UPDATE: PostPost is no longer available
Facebook's usage has swelled to earn over 132 million uniques and over 3 billion total visits per day and continues to maintain a foothold on social media. There's no doubt the announcement from Time Magazine that Mark Zuckerberg was named as Person of the Year will catapult the social network to even greater gains in web traffic.
“Facebook has merged with the social fabric of American life, and not just American but human life: nearly half of all Americans have a Facebook account, but 70% of Facebook users live outside the U.S. It's a permanent fact of our global social reality. We have entered the Facebook age, and Mark Zuckerberg is the man who brought us here.”
The introduction of the new Facebook profile view proves that users are in need of a switch from the previously mundane view of their profiles and streams. You can update your profile view now, but remember there's no turning back.
But the real facelift for your Facebook page comes on the heals of a new site that was introduced recently. It runs off of Facebook's API and it's called PostPost and it's slowly gaining the much deserved attention of Facebook users. The tagline for PostPost is “All The News That's Fit to Post”.
In June 2011 PostPost is now Postano. Connect feeds from Twitter, Facebook, RSS and Google News. Take a look at my Postano or create one of your own!
PostPost is like Facebook on Steroids
PostPost provides a much more attactive and easy-to-navigate view of the items in your Facebook stream that are shared by your friends and family.
PostPost is a real-time, social newspaper that collects and curates posts shared by your Facebook friends into a familiar, easy-to-read tabloid layout.
It’s like the Huffington Post, except your Facebook friends are the editorial curators.
The format of PostPost is newspaper style very similar to Paper.li yet it goes a step further by allowing you to sort content by links, videos and pictures. and this is a video introduction to how PostPost works.
Besides providing a unique view of your newsfeed, one of the nicest features integrated into PostPost is the search function which is enhanced by YoLink. YoLink is a revolutionary search function that “goes one step further, so you don't have to” and you can read more about YoLink or download it as an extension for Google Chrome. My search for “Zuckerberg” on PostPost scrolls through every post made by my friends and highlights the results like this.
You can invite your Facebook friends to try PostPost with this share link. What do you think of PostPost and Zuckerberg being named Person of the Year? Be sure to like the Basic Blog Tips Facebook page.
Wow, I just checked PostPost and it looks like it was created in 2001. This was just 4 years prior to Facebook being started. Haven’t really heard about it until now, but do you use it for your blogging IIeane and have you found a lot of marketing value out of it. I do use fan pages and autofeed WordPress to them.
Hi Garen, I found PostPost as a result of following YoLink on Twitter and YoLink is where my real curiosity lies. It a powerful search tool that can be integrated with Google Alerts Scribd, Yahoo! and a few other service providers. This brings “search” to your Facebook feed, which is something you can’t do on your own.
In terms of microblogging, I use the Amplify extension for Chrome to clip stories or video that I can share on my Amplog.
Here’s a video introduction to YoLink
Hey Rahul, nice to see you. I sent you an email, did you ever receive it?
Hi Ileane,
I’ve read about PostPost but I haven’t tried yet! but first time about YoLink. I don’t know, I’m more comfortable with Twitter than Facebook, but I’ll need to change and give a try in all those new items.
Thanks for sharing this valuable information.
Hey Gera, PostPost takes a few minutes to load but it’s worth the wait. I like how it lets you scroll through and like or share your favorites. Let me know if you have questions about YoLink once you’ve given it a try. Thanks!
Hi Ileane,
I tried PostPost and YoLink. Take a little to load but you end in a nice layout-result. Both works great to find post-links-videos-etc of your friends on FB.
I’d like the possibility of spreading that collage to my FB-friends like Paper.li on Twitter. Hope the chance in the future 😉
Have a great weekend,
We can use Amplify to clip your favorite stories, that’s the only way I can think of to share your PostPost outside of Facebook. Your right it takes a few minutes to generate a PostPost but it’s a much nicer way to view your Facebook feed. Thanks.
Hi Ileane,
Yes the Facebook feed looks better in that way. It’s a good idea to use Amplify to post it out of Facebook – I’ll do it from time to time.
All the best,
I have heard it all..PostPost..this is my first time hearing about this, but it seems very useful.I will check it out Ileane.
