Highest Possible Return on Investment

Are You Getting the Highest Possible Return on Investment from Your Blog Posts?

For the new age blogger, it’s a jungle out there… Unfortunately it’s never been harder to get the attention of your audience than right now. Distractions are everywhere. I would estimate about 97% of blogs (which are usually started with high hopes) end up becoming pretty much dead within 12 months. The main reason for this being the blog posts are dry, dull and boring. The writing usually lacks personality and sounds robotic. Or the topics have already been covered a thousand times before on the other “me too blogs.” There is a certain art to writing, that extends further than just trying to teach people stuff on your website. It’s more important than ever to utilise a combination of both information and entertainment in your writing. In a nutshell, you’ve gotta make it interesting…

Are You Getting the Highest Possible Return on Investment from Your Blog Posts? Read More »