This Message is Being Brought to You by AWeber…Literally

Most of what I’m going to share with you in this post, will benefit those of you who are using AWeber. But if you haven’t started building an email list yet or even if you’re using another email service provider keep your eyes peeled because there’s something in this post for you too. I’m not going to tell you how important it is for you to build an email list because I’m sure you have heard that a gillion times before, I’m also not going to give you a full blown tutorial on using email marketing or even AWeber. But what I am going to share with you are basic principles you can (and should) use in your blog posts, in your YouTube videos and podcasts, in social media updates and more.

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Holiday Tech Gift Guide

2nd Annual Dragon Blogger Technology Gift Guide in the Social Web Cafe

Justin Germino (a.k.a. Dragon Blogger) knows his technology. He also knows what thrills kids at Christmas (having two sons, himself), as well as thrilling us bigger kids, when it comes to gadgets, games, and tech. Last year, I interviewed Justin for a holiday gift guide series and this year marks the second annual Dragon Blogger Technology Gift Guide, complete with Justin’s recommendations, based on a year of testing and reviewing these gadgets. Remember I mentioned he has two sons? All the more credibility for Justin who knows how to give the technology a run for the money, as well as keeping up on the news, the trends, and where the technology is projected to go in the future.

2nd Annual Dragon Blogger Technology Gift Guide in the Social Web Cafe Read More »

Highest Possible Return on Investment

Are You Getting the Highest Possible Return on Investment from Your Blog Posts?

For the new age blogger, it’s a jungle out there… Unfortunately it’s never been harder to get the attention of your audience than right now. Distractions are everywhere. I would estimate about 97% of blogs (which are usually started with high hopes) end up becoming pretty much dead within 12 months. The main reason for this being the blog posts are dry, dull and boring. The writing usually lacks personality and sounds robotic. Or the topics have already been covered a thousand times before on the other “me too blogs.” There is a certain art to writing, that extends further than just trying to teach people stuff on your website. It’s more important than ever to utilise a combination of both information and entertainment in your writing. In a nutshell, you’ve gotta make it interesting…

Are You Getting the Highest Possible Return on Investment from Your Blog Posts? Read More »

Video Basics: 5 Tips for Recording Outstanding Video Blogs

Videos don’t have to be perfect but studies show that using videos on landing pages and in marketing materials bring in higher conversion for one thing videos increase the length of time people stay on your blog, giving your message longer to sink in.rates. In this post I will share 5 basic tips you can use to make outstanding video blogs to promote your products and services.

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content ideas for busy bloggers

Taking Maximum Advantage of Books: 5 Content Ideas for Busy Bloggers

There was a time when I couldn’t care less about books. I barely read anything and I found the whole activity pretty boring. Fortunately things changed when I grew older. Once I finally realized the potential of books (especially the self-improvement ones), I really got sucked into the world of reading. Reading is beneficial for

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Blogger Interviews: Blogging and Social Media HOA with Mitch and Ileane

When long time blogging friend Mitch Mitchell of I’m Just Sharing asked me to sit down and chat with him via a Google+ Hangout On Air, I was more than happy to do so. It seems I’ve been spending a great deal of time in Hang Outs lately so there was relatively little fuss involved with getting things set up for the recording.

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How to Cultivate a relation on Google plus

How To Cultivate a Relationship on Google Plus

Google Plus is a platform above all others. It’s micro-blogging aspects makes the social update stand out to your follower when done in the right way. Google Plus can single-handedly bring your blog to the forefront of social marketing, however, you have to understand what to do in order to make this happen. Here’s how you will be successful with your social media marketing on Google Plus. Relationship marketing in a new form of success!

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