Bloggers rely on FeedBurner to announce new posts to their subscribers via email, Twitter, Google Reader and various other types of feed readers. Google released a beta version of FeedBurner which incorporates real-time stats and Twitter traffic to your blogs. Here's an excerpt of the announcement from Google:
Good news! Today, we will be rolling out a new, experimental interface for Google FeedBurner. The real story is what’s new under the hood, however: the new interface provides real time stats for clicks, views, and podcast downloads, which means you can start seeing what content is drawing traffic from feed readers, Twitter, and other syndicated sources as it happens.
FeedBurner Beta Video Preview
I recorded this video, so you can preview the new FeedBurner Beta interface and stats tracking. You'll also learn how to enable FeedBurner to your Google Analytics account.
Configure FeedBurner to send out a Tweet each time hit the publish button and with real-time stats you can see how many of your Twitter followers visit your blog. Now the good thing is that we don't have to wait. This will allow us test the effectiveness of our blog titles and what kind of influence they have on getting our Twitter followers to visit our blogs.
What do you think about these new features of FeedBurner? Will you give it a try?
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Related articles
- Basics of Blog Feeds and FeedBurner (
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So, this is going to be another advantage in collecting data and analyzing. But Ileane, there is a question in my mind.
I have disabled the click analysis on FeedBurner because the links on CommentLuv were through Now because the feed links are not allowed to redirect through feedproxy, can this new feature be used? Or we need to mark those check boxes for it to work?
Thanks a lot for bring this news.
Hi Suresh, great question! I would have to say the answer is no, don’t worry about this. I also disabled the click analysis for CommentLuv links, and I am showing Feedburner as a referrer in my Google Analytics stats.
I’ll keep an eye on this story and let you know if I find out anything different. Thanks Suresh, have fun looking at your stats.
If you uncheck this option, you wouldn’t see traffic from your FeedBurner feed segmented by feed readers or email clients in Analytics. It won’t affect the new features of Feedburner.
Cool, thanks for making that clarification about Google Analytics traffic from feed readers or email clients Tek3D! I appreciate the knowing the details on that one.
Excellent tutorial and I will be doing my own setup, I noticed your audio on your demonstrations is much cleaner with far less background noise than your earlier demonstrations.
Thanks Justin, that means a lot coming from you! I didn’t do anything different this time, maybe my new laptop has a better sound card than that old clunker I used in the past.
Great tutorial I need to get working on my setup. Thanks
Hey Hunter, let me know if you have any questions on the set up. FeedBurner is one of those tools that Google has ignored in the last few months so it’s good to see them giving it some TLC.
Good tutorial, as always Ileane.
I’m happy to see this development but wonder how this will be affected with the older TwitterFeed app. To avoid your post being broadcast into the stream twice and at close intervals the settings in Twitterfeed (for those that use it) will have to be disabled or at least set to check the feed once every 12 or 24 hours.
I always had mine set for every hour so that no matter when I published, it would be pushed out by Twitterfeed within an hour. As an example: If one were to publish in the morning around 6:00 am, they could set the Twitterfeed to check every 12 or 24 hours, but pause the feed and restart it some 6 or 8 hours later for another automated Tweet. Just be aware of the time of day it will always activate once reset.
Of course, we could just retire the tool and just go with Feedburner and scheduled Tweets from the likes of Hootsuite or Tweetdeck.
I guess this raises the question, is anyone still using Twitterfeed? LOL
Hi Jimi, I haven’t used Twitterfeed. When you have Twitter open almost every waking hour, there’s really no need. LOL! But I have talked about “over sharing” in the past and I think people should try to avoid it at all costs. Since I have two Twitter accounts, I have FeedBurner configured to Tweet to BasicBlogTips and I have a plugin (can’t remember which one) that Tweets to @Ileane.
And you’re right, I love the flexibility in HootSuite for scheduling follow-up tweets from either account.
I used to think that timing was critical, but now that I have so many international readers I don’t worry about it as much. I just want to make sure that I’m available to respond to initial comments (like this one). 🙂
Thanks for your feedback Jimi!
Awesome Tutorial Ileane,
I never looked at all the options available in there, I’m gonna try to enable it from Google Analytics.
Thanks again. 🙂
Sayed, FeedBurner is like a hidden treasure. If you experiment with all of the options you’ll never have time to blog. 🙂
Let me know if you need help with anything.
Really fantastic tutorial Ileane!
I haven’t twittering my feed automatically via feedburner, because I want it to schedule it for better hours, but it seems I need to change my mind.
The video is very clear, well done as well as the audio.
I’m going right now to feedburner to do it 🙂
Thanks for the tips!!
A very nice and informative video, I must say.
