Blogging Tutorials

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Why Free eBooks Drive Huge Email List Growth

Why Free eBooks Drive Huge Email List Growth

Giving away information (Think FREE) is a great way to get the attention of potential blog subscribers…
Your blog readers are lazy. They might be interested in subscribing but the simple act of entering their email address prevents them. However, throw in a reasonably well designed eBook with some good solid information and the barrier comes crashing down. Email list growth becomes almost guaranteed. I created an eBook using the Anthologize plugin for Wordpress and Fiverr. The eBook itself is a collection of blog posts that I am very proud of and tell a no nonsense story about the mental side of blogging success. …continue reading…

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Top Warning Signs You’re Not Ready to Start Guest Blogging

5 Warning Signs You’re Not Ready To Start Guest Blogging

When you start guest blogging you’ll find countless benefits. Some even consider it the Holy Grail of building authority, generating backlinks and attracting new readers. But just like anything else we do in life – timing is everything! The very first sign that you’re not ready to do a guest post is that you just started blogging a few days ago, so in this post we’re not even going that count that one, ok? lol One other thing we aren’t going to count is those of you who don’t even read or follow the instructions that the host blogger has provided for you. If that’s you, there’s a chance you might not even be ready to have your own blog let alone get started with guest blogging…continue reading…

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How to Create and Sell a Mega Blog

If you’ve ever taken the time to look through the recent listings on, you will notice that there are some high value sites and blogs selling all of the time. Most of the high end sites will sell for around mid to high five figures, but some will even pass into the six figure range!
So what does it take to create a mega blog that you could actually sell for thousands upon thousands of dollars? What it takes it knowing what you are building before you even get started. The truth is, most blogs that sell for good money, weren’t accidental successes.…continue reading…

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How To Write Useful Blog Posts Quickly

Simple (But Often Ignored) Steps To Write A Useful Blog Post FAST

If you are a blogger, you gotta have a reading list. You should not be producing content on a monotonic basis. Reading other blogs in your industry helps you keep up to date on happenings in your niche. You don’t want to sound like an idiot and write about a very old strategy that doesn’t apply any more. In addition to that, reading helps improving your writing. You can write pretty fast if you are a regular reader. Your brain gets its nourishment and enough work out when you do a lot of reading. Feed your brain and see the magic.

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How to Use Your Blog to Build Your Email List

As fun and enjoyable as blogging is, it is also a serious business for many people. And as with any business, the more you put into it, the more you get out of it. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend hours each day tweaking and optimizing your blog to have a successful blogging business. Blogging is merely a means to an end. And that end should include building a list of email subscribers. Now before you say but I’m in the [insert niche here] niche and that’s not a good market to build a list in, let me caution you that any niche is a good niche to build your email list in…continue reading…

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10 Blogging Tips to Help You Become a Successful Blogger

Blogging tips are shared by the top professionals across the web on a daily basis, but do you want to be the most popular blogger in the planet or at least, the most successful blogger in your niche. Every blogger when they start their blogging journey has similar dreams. But there are very few bloggers who are able to take themselves from being another blogger to a successful professional blogger. You cannot become successful overnight; you need to work hard and gain and share lots of knowledge about your targeted niche through your blog posts and guest posts. You can measure your success through different metrics like number of visits your blog is getting or how many followers you have on different social media networks or how much money you actually are able to make from blogging …continue reading…

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Professional Blogger

How To Become A Professional Blogger – Change Your Habits

Do you often get the question in mind “How to become a professional blogger?” There are a few work habits that you need to change in order to become a professional blogger. Make a few adjustments in your blogging habits to upgrade your status in the blogosphere. Include offline marketing and along with online optimization tips and tricks to make sure you are getting the satisfying results.

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