Have You Seen My Guest Posts?
Do your readers have an easy way to find all of the guest posts you've written on other blogs? After all, writing a guest post is hard work and as bloggers we often showcase our best content on other blogs. I like how Alex Whalley's post My Guest Posts does an excellent job of providing a “syllabus” (class is always in session on Alex's blog) for all of his off site blogging activities and after I saw his post I was determined to do something similar!
Like so many blogging tasks, creating my guest post list got pushed further to the bottom of my to do list until today when I got an excellent reminder from Jeevan from Tech Pupil How Many Guest Articles Have You Written. As I was reading his post, I realized I have no idea how to answer that question. The first response that came to mind was – “about a dozen”. It was at that point, I decided to take action before I start losing count! Let's get started with my guest post “portfolio” and I'm sure you'll find some surprises (I might find one too).
I'd like to thank each of these bloggers for welcoming me as a guest on their blogs!
My Guest Posts
5 Tips to Super-Charge Your Brand New Blog Engage Membership on Sandipan's iTechBoy
Expand Your Social Media Reach With HootSuite Apps – on Robert Dempsey's Marketing Blog
How To Monitor Twitter Success When You Don't Have Time to Tweet – on Gail Gardner's blog GrowMap
How to Embed a Google Calendar on Your Blog on Andy Bailey's ComLuv blogÂ
The Basics of Blogger Interviews – on the Blog Engage Blog
How To Be a Social Media Research Ninja For Your Blog – from the June 2011 Blog Engage contest
You Do NOT Need SEO to Blog – Told You! This appears on the Comluv.com blog
5 Golden Rules of Money Management: A how-to guide for passing the financial torch – this post is an entry for the personal finance guest posting contest at Credit Cards Canada
How to Display Your Comment Love Affiliate Banner – including a Video Tutorial on Andy Bailey‘s ComLuv.com
Too Buzz Or Not To Buzz? That My Friends is a Great Question – Hesham from Famous Bloggers
Why You Should Choose Video Or Audio Podcasts – Hesham from Famous Bloggers
Five Costly Video Blogging Mistakes – Andy Bailey from ComLuv
My Journey To a Paid Web Host – Garen From The Best Web Hosting Service
5 Networks Missing From Your Cute Profiles – Brian From Blog Engage
Why Do We Comment On Other Blogs – a paragraph collaboration post on Robert Bravery's Integral Web Solutions
Guest posting
Get in touch with me if you're interested in guest posting here. Be sure to check out Learn The Basic of Guest Blogging for more on the subject.
How do you help your readers find your guest posts? If you have them all listed in one place be sure to share the link in your comment.

It’s meaningful to collect and list all of your guest posts here. This clearly indicates your span over the blogsphere. Wish you best of luck to expand more and more.
Suresh, Alex really inspired me to do this and now I’m finding out that it benefits me just as much as it does my readers. I’ll keep coming back and adding to the list as I do more guest posts. I’m sure the hosts appreciated this too because it’s just one more backlink coming their way. Talk to you soon my friend.
I thought that one of the big advantages to guest blogging was the links it provides back to your site. When you add links on your site to your those guest posts you nullify that one way link and turn it into a reciprocal link that may not carry as much Google juice. Do you worry about that? Or am I totally wrong about that?
Josh, I have to do what makes sense to me, not Google. My sole purpose for blogging is to provide helpful information for people, and have some fun doing it. Google has a way of giving people insecurity complexes don’t they? LOL!
That’s why some people use NoFollow and some other strange link attributes that I don’t have time to fuss over. Some bloggers are afraid to install CommentLuv because they think it will harm them somehow, now isn’t that a hoot? Look at it this way – the blogs I guest post on are all relevant to my niche and they have valuable information that I read and link out to anyway. Now what sense does it make for me to NOT link to my own guest posts?? Always remember linking out (to topically relevant resources) is just as important as getting backlinks coming in.
Thanks for bringing up a great question and I’m up for a rebuttal if you have one 🙂
Beautiful! You might want to consider listing them on a separate page as well so it’s always at a readers’ fingertips. Nice collection indeed!
Hey Barbara, nice idea and I thought about doing this as a page. I’m sure there’s a plugin for that 🙂 I’ll let you know when I find a good one.
