Niche blogging

Niche Secrets You Wish You Knew A Year Ago

Lately, I’ve been receiving a lot of emails asking me about diving in and starting your own blog. One question that gets frequently asked is, “how do I find my niche?” A niche is a topic, passion or idea you write about extensively on your blog. In essence, your blog only talks about one thing – your niche. Why in the world would you want only to talk about one thing on your blog? Wouldn’t you get bored? Wouldn’t people get bored reading the same thing over and over again? The simple answer is no, they don’t. People actually like to be invested in niche blogs because they want to learn from them.

In this post, you will learn why you need a niche and how to pick the right one so that you can generate more traffic to your blog.

Niche Secrets You Wish You Knew A Year Ago Read More »