Many of you have started podcasting and discovering that one of the most important steps in having a successful podcast is getting your show listed in the iTunes directory (Apple Podcasts). iTunes is a popular digital media player, created by world renowned technology giant Apple, and introduced back in 2001 and even today, iTunes remains the dominant force in the podcasting industry even though Spotify is gaining on them.

Why Should You be Podcasting?
First, let's discuss the benefits of having a podcast. In a previous post, I shared a few strategies for promoting your content with YouTube, yet I realize that many people tend to shy away from getting in front of the camera. Starting a podcast can be the answer to your content marketing prayers. You can create a connection with your audience through a podcast that goes deeper than the bond you create on your blog. Your readers and potential customers will get to hear your voice. This will help them relate to you on a more human level.
Once you start your podcast, you can instantly boost your credibility and elevate yourself as a thought leader and recognized authority figure in your niche. Everyone knows that it takes a certain level of expertise to start a podcast, and it is quickly becoming a key strategy for savvy online entrepreneurs like Pat Flynn of Smart Passive Income, Michael Stelzner of Social Media Examiner and veteran podcasters like Cliff Ravenscraft of Podcast Answer Man.
Recommended reading:
- The Naked Truth About Your Podcasting Stats And Why You Should Host Your Show on Libsyn
- Podcast Strategies: How To Podcast – 21 Questions Answered
- Podcasting Good to Great: How to Grow Your Audience Through Collaboration
In fact, podcasting has become a dominant force in the blogosphere as evidenced by the fact that the upcoming Blog World & New Media Expo has devoted an entire track to the subject of podcasting! They plan to cover everything from creating, recording, promoting and monetizing your podcast and one of the most interesting sessions is called More Traffic, More Authority, More Customers: Why All Bloggers Should be Podcasting.
Listing Your Podcast in iTunes
I recorded the step-by-step instructions for getting your podcast listed in iTunes in a recent episode of my podcast called How to Get Your Podcast Listed in iTunes. You can listen to it here:
The inspiration for this episode came from James Pruitt and a comment from his blog Relationship Marketing Conversations in his post titled Which is Harder Podcasting Live or Produced Podcasts. In the comment section he asked about syndicating his podcast and here is a snippet from my response:
James, it’s not really hard to get your content syndicated. This is the typical set up that most professional podcasters use.
You must get a media host on top of your blog host – the two choices are Libsyn and Blubrry.
Next install the Power Press Plugin from Blubrry and create a category on your blog called Podcast (or you can name the category after your show).
Then get a professionally designed logo/podcast cover art.
Burn your feed from that category you created to Feedburner.
Submit the feed to iTunes with the 1200 x 1200 cover art.
That’s it!
More About Getting Your Podcast in iTunes
I'm not going to lie to you, it takes a lot of work and effort to produce a successful podcast, however Cliff Ravenscraft aka Podcast Answer Man, has made it a lot easier by providing a series of 8 YouTube videos called Learn How To Podcast that you can watch for free. Pat Flynn has also put together a series of helpful videos to get your podcast up and running. I gathered all of the best YouTube videos I could find and put them in one handy playlist.
Click here to watch the top podcasting tutorials on YouTube: Podcast Training Blitz!
Additional Podcasting Resources:
- School of Podcasting
- The Audacity to Podcast
- Podcasts Topic on
- Podcasts and Podcasting on Pinterest
I know you want your voice to be heard and your ready to create a podcast that engages your audience and builds your authority. I'm here for you to answer your questions about podcasting and I'd love to help you get started on your podcasting journey. Have you thought about starting a podcast? What are some of the challenges you are facing with getting your small biz podcast off the ground?
This is a new method to enhance your personal brand, but I see several issues like: a voice might not sound appealing or the regular reader could like more a video than a podcast. Nevertheless, as you have pointed out, the best solution is to combine all these strategies in order to maximize the results.
Hi Jack, I agree that some might not have the perfect voice for doing a podcast. Hopefully that is not the case for you though! Hope you can give it a try one day.
Thank you for the kind words Ileane… Actually, I’m considering doing a few podcast in the near future, just to evaluate its potential…
Really good stuff… I’ve considered Podcasting for a while, but I just don’t think I’m ready to make that step yet. For now i think I’m going to stick to Blogging and YouTube.