To be honest, I found out recently from Gail at @GrowMap (not sure why I didn’t realize this before) when you create a page instead of a post, there’s no CommentLuv for the commenters. Thanks for the comment and the RT!
I’m turning all pages to posts; there’s a host of benefits to doing so. 😉
Dennis, with the flexibilities that the latest release of WordPress offers for pages compared to the past, I agree that this is a great move to consider. I’m sure there’s a good plugin for that and I’ll let you know when I find it. Thank you Dennis.
No need, but thanks. Others may want it though.
As a self confessed “plugin junkie” I can honestly say, that would be a little too dependent. LOL
Cut/paste should take just seconds. 😉
Dennis, I’m thinking that a plugin will make sure that any links to the old posts get redirected to the new pages. At least that’s how I imagine it will work. Make sense?
Referring to indexed traffic?
There is several plugins for that; I have one aptly named “redirection”.
Now, there is a new plugin out for turning pages to posts; if it also does the redirect then that would be great – 2 in 1.
If not, I’ll use the one redirection plugin and do my cut/paste.
I also think this is a great thing to do. Sometime last year, I think, I pulled the links to all my guest posts into one post, and then listed it in my home page sidebar in a “noteworthy” category, along with a handful of other posts I wanted to make sure people noticed. The list is at http://www.dazzlindonna.com/blog/making-money-online/site-promotion/seo/22-seo-guest-posts/ and I update it once in a while. One thing to keep in mind…over the years, people’s blogs change or get deleted, so a few of your guest posts might disappear. Keep an eye out for that, so you don’t have bad links to guest posts that no longer exist in your list.
BTW, Ileane, any time you want to contribute a guest post on my blog, I’d be thrilled to publish it.
Hey dd, you’re reading my mind. My plan is to create an area in the sidebar that includes the guest posts and links to my best content. I’m going to spend some time digging through the content in your link to make sure I’m doing this right. I’m really glad you shared your “noteworthy” link.
I’d love to guest post on your blog. Maybe I can some up with something appropriate over the next few weeks. Thanks so much!
A good addition to Donna’s comment would be to point you to a good Broken Link Checker Plugin 🙂
How ironic – I just installed the Broken Link Checker Plugin yesterday! So far it looks like all of the broken links were found on draft posts 🙂 One day I’ll either trash them or fix the links and publish them. 🙂
I have the same issue. I’d say do it sooner then later. You may miss an important current one in the middle of it all. 🙂
Good idea. Thanks Dennis.
Link Check has been a big help in cleaning up my blog. Most of my broken links were in the comments sections.
Ileane, I saw your post and got busy putting my guest posts in the side bar. I two lists. My posts and the guest posts on my blog.
It will be easy to update. So we will see how it goes.
Hi Shelia, I’ll stop over and take a look at your side bar lists. Thanks for commenting!
Not surprised that you have done so many quality guest posts Ileane. You really know your stuff and always helping us who don’t! Well done and I like Barbara’s suggestion about having them all on a separate page so we can go read them. Thanks for sharing.
Patricia Perth Australia
Hi Patricia, you’re so kind. I have a long way to go but at least now I’m feel like I have a pretty sound foundation. How about you? Have you tried your hand at guest posting yet? Feel free to share links to your guest posts here in the comment section. Thanks for your support too!
People have to be given direction no matter what it is online…if you don’t tell where something is at..then they won’t find it..
“TrafficColeman “Signing Off”
Hey TrafficColeman, your comment brings up a question that I’ve been meaning to ask you. Do you have a free account with CommentLuv? I’d love to introduce you to the benefits of CommentLuv if you’re not familiar with them. Thanks for your visit Traffic!
Hmmm, I thought you had more than one on my blog. We have to do something about that and quickly … I remember now. I did two for you, not that I’m keeping count.
I’m glad you posted these because I think I missed some.
You go Girl, I love the “Guest Posts” category … hadn’t noticed it before today. You make sure we don’t miss a beat, way to go!
Hey Kissie, I wouldn’t want you to miss anything 🙂 I like how you say “we have to do something about that”. You’re too funny. Thanks girl.
Another thing to keep in mind, related to my first point. Since some of your guest posts may eventually disappear when those blogs disappear, I recommend keeping a copy of all your guest posts in one handy folder on your computer. That way, if one ever disappears from the net, you can always repurpose it, and place it on your own site (or elsewhere).
Nah Donna, not mine.