I have been using Feedburner for over 2 yrs now and it is an awesome for bloggers and yet Free 😉
Cheers Gera!! Thank you.
Fabulous tutorial Ileane !
I have been using FeedBurner Socialize , but i have removed Google Analytics since i installed wp stats dashboard . Must say it has proved better than google analytics as it even shows live visitors and accurate referrals . Nice update form google to track more efficiently and accurately .
Thanks for bringing this announcement , Now i am gonna enable it again 😛
Ajinka, I use Google Analytics and stats also and I think it’s great to have both. Google Analytics is the best way to get a deep understanding of behavior patterns for the traffic that comes to your blog. You can learn what site they came from, how many pages they visited, how long they stayed, what links they clicked…..You know that the list is so long I don’t even have enough room in this comment box. LOL!
On the other hand stats provides a quick snapshot of your traffic flow. Both tools are amazing and now we can experiment with what insights FeedBurner will add to the Google Analytics equation. Thanks for your feedback.
You are a wealth of knowledge Ileane. Thanks for your generosity in keeping us up with it all. I get someone else to do my techie stuff or I would never get anything else done lol
Patricia Perth Australia
Hey Patricia, you’re welcome. Thanks for the positive feedback 😉 Have a great day.
Great tutorial Ileane! Thanks for the heads up on Feedburner. I’ve haven’t been giving it much luv lately and didn’t notice the updates.
Will have to look into it more =)
Thanks for the video and keep it coming!
Michele, I spent the entire afternoon on your site, NewBizBlogger the other day and I can’t tell you how much I learned! You’re video tutorials are fabulous and your voice is so calm and confident – which makes it really easy for me to pick up on your instructions. I’m really smiling from ear to ear reading your comment. Thank you!!
I have noticed that was a notification on my feed page when i logged in, however i haven’t tried to look inside.
Thanks for the video Ileane, will definitely check on this beta version.
Hey Kimi, Let me know what you think about Feedburner beta after you’ve had a look.
I agree with Justin. 🙂 I can definitely see you are improving in all aspects. (and I’m just as thrilled with the feedburner’s new change) I just had someone asking me about blogging tips, I’ll be sharing your link with the contact. Keep the quality content coming!
Social/Blogging Tracker
And by the way, huge thanks for the link love. 🙂 Hugs!
Great tutorial! Thanks for sharing this. I had no are always on top of things.
I think this is so cool. Twitter stats and all.
Take care,
Hi Evelyn. Once again congrats on being Editor’s pick today on I like that site and I’ve been finding a lot of my blogging buddies there. Glad you like the post. Thank you.
What is a feedburner?
Awesome question! In this post, I describe the Basics of Blog Feeds and FeedBurner, which includes a screencast tutorial to demonstrate how to find and create your feed.
The quick answer is that every blog or site that adds new content (meaning not a static page) has what’s called a feed. If you want people to subscribe to your feed to get all of your updates automatically they can subscribe by email or through a feed reader. FeedBurner (which is owned by Google) is the most common tool used by webmasters and bloggers to distribute their feed. Please let me know if you have any more questions about feeds. Thanks for the visit.
I am glad to see this features in feedburner….. One of grt addition.
Hi Ileane, found you via Ger’s Best of and so happy I did. Thanks for the awesome tutorial. I do use feedburner and Google analytics but being a self proclaimed foodie blogger first leaves much to be learned about the tech stuff. Will be enabling those real time stats tonight. Thanks again 🙂
Hi redkathy, Gera from SweetsFoods has a huge fan base so I felt really honored to interview him. In case you missed the interview please check it out. I’m hoping you’ll visit Basic Blog Tips again soon.
I did read the interview as well. It was very well done. You can be sure I’ll be visiting again.
It seems Google has just update new version for their product from Feedburner, Analytics and Adsense. I like it but don’t like new style of Google Adsense because it’s really hard to use !
Hi Epic, in what way do you find it harder to use? I thought the old AdSence interface was very annoying so let me know where you’re getting stuck and maybe I can give you a hand. Thanks for the feedback.
Hey, nice and very good tutorials. I like the way this has been crafted. Keep up the great work.
Really like this new update! I’ve been getting more referrals to my blog than I usual thanks to using this, plus now I can actually see the stats on them! 🙂
Gabriel, Google is making more updates to Blogger so things should improve even more. Best wishes to your success.
Beautiful Tutorial Ileane,
I never thought of exploring upto this extent, I’m surely gonna try to enable it from Google Analytics.
Thanks again and Thumbs UP!
I think this is a great new feature. Feedburner has been heaven sent to bloggers. What’s good about it is that they continue to come up with ways to help bloggers. Thanks for sharing with us the video demo.