I want to get to the Podcast. I think that the Podcast is the culmination of having a fantastic audience that is thirty for another medium. You’ve done that Ileane and you rock it. I hope to be there some day.
Thanks and Keep Killin’ It!!
Ryan H.
Ryan, I totally disagree with you. You are the perfect person to start a podcast! Are you kidding me. You are so full of personality and anyone that can do video, can easily master podcasting. 🙂
Thanks for the kind words Ryan. You rock it too!
Geez Ileane… Thank you… I’m going to have to put some thought into podcasting…
Please do Ryan. You can increase your exposure with a podcast. It’s a totally different audience. Check out Pat Flynn’s podcast – I think that one will resonate with you the most. 🙂
Great info as usual Ileane – I’ve been wanting to try podcasting. Maybe in the next couple of weeks. I find it nice to hear blogger’s voices. It gives you more of their personality.
Hi Lisa, I feel the same way. Most of the podcasters I mentioned in the post invite audio feedback from their listeners too. If you visit my Contact Page you’ll see a tool that allows anyone to leave me a message as long as they have a mic. It’s called Speak Pipe and you can give it a try anytime 🙂 I might end up including your message on my podcast one day…..
iTunes is insanely popular and getting listed in it is something worth trying. This guide offers some useful tips to help you achieve it. Thanks a lot for sharing it.
If you are using iTunes, please subscribe to my podcast and let me know what you think. Thanks.
I agree with you that someone have no perfect voice for this job.I believe he would be succeed if he have quality.
Hi Ileane, I do have a question. Is it ok to make my blog posts into podcasts or is that taboo? In other words, can I just read my recent posts as a podcast. Or make a separate podcast out of each post? Is that a viable strategy or would you suggest something else?
Thanks a lot Ileane.
Perfectly acceptable David. Re-purposing of content is a quick way to get up and running with a podcast. Glenn Allsopp did that just the other day with a post he did about launching the OptinSkin plugin. I’ve even used the audio from some of my videos for podcast episodes. It’s worked out well for me.
Thanks Ileane – perfect! that is good news and makes life a lot easier too. Thank you for sharing your expertise as always.
Ooh Podcasting seems really intimidating to me. The fact that the reader (or listener) can’t see the person seems kind of impersonal to me. I think I’ll stick with Youtube and blogging for now. Maybe in the future though… if I can find someone to do the voices! Cool idea though.
Hi Paul, podcasts are great to listen to when you’re in the car, doing house work or exercising. I agree about the power of video though, which is why I do both 🙂
Hi Ileane!
Great post. Its very good that by using Mr Cliff s’ series of 8 You Tube videos bloggers can list podcast in iTunes.You have also shared much more information relevant to this. Thanks.
Great advice Ileane, I remember when your first itunes podcast came out, it was great. Well done for sharing your knowledge with your readers.
Harriet, thanks for following the podcast since the beginning! If you get a chance, please go to the iTunes store and give the podcast a 5 star rating or a review. That would be just awesome. Thanks again.
Great for you and now many people will find our blog through itunes. Try to get some featured listing if possible and there would be many people who will look for you 🙂
Bishwajeet, one of the best ways to get featured in iTunes is to get your listeners to rate and review your show in iTunes. This it the reason I ask everyone who listens to the show to go there and give it a rating. Thanks for the comment Bishwajeet.
What a great idea Ileane.
I agree that it’s an awesome way to engage the audience. I’ll give this a try.
Good marketing strategy to make your product viral. This is novice recommended methodology in blogging.
I would love to do a podcast if only there were five extra days in the week! I do love listening to them, though. I prefer audio to video because I listen everywhere and anywhere. I just plug in my headphones when I’m on the treadmill, when I’m cooking dinner, when I’m out shopping, when I’m in the car… I listen to hours of podcasts every day (can I admit I listen to them in double time? hmmm.)
The only thing that drives me nuts is people who constantly giggle on podcasts! The info is good but sheesh, take a chill pill 🙂
Any recommendations for good podcasts? I’ve pretty much usurped the entire 5×5 network among others. Yet still can’t get enough!