One reason I like to guest post is to say things I wouldn’t say on my own site. 😉 Most times I talk about my readers so I hide it somewhere they likely won’t go. If you ever feel the need to vent, come on over … I’ll host ya. 🙂
Ha! Too funny! Gotta love it though. 😀
Yes Donna, here’s one I did for Ileane. What’s really funny about this one is I did share it with a few of my coworkers and one lady KNEW I was talking about her! B-)
All In A Day’s Work
Hope you can check it out. 🙂
Donna, that’s great advice. Right now I’m looking for a Chrome Extension that’s good for creating PDF’s so I can upload copies of guest posts to Google Docs in that format. I’ve used Amplify to keep track of some in the mean time. Thank you for the reminder.
Great post, Ileane! I think this is an essential thing for everyone to do on their blogs. I just did this last week (I know you know because you retweeted about it 🙂 and I’m definitely glad I did.
Doing this provides social proof and shows, “Hey! I’m legit! I’ve been published somewhere other than my own blog!”
Here’s the link to mine: http://www.bloggingbookshelf.com/my-guest-posts/
Tristan, I need to catch up on some of the guest posts you’ve done. Thanks for sharing the link here. I know that list will be twice as long by the end of the month so I’d better get started 🙂
Good point ileane. I suppose you’d have to keep an updated guest post page for this purpose.
Hey Richard, please come back and share the link after you publish the post. Thank you!
Wow! It does make a difference when you have a page where you can showcase all the guest you have written. I have seen it once somewhere but did not really bother. Now I do 🙂 and you are right, It is time to make the “list” so one does not loose count, not that I have tons of them, but still worth it. Thanks
BTW, did not also know that commentluv does not work on pages. New one to me!
Hey DiTesco, I saw the fantastic job you did on Michele’s blog in your post about guest blogging strategies. Please be sure to send me a tweet when your next guest post is published. Btw – the invitation is open for you to guest post here at Basic Blog Tips. I would be honored if you would guest post here one day soon!
It’s make perfect sense in that it’s still part of your “portfolio”!
Kahuna, the word portfolio is the perfect one to describe this. I’m updating the post. Thanks!!
Wow, you’ve been a busy bee.
Well done. A great idea. Not only does it show case your guest blogging opportunities, but it promotes your guest post, as well as give free back links to the guest post, aka the bloggers site.
This is what the blogging community is all about.
I know you have guest posted for me before. SO if you feel that you want to do it again, you’re most welcome to.
Let me know
Robert, I need to dig through your archives to find my contributions to your paragraph collaboration postss. I’ll be sure to add them to the list when I do. I’ll start working on an official guest post before the month is out. I appreciate the offer. Thanks!
Update – Robert I found two collaboration posts that I contributed to on you blog, so I have updated the post. Wow I miss doing those collaborations, perhaps I’ll start a similar series here on Basic Blog Tips! It’s a fantastic idea.
Good idea, nice resources shared, this post inspires me.
Biodun, you know how much I love inspiring people. I hope I can continue to do so each time you visit. Thanks!
Ileane, this is a very smart idea — the type of post that covers all your related posts on a given topic, your guest gigs in this case.
Guest posting is an important part of my business plan, one that I’ll begin to implement after the first of the year. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!
Hey John, great to see you here! I’d be more than happy to host you as a guest here at Basic Blog Tips. Just tweet me when you’re ready and I’ll send you an invitation.
Very well done Ileane, that’s a healthy list so far. 🙂
I’d be happy to include you as well, as soon as SBBC is running. 😉
Dennis, sure thing. Add me as a contributor when the time comes. Thanks for the offer, that’s pretty sweet. 🙂
Excellent, I’ll be in touch!
Actually, I have never even thought of sending my readers to my guest posts. I was always more concerned with getting new readers as a result of a guest post. Thanks for giving me something to think about here.
Hi Susan, let me ask you a question, do you normally create links to your guest posts when you’re writing a post on your blog? If not, please be sure you do. Remember the more traffic you send to your host’s blog, the greater chances they will you invite you to come back. Let me know if you need any help with doing this, I’d love to get some additional feedback from you on this. Talk to you soon Susan.
I concur with Ileane, remember when doing internal liking, guest posts are as good as any. 🙂
I’m always very diligent about creating reciprocal links back and forth for my guest posts. It’s a lesson in linkbuilding and sounds like a great idea for an upcoming post.
