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Create A Successful WordPress Website and Stand Out In the Crowd

You might call your blog a website, or your WordPress website a blog, but we all have something in common, we all want to stand out in a crowd.Make Your Blog Stand Out In a Crowd

To create a successful WordPress website, the main objective is to stand out in the crowd amongst the millions of other competing websites around you.

When you are competing for a similar keyword the Internet world becomes the whole lot smaller. So in this article I am going to mention a few things you can do to make your WordPress website stand out in a crowd!

Express Your Opinion

This is easy for me as I love to express my opinion about absolutely everything! I am not a follower and do not follow along with other people’s opinions. New Webmasters often look at other successful Webmasters and presume that they must copy them step by step. This could not be further from the truth, as people notice that you are not actually being your own person.

Talk about the Forbidden

When you are building a WordPress website or blog, you are in charge of the topics on that website. People often shy away from publishing anything controversial that might attract negative feedback. But little do they know, publishing posts that other Webmasters will not only shows that you are an open person. It also shows that you are open to listen to other people’s opinions as well, as the negative or positive feedback will come in from these kinds of posts.

I personally have published a few posts that were controversial and I do often mention little digs in my actual articles. One of my articles that caused controversy was when I asked my readers if they really want to be on my list, as I was fed up with the whole situation of list building. Another post I should mention was titled “Why I will not show income reports” and this could have offended some of my friends who do show their income reports.

Challenge the Big Boys

The big boys in the Internet blogging world are just ordinary people who started out like you and me. They are not gurus that need to be worshiped or agreed with all the time. These guys are just human beings like you and me and they are not perfect and not always right. This is probably where your own opinion comes in again, as worshiping people and following too much will always hold you back from being a leader.

Disagreeing with the blogging gurus just shows your own opinion which makes you unique. People will respect you for that.

Think Outside the Box

Rack your brains for ideas on something really different that you can do on your blog or website. This is really important so you should take the time to think of something that others are not doing. I have seen some really great ideas from bloggers and sometimes it is just as simple as offering a really different free report. It just gets so boring when you go to all these different websites and they are all the same. You need to stand out in the crowd and do something different. Many people fail at blogging because they do not think outside the box of blogging.

Create Your Own Graphics for a WordPress Website

I love taking screenshots and creating my own graphics through Photoshop. It is amazing what happens when you make your own graphics. This allows you to upload this picture to other websites and link back to your own website. So the picture looks great on your article but is also doing its own job by promoting your post. If you don't know how to create your own graphics you can easily get some made for you on sites like or

You can pin your images in Pinterest, upload them to Facebook, Flickr, and so much more. Images are also great for SEO if you include an alt tag for your image.

Specialize in a Tighter Niche

Refine your subject and become an expert about one thing. Of course you could be great at many things but you should only ever offer a few areas of expert advice. This way, people will know where to go for the best advice about a particular topic.

If you do specialize in your niche, you will see a more targeted audience following you. Obviously this will make your website or blog stand out in a crowd. Just don't pick a subject that no one is interested in!

So Lets Stand OUT!

It is not easy to stand out in the crowd when there are 200 million or more blogs in 2012 and counting. But what we all can do is simply be ourselves and not try to be someone we are not. If you show your true colors you will surely stand out in the crowd as we are all unique individuals and others will just find you interesting for who you are!


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