentration on your tasks do hard work then you feel your works and tasks has been completed as just like magic.
I’ve been into blogging for just a few months and still dont have that much know-how as how things really turned out to be. Perhaps one great tool that keeps me going is my English efficiency. However, there are still lots of nuts to crack open.
I wish you all the best !
Thank you for your comment !
I always love when someone compares internet marketing with a phrase, or some person. Harry Houdini is someone I could never think of, hah! That’s an excellent article you wrote there!
Without passion and determination, we won’t succeed to create the magic we are supposed to. If we truly have passion in what we do, not just in blogging, we are enjoying and keeping ourselves more inspired to showcase what we can.
I think, networking always works better than the promotion 🙂
Your tips make me nuts!! Great tips, very informative. I saw you posts on FB and now here also everything is informative. thank you for sharing this wonderful informaion 🙂
I think it is all due to some Magic Techniques that you achieved a good rank in bloggers line as in such a little age you guy wrote an experienced post. Best wishes.
Really noting is impossible in this 21st century, continuous hard working with sincerity cause good and successful achievements in our tasks and results more than a magic.
If we put our full concentration and make the blogging tasks as our aim of life then sure it proves more than magic for us. Thanks for unique post!
Actually there is nothing in magic, if we do our task in a unique and and impressive way, then it seems to be a magic type results and all appreciate to us. Ultimately the users be our fans and come again to visit our site regularly.
I have been reading your blog for something like two weeks. It is interesting and you have been doing a good job. Nice tips for good blogging with the magic keys. Thanks!
Hi jeevan, Sure practice makes a man perfect and in the same way, blogging has much more grown by continuous and regular working. Thanks for nice sharing in a different pattern.
The simple topic…….blogging, but in a nice and unique magic way to get knowledge of some important and basic tips to upgrade our blogging task. Thanks Jeevan and Ileane!
Magic is not something special……….blogging in a unique pattern and according to current trends and need of users is more than magic. Thanks for so nice and useful post.
Blogging is one of the most interest job and profession. To get success in this field it also need some concentration and right pattern of work on this to upgrade our blogs. Really this is not like a magic to do work in seconds ……… but it take some concentration and regular work. Thanks for nice and interesting sharing.
I like your suggestion and guidance for …. “I would recommend that you practice free thinking (as I call it) every day for about half an hour. It has helped me greatly to think of ideas related to blogging (in fact, I got the idea for this blogging magic post from free thinking)!” Of course it teaches me so much to do easy blogging. Thanks.
Houdini the king of magic? You got the wrong Harry, Harry Potter is the king of magic. He even defeated Voldemort! I don’t see Houdini ever doing that.
But all kidding aside. This is a very interesting post.
Free thinking, I like that.
Practice makes perfect, that’s for sure.
I always look at social skills as a muscle.
Sit quietly in the house all day and then start talking to a stranger, you will probably suck at talking. You need to warm up your social muscle.
And training it every day, keeping it in good condition makes it stronger and stronger.