I’m not sure that’s what I meant, lol. I look forward to the new post.
You remind me of Onibalusi Ileane! LOL
He also does lots of guest posting, and really alot.
I have never knew that your posts are that much. But i am not surprised, because you are a lovable blogger, my friend.
Keep it up, take care.
Hey Kimi, LOL! I wonder if Onibalusi has a post or portfolio list somewhere. I doubt if I can keep up with him. You’re a lovable blogger too Kimi. Thank you for saying that 😉
Hi Ileane,
I think it’s a great idea to list your best articles and guest post into one section. I’ve seen a couple of bloggers listing out their best posts on their main website. I think only Alex has listed his guest posts in one link itself. It’s a great idea to find content that you’ve written on other sites.
Looking forward to see what your plans are next 😉
Bryan, thanks for following my blogging journey. 🙂
Hi Ileane,
I believe that this is my first visit on your blog and the impression I was left with, is definitely positive.
Although at the moment I have just two guest posts, adding more in the near future is inevitable. I strongly agree with you that showing visitors the guest posts you’ve made is a good thing to do. Listing all of the articles on a separate page is a great way to spread the word. After seeing it, people will probably look differently on you (for the better), since a huge list of guest posts undoubtedly displays your influence in the blogosphere and shows that you are trustworthy.
Daniel, welcome to Basic Blog Tips! I feel like I owe your blog a visit now too! It’s real important to build credibility on the internet and guest posting is certainly a fantastic way to do so. Let me know if you’re interested in doing one here and I’ll add you to the list of contributors. Thank you.
Thanks! This is a great suggestion. I like what Donna said about putting a list in the side bar. Very Helpful. Thanks guys!
Hello there young lady 🙂 It’s always a pleasure to have family in the house. How are things going with your new blog Estava Morioka and the website this week? I know that your busy season is coming because everyone that needs to get the perfect “affordable” party dress should visit your site to keep up with the latest fashion trends. Best wishes to you baby gurl!
That’s right! And her Auntie wants to be able to get into one of ’em by Jan 22! 😉
I forgot to let her know she should be having company soon.
Good job Ileane! So many guest posts on great blogs…this recap is an excellent idea. You can add a category, tags even include a keyword if you want at delicious bookmaking only for this purpose. On that way you promote it out of your blog your work 😉
Trying to return slowly to the blog arena…this week.
Hey Gera, glad to see you rebounding and taking the time to visit here. Thanks for the idea about using delicious. It makes a lot of sense.
I am really happy that you wrote this follow up post. Thanks for the link back, Ms. Ileane. My purpose was to evaluate myself – how many I have written, what I have gained from it. Thanks for the support !
BTW, I am going to register an account here for the Guest post – Jeevanjacobjohn as username. Thanks !
Just figured that out I can’t actually register. Anyway, You can send me an invitation @ jeevan.jacobjohn@gmail.com
Thanks for the support, Ms.Ileane
Jeevan, I registered you as a contributor. Please look for the email today. I changed your user name so if you see two invitations, please ignore the first one. Let me know when you get the email. Thanks and I look forward to see what you come up with.
I got the email ! Thanks, Ms.Ileane. I will post the article for review as soon as I am done with writing and editing it. Thanks !
Good! I’ll take a look as soon as it’s ready.
I have submitted the post. I tried to format it (space it accordingly) but for some reason it didn’t work well. Can you space the content accordingly ?
Thanks for the support Ms. Ileane !
Thanks so much. I love it!
This is a great reminder for those who have guest post to showcase them so others can enjoy them. I recently redesigned and will get mine up soon, including a couple of soon to be released offerings.
Bloggers should keep a listing of their guest post because some will fade from memory after a period of time. If they are listed on your site, simply update the listing each time a new one goes live.
Hi Jimi, I can’t wait to see your list. I hope you plan to include one you did for my old blog Ms. Ileane Speaks. Blogging Legacy – Have You Considered Yours? I have no plans to take that blog down. Thanks Jimi!
This is an impressive list of guest posts Ileane. I had a chance to write only 2 guest posts which I worked hard for.
I think that for those who wrote 5 or more guest posts, it is a must to have such a reference page on your blog.