“Black Seo Guy “Signing Off”
Hey Black SEO Guy, I’m sure you’ll like it. Thanks for the comment.
Hi Ileane,
I haven’t heard of Post Post before. As for Mark Zuckerberg being Person of the Year, I think he deserves it and he is doing a great job at maintaining and improving Facebook.
Hi Johanna! Thanks for commenting! I agree about Zuckerberg, now is his time.
Did I miss something? I see benefits for a users friends an what not, but what’s in it for you as the user?
Dennis, the biggest benefit is that you can find things easier, so if your Facebook friends are using PostPost your posts will be much more visible and easier for them to like, share and comment. PostPost is five columns across, so as you scroll down the page many items come into view at once, it reminds me of HootSuite or TweetDeck only bigger and easier to navigate. I’m spending more time on Facebook now (via PostPost) because I can get more out of it. Hope that helps.
It does, thanks. 🙂
Wow, I’ve never heard of PostPost, that looks pretty interesting.
I think Zuckerberg deserves the award. Everything online revolves around social networking, and there are plenty of networks out there, but he runs the big daddy of them all.
What’s more impressive than just running Facebook, in my opinion, is that he created a platform for tons of spin-off business (like app designers and things like this PostPost you just mentioned).
Eugene, it’s great that Facebook and it’s API is creating work for so many of us. 🙂 I appreciate the feedback.
Great post Mom. Postpost. Im in. U told me about it but I think I kind of ignored u. But seeing it in writing kind of made it real.
Hey Baby! Try it out and clip the best of the best from PostPost on your Amplify. I bet you’ll have fun with it.
Ileane – You are always introducing me to something new when I come to your blog. PostPost looks great, but I think I’m more impressed with the YoLinks search function. Question, do you have to have Google Chrome as your browser in order to use YoLinks? I think I might be using the YoLinks feature more than PostPost, but PostPost looks awesome too. Thanks for sharing.
Hey John, You’ll be happy to see this list
Supported Browsers: Firefox (3+) PC & Mac, IE(6,7,8), Chrome, Safari (5.0.1+)
Supported Platforms: Mac 10.5(Leopard), 10.6 (Snow Leopard), PC
Please check it out and give me your feedback. I’d love to see how you make out with some music searches on YoLink! Thanks for commenting!
Thanks for the feedback Claire.
Same like the others, have never heard about PostPost!
You know alots of things, thanks for sharing the awesome video, Illeane,
Zuckerberg deserves to be person of the year. About postpost, well, I will try it out and return here to give some feedback about it.
Ok Ron, we look forward to your feedback about PostPost. If you get a chance to try the YoLink search that would be great too!
I was totally unaware of both PostPost and YoLink. Facebook is great but sometimes, I get bogged down with the amount of new posts. These look like awesome tools that I can use to manage it. Thanks Ileane!
Hey Sherryl, let me know what you think after you give PostPost and YoLink a try. Thanks for your feedback.
Hi Ileane
As always you are well ahead of the pack. I don’t really use Facebook much. Too busy blog commenting and tweeting 😉
Trust you to tell us about something most of us didn’t know about. I’ll get my friends to check it out and they can explain to me if I need it. Thanks for sharing Ileane.
Patricia Perth Australia
Hi Patricia,
Please put Facebook on your to-do list. I think it will make your lovely lavender products more discoverable. The volume of Facebook users simply can’t be ignored for much longer. I’m starting to devout more time and energy to Facebook now. PostPost really saved the day for me in that sense, because it’s eliminates a lot of noise and unnecessary white-space that I find annoying about Facebook. The YoLink search on PostPost would be a fantastic way for you to see who’s talking about Etsy or Lavender from your news feed. Then you could go right to the post and leave a comment and basically carry on the same way you do in the blogosphere 🙂
Your comments are always welcome here and let me know when you put up your page.
Every morning I’ll be reading Facebook Newspaper then. 😀
This is really a cool tool for FB Addicts, keeps all the important tabs in one place. 🙂
Hi Pradeep. Thanks for the feedback.
Run into postpost a while ago and I found it to be quite “slow”. Maybe it was because it was in the early stages and has changed since then. Should give it another go after you’ve shown the benefits of it. Kinda forgot about it so thanks for the reminder.
would like to take this opportunity (just in case) to wish you happy holidays and your love ones. more power to you and a “rocking” 2011.
