UPDATE: Facebook no longer allows RSS Graffiti Podcast feeds to play on your page.
On the Facebook Page for Basic Blog Tips, I strive to provide my followers with content that differs from what can be found here on the blog. The reason for this is two-fold; I want the Facebook Page to be much more than just a “clone” of the blog and at the same time provide a venue where we can have a deeper connection and a different level of engagement than what might be achieved on a blog.

Based on the popularity of the videos tutorials on my YouTube channel, I got the idea to use an audio podcast to help reach my “Facebook Page Goals”! I researched and tested quite a few podcating sites and formats. For example, I checked out the following sites:
- Spreaker
- AudioBoo
- Mixlr
- MixCloud
- BlogTalkRadio
- Podomatic
I found advantages and disadvantages to each of them, but none of them seemed to get me any closer to my goal of posting the podcast directly on the Facebook Page! They allow posting to your Facebook profile, and quite frankly they do a good job of it, but I wanted a solution for sharing the podcast so that you guys could listen to it right on my Facebook Page.
RSS Graffiti Posts to Your Facebook Page!
Honestly, I started to get frustrated and I was about to give up. Then I finally stumbled on the solution over at The Podcasters Studio blog. Ray Ortega, mentioned RSS Graffiti and how he uses it to post on
his Facebook Page – and at that moment – I remember saying to myself “DUH!! Why didn't you just ask Ray in the first place??”
I recorded this screencast to demonstrate how easy it is to set up RSS Graffiti. In this case I'm adding the audio podcast, but it doesn't matter, you can share any feed to your Facebook Page with this app.
In the video I mentioned another podcasting service I use called MixCloud. MixCloud is very popular and they also have an app for your Facebook Page which adds a tab on the left. This is another solution that I also added, just in case someone wants to hear all of the episodes from the podcast at once while they're on Facebook.
What Apps are you using on your Facebook Page
Thanks for listening to my “podcast-posting-story” here on the blog. Please follow along with my adventures in podcasting and get some additional tips for using social media and driving traffic to your blog.
And now, I want to hear from you – what apps are you using on your Facebook Page to increase engagement and improve your page's EdgeRank? What are some strategies you use to promote your Facebook Page?
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Thanks – this is great advice. I’m not currently using too many apps on my facebook, but I will definitely be adding this one to the list now that I see how easy it is to use.
Hi Laurie, sometimes these apps sound more complicated than they are, but RSS Graffiti is very user friendly. Let me know how you make out. Thanks for the comment.
Thank you so much for showing how easy it is to introduce apps to a facebook page. This is something I’ve been meaning to do, but it keeps getting pushed back to the bottom of the to-do list! RSS Graffiti looks great, so I will definitely keep that on my checklist! I’m looking forward to the future comments, because I’m curious what other creative ways there are to boost your pages’ appearance.
Hi Paula, I’m looking forward to the feedback on this too. Thanks for your comment.
To be honest, I have not been concentrating much on my Facebook page, though I started a new one not long and now reading this post, you remind me of how I should be doing something to my Facebook page, though I don’t do pod-casting, but thanks for the information because I have note it down, just in case it comes in handy when I need them.
Wong, I’m not a big fan of Facebook either but I’m starting to get into it more now that I found a way to make it special. I know most bloggers set up a page, feed their blog posts and call it a day. I want the page to add value and give people a reason to come back to the blog for more 🙂
Hi, Ileane,
thanks for the article on rss graffiti podcast. To be honest and open, I am not an FB fan…not that I hate it…just I am not much supportive about it personally. Business is something else.:)
I find the Mix Cloud podcasting service to be quite interesting and user friendly. I know a friend of mine has been telling me all positive things regarding it, so if you also do not have to add anything bad to it, I guess it makes then a good enough recommendation for any user to take it into serious consideration.
MixCloud has a PR6 and they allow me to add links in the description of each episode. That’s an added benefit I wasn’t even looking for, so I’m really pleased with the service so far. You should give it a try, let me know how you make out if you do. Also,if you give me your friends show name, I’ll follow them over there.
Thanks Kristina.
Hello Ileane, I really like your tutorial videos on youtube. I in my away on creating facebook pages for a couple of my blogs and RSS Graffiti is exactly what I was looking for even though I haven’t got to that stage yet, I still have a number of thing to do before my facebook pages are ready. Thanks again though! Tool noted.
Hey Cristian, RSS Graffiti is pretty flexible and I like all of the options they give us. Good luck with the pages you’re setting up. Come back and share the links to them anytime your ready.
Hi! this apps seems to be useful and effective, yet I’ve not aware but impressed by this post and try to add this feature on my Facebook page.
Now that was interesting Ileane. I’m going to be creating a new fan page as well but I didn’t know what I was going to put on it either because I didn’t want it to be exactly the same as everyone else’s. Was thinking of just going the video route but I’m liking this idea a lot.
Thanks for sharing this with us for giving me some ideas to play with. I just might have to try this out.
Adrienne, I know that most of my Facebook followers are already following my blog or my Tweets. It seems so redundant (not to mention BORING) to keep blasting out the same message over and over again. Hopefully this will be a new trend. 🙂
Thanks for your comment.
You are SO right Ileane… Which is one of the reasons I’ve held off on creating a fan page. I don’t want to dump the same information everyone already sees. So you’ve given me a great idea of what I can do so thank you for that.
Ileane, I just love your tutorials. You make everything seem so easy. You’ve inspired me as always.
Ana, you’re so sweet! I’m floating on a cloud now ☁☁☁
Hi Ileane,
My fan page does’t have too much app, I will try to add this app. Your video tutorial was really great!
Hi Shree, let me know how you like it.
