Must Have Tools For Blogging and Internet Marketing

Blogging and Internet Marketing is a minefield! Here are some must have tools that will enable more effective attraction, engagement and conversion. When I started my own business helping others improve the effectiveness and efficiency of their sales and marketing I was confident in my ability to market to my audience, manage the sales process and ultimately sell my services. What I overlooked was that a large part of my business was being done online, and this was a fairly new concept to me. As it is to most of us!

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Basic WordPress SEO Tips

Basic WordPress SEO Tools at Your Fingertips

You set up a blog. The design is great, your selected niche is perfect, but … visitors just won’t start rolling in?! Why is that? Thing is, you need to also do SEO. Yeah, I know what you may say. You’re already building links and doing a whole lot of other sorts of things. What you may have not done is making sure that your WordPress site is properly fine-tuned in terms of on-page SEO and your WordPress setup in general. It goes without saying that building links is a primal must for every single blogger, but at the same time you may be leaving money on the table just because your WordPress is not setup as it’s supposed to be. Why not get the biggest bang possible for your buck? That’s exactly what the post is about.

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The Revamped Scoopit Interface: Sharing Ideas That Matter Even More

I’m a long time fan and supporter of and quite honestly I think it’s the best content curation platform available on the web today. took the initiative to gather together a select group of people who they knew they could count on to provide honest and unselfish feedback. These folks are on top of their game when it comes to content curation and they are passionate and committed to surfacing the most relevant, useful ideas for the topics they care about most.

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Join Triberr the Social Media Hub for Bloggers

What Changed My Mind About Triberr and Turned Me Into an Advocate

Dino Dogan and Dan Cristo have crafted what just might be the perfect social sharing community on Triberr. That says a lot coming from a self-proclaimed Social Media Diva like myself. I’m not going to go into a lot about why I didn’t embrace Triberr when they first launched the site back in 2011 because that’s old news and honestly – who cares about that. It’s water under the bridge and this isn’t about about the history of Triberr and how it has developed into the killer social media app that it is today. But, here’s what I do want to talk about. The state of Triberr today, as I see it and how can it benefit you as a blogger, podcaster, or content marketer.

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How To Get More Than 140 Characters In Tweets With Twitter Cards

Twitter is one of the world’s biggest social networks and it’s a powerful platform that can be leveraged to send your blog a lot of highly targeted traffic. But there’s always been a limitation of using only 140 characters in your Tweets. The 140 character limit doesn’t give enough of the space we often need to promote our blog posts. You can only enter a line or two and a link to promote your content. We are allowed a lot more characters for Facebook, and Google+, to share a longer snippet of our content which provides a lot more information to our potential readers. Twitter users have needed more space for a long time and now Twitter has finally responded by introducing Twitter Cards.

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5 YouTube SEO Myths That Need to be Exposed

Since I uploaded my first YouTube video 4 years ago, I’ve been able to rack up over 150,000 views on my channel. When you consider the fact that all of my videos are geeky tutorials and most of them appeal to a tiny segment of the huge demographic of the typical YouTube audience, I’m quite pleased with that achievement. If you want to get serious about having a successful YouTube channel you need to go beyond just using good titles, tags, descriptions, captions, thumbnails and annotations. Of course all of those things are important. I encourage you to go a little deeper and you’ll see that it will pay off in the long run.

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