DiTesco, I always go to http://postpost.com and then forget about it for a few minutes while I’m checking emails or HootSuite and then come back to it after it’s loaded. Then I can skip going to Facebook for the day unless I need to approve some friend requests.
Thanks so much for your holiday wishes and I’m wishing you and your family all the best for the holidays as well!
Your description of PostPost makes it sound very attractive. I am not on facebook “much” but I desire to check it out more often. This sounds like a really good way to keep up. Thanks for sharing the info.
Hi Steve. If you are following some Facebook Pages that are in your niche, you can simply use PostPost as a research tool for gathering blog ideas. The YoLink search comes in real handy that way.
This is interesting.Is it possible to download it from somewhere…and yeah does it take a lot of time to load??
Paul, you don’t need to download PostPost, you just go to the site and it will take a few minutes to load.
So when I use PostPost, I need to go to that website every time right? I hope they integrate it to Facebook or make it look like that. I really don’t like the small status texts on Facebook.
Hi Rachel. I agree Facebook text is too small and now Facebook has decided to make the adds bigger. Which brings up another great reason to use PostPost – NO ADS!! Pretty sweet right?
Will have to try it out! Looks pretty legit, RTed 🙂
Thanks for the share Ileane!
I’m going to head over to PostPost and get setup. I made the switch to FB’s new and ever changing interface figuring I’d just as well get it over with. But surprisingly it’s not half bad. Navigation is a bit easier.
After watching the PP video, I can tell that I will spend more FB time there. For one, it’s a better looking layout. So i’m off for a test drive.
Thanks for another hook-up! 🙂
Jimi, I knew you would be up for a fresh start with Facebook. This will do the trick. Let me know what you think. Hey, just in case we get busy, I want to wish you a happy holiday and all the peace, love and glad tidings that come with it.
Wishing you all the best for the holidays and the coming new year.
Stay awesome!
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Hi Ileane,
Thanks for the heads up. I have never heard of PostPost before.
Enjoy your holidays!
Mavis Nong
Hey Mavis, great to see you here. Please let me know what you think of PostPost.com and the YoLink search after you give it a try. Merry Christmas!
I have been so involved in other things that I did not realize that Facebook was making such major changes. I have logged in and saw where it asks if I want to make a change to the new profile page or not. I have yet to change over as I wanted to check it out first. Will PostPost be something that replaces our regular news feed or will it be an option that we can switch back and forth from?
He deserves that title for creating such a revolutionary online community. Thumbs down for Google and a triple thumbs up for Facebook. Facebook is the future. That’s why I’m focusing more on FB for 2011.
Hey Kevin, you’ll never get me to give Google a thumbs down. LOL!! I use too many of there services including Gmail, Chrome, Google Docs, Google Analytics, Blogger, Adsense ….need I go on! 🙂
In fact that’s a whole blog post I have sitting in my drafts folder. But I did promise more about Facebook, so there you go! Let me know how you like PostPost.com
I always used facebook but never tried to know about the statical facts and figures. Good information for me about PostPost.Many of the people in third word are not using the internet. As soon as the technology will emerge in these countries, visitors of facebook will increase.
Basam, thanks for the comment.
going to try it for sure 🙂 nice share, shared it
wow.. new information for me. thanks a lot for telling me.
Woman you put my brain into overdrive with this one. Holy Cow so much to learn! I like paper.li very much. I’ll have to check out this recommendation. I don’t really like Facebook but should spend more time with it as lots of friends prefer it over the others.
Thanks Ileana
Hey Redkathy, It took me quite some time to show an interest in Facebook in terms of my blog. When my daughter launched her blog last month and I saw how much traffic she is getting from Facebook, I changed my mind 😉
Let me know what you think of PostPost when you get a chance. Thanks!
It’s a good way to see what kind of content people like and could be used as a type of facebook market research tool
Hey Roezer, the YoLink search is really an excellent market research tool. They have some pretty awesome search partners. For example in the YoLink Labs, you can search for jobs with Indeed. Thanks for the comment!
Looks quite interesting app for my facebook account. Before apply i need some research on it. Thanks for suggesting.