Thanks for the tips on how to get listed, too. I never thought about it much because I just don’t have the time right now but I’m going to bookmark this and keep it for future reference!
Hi Carol Lynn, these days, most of the podcasts I listen to are about podcasting or tech related. But years ago before I started blogging I subscribed to mostly video podcasts.
If you like yoga two really good ones are YogAmazing and Yoga Today.
If you want to stick with tech, try TheTechMonks podcast. I interviewed Tim Arthur here before and the other co-hosts are my friends Damond Nollan and Aaron K. White.
I got plenty more so if you’re interested just let me know!
Podcasting is an EXCELLENT marketing tool. These tips are awesome for the smally fry’s to get their podcasts live on iTunes.
Hi Chris, thanks for the positive feedback!
Hi Ileane, you know I have never done a podcast or even really looked at one. I am for sure going to put that on my to do list of things to learn because I can see how powerful it can be. Thanks for sharing Ileane. You rock!!
Hi April, there are a few podcasting services you can use to test the waters and get a feel for the concept. Spreaker and have iPhone and Android apps that will get you up and running in no time. The tips I talk about in this post will help you once you’ve decided that podcasting is something that you really want to do. Thanks for stopping by April and I really would love to give you a hand if you want to get started.
Have a great day.
Thanks so much for this. This post is exactly what I needed.
I’ve been looking all week for a good resources-in to use for podcasts and also trying to find some training on the topic. You set it all out in an easy to read and follow post.
I’m bookmarking this for reference and gonna spend the rest of the day setting up my podcast. 🙂
Thanks a LOT.
Hi Amrik, I’m so glad to hear that you are interested in podcasting. I wish you all the best! Please keep me posted and feel free to write a guest post about your experience here if you want.
I’ve been looking all week for a good resources-in to use for podcasts and also trying to find some training on the topic. Thanks that you’ve shared.
Myrtle, you’re welcome, I’m glad I could help out.
Have read your previous post about promoting content with youtube. Its was really nice and helpful post. And now one more amazing post. Yes podcast is not very sounding way but it is really helpful. but from your post, I got something new(as always ). And the way you explained is amazing. That is with the help of pics and fully simple language. Thanks a ton for sharing. love your blogs.
Thank you for the nice complements today dagnyjbarber, they encourage me to do more posts about podcasting in the future.
You’re after my own podcasting heart, Ileane. 🙂 I think that’s one of the first things that brought me to your blog is the fact that you have such passion towards podcasting, the same passion that I have towards it. In my own business, though, I haven’t done too much of it, which is odd, since I used to host about 7 different shows in the past. I gotta fix that!
Anyway, this is a great overview of how to get into iTunes! It’s a lot easier than in the old days. Plus there are a lot of places like and who, when you create an account and submit your audio, automatically submit your podcast to iTunes.
Thanks for the article!
Morgan, 7 shows! that’s amazing! Now I know why you are such a natural in front of the camera. You have a great background in reaching out to your audience in different formats. That is so inspiring and I so look forward to your next podcast. You know you have my full support when you launch!
I’ve never considered doing podcasts mainly because I have too many irons in the fire as it is. I know that we should be repurposing our content in so many different formats but would this just be that much more time consuming to do as well Ileane? I know you’re the pro girl.
Thanks for sharing this information with us. I know there are plenty of people eager to learn how to get theirs on iTunes.
Adrienne, this will take no time at all for you to set up a podcast. Since you are using Camtasia, you can export the audio from your YouTube videos. Just start off with those “talking head” videos you are so good at. I’ve even used some of my how-to screencast and edited out the parts where I say things like “now see this link right here”. That’s another reason I like using Screencast-o-matic it’s super easy to extract the audio and make your edits.
Any you know, each episode of your podcast doesn’t need to be perfect. You can tell people up front that a particular episode was taken from video if necessary. Kim Castleberry and Nile Flores have started with podcasting and you might want to check out their podcasts too for some inspiration from within our circle.
Keep me posted and I’d be glad to help if you need me!