Hi Ileane,
I’m not super active on Facebook, but whenever I do set up a Facebook page for a business, RSS Graffiti is the first app I install. It’s actually the only one I use. I tried NetworkBlogs for the same thing previously, but found RSS Graffiti and think it is way better and easier to work with.
Mike, I’m not a fan of Networkblogs either, so far RSS Graffiti is working out just fine for me too. Thanks for the feedback!
Hello Ileane,
You sure can find the best tools! I remember your research phase … the quest for the ultimate audio app. 🙂 I’m glad you didn’t give up because you are the go-to source for #Podcasting.
On your recommendation, I’ve done a first pass on recording my short story. Now that you’ve found THE audio tool you’re happy with, I’ll have to give it a test run, maybe recording the final version of the story with it.
Way to go! 😀
Vernessa, when are you going to let me listen to it! I saw your tweet the other day and I thought I was getting a link to the audio…. 🙂
Well, I only did a first take and it has all the stumbles and bumbles. Was hoping for perfection the first time around (haha), but nope!
Of course, if you want to hear it in all its non-glory, you know you can get it. Drop a note. 🙂
Loved your video tutorial. Looks like it’s definitely worth a try
I’ve been using RSS Graffiti on one of my Facebook pages for a while but I honestly have neglected them. I need to get back to regular updates. I like your idea of sharing different content on Facebook from that of your blog.
Hi Brian, I was over on the DuctTape Marketing Blog the other day and he was talking about the system he has of sharing content to all of his social networks. I left a comment outlining my strategy and how I think it’s boring to share the exact same content on so many different networks. Well I didn’t get a response, what do you think that means?
My guess is, either he thinks I’m crazy or he hasn’t thought of a good enough response.
Here’s the post http://www.ducttapemarketing.com/blog/2011/08/16/my-content-amplification-system/
Maybe he just doesn’t know me well enough yet, ya think??
Yeah, John’s not great at replying to comments in general anyway.
I pretty much do the same things that he’s talking about but I realize some may get frustrated when they’re seeing multiple promotions on different networks. It’s something I’ve thought about a lot. Just the other day I felt I was overdoing it and had to back off for my own sanity. I have intentionally tried to follow a fresh crowd on G+ as opposed to the same Facebook friends but some overlapping will always be there.
Sorry for the long comment, I’m almost done. lol I was just setting up Trunk.ly the other day and started thinking that kind of redundancy is really unnecessary, just like FriendFeed.
I do find it helpful when the blog admin has already submitted the post to sites like Digg. That way I can just click the digg/like/thumbs-up buttons without adding descriptions, keywords etc.
I’ve been a Blog Engage member for a long time and plan to start participating there a lot more. I’m glad you brought it up.
Looks like a great way to increase the usability of the Facebook page. I haven’t really utilized my Facebook page to engage with readers and it is very similar to my blog and hopefully this will change it.
Hi Nishadha, I think most of us who spend a lot of time on Twitter and blogging don’t really keep up our Facebook pages the way we should. Hopefully we can do better soon 🙂
Thanks for your comment!
i never used much features of this app however after reading this post will add this on my FB.
I am using RSS Graffiti on my music blog from the beginning. But I never used it on my tech blog as the frequency of update is never constant and sometimes few of the posts never get published in the Notes section…Still, it’s a very helpful tool
Shaan, do you think the lapses in posting have anything to do with the frequency or time of day when you post? I’d be curious to find out more about this because I wasn’t sure how to change one of the settings but I forgot to go back to them and find out if it was a malfunction. Thanks for the heads up my friend, I’ll be on the look out for that from now on.
Hello Ileane,
Not once have I met this problem, but it seems I wasn’t as ambitious as you! Thanks for sharing this information! You have helped a great lot!
Hi Ivin, just to be clear, I’m talking about audio podcasts here – not video. Do you have an audio podcast yet? They are super simple compared to video. Let me know and I can give you some quick tips to get you up and running in no time with audio podcasting. 🙂
to make the Facebook Page to be much more than just a “clone” of the blog is something new and creative it will ad value to the facebook page because it differs from the blog posts…thanks for your time writing such nice post
There is just SO much content out there, I can’t understand why people think they need to promote the same stuff on every network. I never run out of great content to share and this also motivates me to try new tools.
Hi there!
You never disappoint with your great posts. Now I have more work to do thanks to you. 🙂
Some of these I was not aware of but they are fantastic uses of FB apps.
Thanks for the post!
I’ll definitely use this apps to get full benefit of blogging. Its so helpful. Thanks for share
Surely going to follow it and going to Do It right now only as it very important and also beneficial for our WORKS and its comes FIRST.
Thanks a lot for this important suggestion.
MegB – how do you like it so far?
Your post has been really helping for me.
I am using Spreaker for my live streaming radio show and I have a Facebook page.
But I had the same problem. When I start my show on Spreaker page, it asks me if I want to share on Facebook wall. If I press yes, then the info is posted via my own profile, not via the Facebook Page.
I have followed your kind instructions but I am lost at finding URL for the RSS.
I am very newbie in RSS feeds and I can’t find my URL to be typed in when I set the
RSS Graffiti on Facebook. Please help me with the finding URL!!
Thank you!
Hi Jason! Nice to meet another Spreaker user here on Basic Blog Tips. You can easily find the RSS for your Spreaker podcast by going to your show page. You will see the RSS icon at the top of your show list on the right. Just right click on the icon and “copy link address”

Here’s a screenshot of how to find it.
This app has the ability of feeding your blog to your facebook fan page but also it can feed your groups too which is very uniqe thats why i used this app from months now!
Hey Rahul, I didn’t realize RSS Graffiti posted to Facebook groups. Thanks for sharing that info!