Hi Rakesh,
Here’s an article I found on Digital Trends comparing PostPost, Paper.li and a few other tools check out this excerpt:
I love PostPost, its like having a personal newspaper except its only news you want.
Exactly! Thanks Doc.
PostPost looks awesome. I will definitely try it out. If I like it I will be sure to share my new found Facebook app!! It’s really neat because I hate to have to scroll through 5 pages just to read all of my friends’ updates!
Jasmine, be sure to follow me on Facebook too. Thanks.
I tried PostPost and did enjoy the effect of a large newspaper front page. My main complaint is that while you can share and comment on a post, you cannot Like a post like you can on the regular interface. I tend to Like a lot of posts but I don’t share or comment nearly as often.
I noticed that about PostPost also and I think it was a recent change. However, if you use the Yolink search, you can “like” all of the search results. I searched for the term New Year’s Eve and that’s when I noticed that I could like them.
In the long run, I think PostPost will encourage more commenting and sharing which is a good thing.
I think Mark Zuckerberg deserves to have been named Person of the Year and thanks to it we can reunite again with people from our past.
PostPost looks really nice, a great way of assembling your friends’ articles. Facebook is growing very fast, like you said, it’s no doubt that Facebook is the most used social network. Mark Zuckerberg is a very lucky guy, his idea had success and his continuous work brought up the great results, he truly deserves the role of ‘Person of the year’. Keep up the good work!
Hey Latief, did you get a chance to use the YoLink search on PostPost? It’s a really cool way to search your Facebook stream. Thanks for your comment.
Hey, not yet but I will sure try in short time, thanks for the tip!
Love your post! I’ve been reading this blog for the past few months but this post was particularly interesting to me.
Thanks for the update.
Maybe I’m a sucker for a good, old fashioned newspaper- but the idea of this is amazing. Though, this is the first time I’ve heard of it. After watching the intro, and your comment, is what you’re saying that once you switch to the PostPost format, you can’t switch back to the normal Facebook layout if you wanted to?
The “New Myspace” has had a feature like this called “Grid View” since it came out last year. PostPost looks prety cool though, I’d use it but it isn’t working right now with my Facebook. Guess I’ll try it later…….
Half of all Americans are on facebook? That is astounding! I wonder about privacy issues since postpost has access to everyone’s status updates and links and photos. Am I right to wonder whether private to friends only gets lost here?
Maybe I misunderstood. Paper.li puts everything into a format and then tweets it for anyone to look at. Is postpost just for my personal viewing? I can’t share by tweeting out the newspaper like I can for Paper.li – is that right?
Hi Cheryl, you’re correct. PostPost is simply another way to view what would normally be in your Facebook stream – posts, links, videos, images that your friends have shared. If you get a chance to watch Robert Scoble’s interview with Peter from PostPost, the privacy issue was mentioned. Postpost doesn’t store any of your private information.
I think I know what happened, if you navigated to PostPost you show all of that information and you thought – this can’t just be my stuff – am I right? Well that’s what’s really awesome about PostPost – you get a chance to see all of the stuff you’ve been missing by not scrolling down the page when you’re on Facebook. I like how I can just look at all of the videos if I want (that’s usually the first view I check) that way if anyone posted a good song I like I can listen to it while I go back and check out the links. Yesterday someone posted a great tune from Phil Collins, and I just can’t get enough of that hysterical “Bed Intruder Video” video Here’s how you can change the view:

I’ve never heard of PostPost before. Thanks for the info.
That’s awesome application being provided by facebook, it also increase the user interaction so far.
PostPost runs off of Facebook’s API so I wouldn’t say that it’s provided by Facebook. I hope that PostPost is able to bring back the “Like” button too because I’m sure it will help boost engagement to some degree. If you do a YoLink search for a topic you’ll see the Like button there next to your results, but on the home page of PostPost you’ll find that you can only Share or Comment.
looks like website deleted… please have a look on it And update the status about it.
Hi Arun, PostPost has become Postano and I did update the post. Please look for the box with the big note on it. Postano is pretty cool too. Here’s the video
I think it is difficult for sites like postpost to keep their usefullness with facebook changing all the time.
Looks really interesting. Now you can see more content in a single Facebook page. Definitely worth a try! Thanks, Ileane!