Hi Ileane, People keep telling me I shoud podcast because of my motor-mouth! I think it is an excellent way to pump up my blog and other networks. I just haven’t gotten to it “Yet.” After I finish my main to-do’s I certainly want to give this a shot. I think it is great for an app on on mobile devices because people always are listening to something when they are “off line” like being at the gym, riding in their cars, etc. It is a great way to get the message out and I thank you for the links you have put up to make life a little more easy!
Hi Donna, how nice of you to stop by and show your support.
When I first started listening to podcasts, I used to follow a lot of video podcasts for yoga and Photoshop tutorials. Another one of my all time favorite vidoe podcasts is Mr. Excel. If you ever need help or have an Excel issue – Bill Jelen is the man!!
I got interested in audio podcasting when I met Ray Ortega aka @PodcastHelper on Twitter. I tweeted about some issue I was having and he reached out to me and helped me resolve it in no time. After that I subscribed to his show and got hooked on audio podcasting too. Now I listen to a podcast every morning on my way in to work. It’s pretty exciting to think that someone might be listening to mine on their way in to work too!
Have a wonderful day Donna, take care.
Carl, I don’t think you realize how many people subscribe to podcasts – especially on iTunes. I don’t have the exact numbers but just imagine the potential based on the number of people who have iPhones, iPads and iPods.
I don’t have any of those and I downloaded iTunes to my computer years ago and basically that how I listen to music and podcasts. You should just take a look at the iTunes store to see if there are any podcasts in the niches that you have sites in. I bet you’ll find some popular ones. Let me know what you find ok?
I’ve been conducting interviews with authors and posting them on my site. I’m thinking I should post them on iTunes. That would increase my reach as an interviewer and help expand the publicity of the people I interview.
Ms. Ileane, you are always giving me more work to do. 🙂
Hi Marcie, it will be so easy for you to extract the audio from those interviews and use them for a podcast. It will add a nice touch to your portfolio. Best wishes!!
Nice article there Ileane, but to be honest, this is meant for famous bloggers. I’m still on the way and hope to reach my destination some day 🙂 Cheers
Raaj, think of this post as planting the seeds. Keep the idea of podcasting in the back of your mind as your grow your blog and increase your skill level, then in time, come back and you know where to find the instructions! It’s not like Google and SEO where things change every other week, iTunes has been pretty much the same for a long time. 🙂
Thanks for these inspirational words Ileane 🙂 I’m really inspired and will surely be patient on my journey to become a famous blogger 🙂
podcasting is a good tool and does get you the exposure sought after
i know many who have looked at getting into this, this article is great for that
i will be sure to let others know 🙂
An impressive share! I have just forwarded this onto a friend who has been doing a little research on this. And he in fact ordered me dinner because I discovered it for him… lol. So let me reword this…. Thanks for the meal!! But yeah, thanks for spending some time to discuss this topic here on your site.
Podcasting has been one of those things that I always put on the back burner and never got around developing. Yeah I know, shame on me lol~ To be honest with you it seems challenging, but then even blogging seemed challenging when I first got started. I’m bookmarking this page to get me started on podcasting so wish me luck. Thanks for sharing the insightful tips btw.
Samuel, you’re right podcasting is challenging. When you compare it to blogging, there is not as much information available and this is a big part of the challenge. I’m glad you found this post and the resources I listed here will get you started on the right path. Best wishes.
Very very useful article!
Definitely gonna try podcasts!
Nice and informative blog post. I am going to use the services of this Podcast for my business venture. By recording your speeches will be a great benefit in handling down the instructions and data which you want others to follow and know.
My opinion is that it is a rocking idea to engage your fans with your rocking app on iTunes.
Beautiful! I am researching this topic for my readers!
Thanks a lot for this. I have not really thought about podcast until I read your post. Defiantly something I will be exploring in the not to distant future.
Thanks for the post. I have created a Podcast and submitted in iTunes. My video podcast showed in about 2 Days after I submitted it. 🙂
A lot of this is stuff that i should really know,but its helpful to hear in a clear well organized format like this…
Podcasts can easily be created in Garageband or other audio application. I find it hard to find the time to listen to them but have done it a few times. I think people like their info. “chunked” into small segments, no longet than 5 min. at a time!
Hey awesome post!podcast play a good role in a successful blog,much visitors attracts towards video post rather than a written post,and it increases traffic to the blog.