Hey Omer, I think that even with a small number of guest posts, it’s worthwhile to do a blog post about them. The fact that I just realized today that I forgot to add my post on Kiesha’s blog (actually I had a nightmare about it, LOL!) proves that I should have done this post a long time ago.
You can link to your two guest posts here if you like. I’d love to check them out!
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This is great way Ileane, I recommend that everyone with a high guest blogging profile to collect his posts in one page or post to make it more easy to find!!
I won’t do this because I have only 2 guest posts that I remember haha
Hesham, I’m waiting for you any time you want to do your third guest post 😉
This one is great idea for guest bloggers who posts oftenly on other blogs.I am going to start guest posting and for sure i am going to keep track of every guest post i make.Thanks for sharing it.
You’re welcome. Thanks for stopping by!
I have never written a guest post till date, but you got a nice list 🙂
Hey Bishwajeet, you should get started with guest posting. I’m sure you know the benefits but you might just need a little push! You’re welcome to guest post here anytime. 🙂
I don’t think there’s a secret formula, but here’s what I would do. As a new blogger I would want to have at least 10 of my own well written, targeted posts published before I invite guest bloggers. This well you have really established a foundation that will give you and your guest poster some direction on what kind of post they should write. Let me know if you want me to take a look at your blog and talk about this in more detail.
Hang in there!
I guess I’ll need to think about doing something like this one of these days. I just forget where I have stuff, but I know I haven’t written as many guest posts as you have.
LOL! That’s why it’s best to start your list now. When I forgot to add one, I woke up in the middle of the night as if I just had a nightmare (notice the post on WeBlogBetter is listed as “new”) I have no idea how I could ever forget that post….
Hopefully that list of “Related Articles” will expand just a quickly as my guest posting list! 🙂
Yeah, well, it might be easier if I could only search for “Mitch Mitchell” and not have to compete with Jimi Hendrix’ former drummer! lol
That’s a pretty good idea Barbara!
I usually just put my guest posts in my RSS feed, and let CommentLuv do all the work for me 😀
How incredibly timely. I was just thinking about this! It’s true, my very best content is hosted on other blogs, and I’m worried that it will be overlooked and forgotten. I am going to put a list like this together immediately.
Wow, Ileane, you have so many guest posts around the net. Congrats to you!
Thanks Dana. Have you done any guest posting lately?
Nothing after my last guest posting in famous blogger. I build two new blogs after that and still have my daily works to take care which means my time is very limited. However, I will surely start to guest posting again after have the time.
Dana, how many blogs do you have now? Feel free to share the links to all of them. I’m sure they will be useful to my readers.
It’s been a while since I did a guest post at Famous Bloggers too, I need to submit one soon. Thank you!
I am having four blogs now but only three are active enough. Thanks for allowing me to share them. I do share them through the my commenting profile (link). 😉
Hope find your post soon in the famous blogger Ileane.
Good job, Ileane!
This is looks like a vary great thing to do if there is any other ideas that will help please let me know
thank you and keep up the good work!!
Hi Jim, each post here is meant to spark ideas and creativity for my readers. Thank you.
Good post. I been really impressed by reading this article. Without guest post traffic generation for blog really difficult, it helps good network with other blogger. This is great and good idea.
Hi Lily, thanks for your comment.
All your career efforts have shown here with links proof. Nice and hard work in the blogging filed, best of luck in your pretty life.
Hi Ileane nice attention to aware our fans and regular users to see our all efforts from also other blogs. which also give a positive impressions on our users that how much we have a position in high quality blogging network.
“Find My Guest Post” ………..A good idea to be famous in the cyber world of blogging.
You really know your stuff and always helping us who don’t! Well done and I like Barbara’s suggestion about having them all on a separate page
That’s very useful for your readers.
I’ll bookmark this if you promise to keep updating it 😉 .
I do find it fun when I am reading on another blog and then see a guest post of another blogger that I normally read, like you. Feels like a small world.
I have a few more to add to the list here, but I just updated this with my guest post on GrowMap. Hope you can stop by and leave a comment or share in your social networks. Thanks!
This one is great idea for guest bloggers who posts oftenly on other blogs.I am going to start guest posting and for sure i am going to keep track of every guest post i make.Thanks for sharing it.
Hi Ileane. I must say it’s a great list. You never surprise me with your blogs and guest posts. You really are good. I also agree that you should have them all on a different page for a better view. Thanks