Replace Blogger's Default Commenting System with CommentLuv
Before you publish a post on your Blogspot blog you need to replace the default commenting system. Here's why – basically the default commenting system on Blogger sucks! You can find some Blogger hacks, but Goggle has come a long way with making improvements to the Blogger publishing platform but they have done nothing to improve the commenting system in over a year. There's a fast and easy solution for you and it doesn't require any technical skills or template modification. Join the CommentLuv community and install the plugin!
Register for an account with Intense Debate. Then install the Intense Debate commenting system on your Blogger Blog. Don't worry if you've had the blog for a long time, Intense Debate will still work smoothly. Ms. Ileane's Blog was about six months old before I installed Intense Debate and I didn't have any issues or lose any comments. Watch the video:
Activate the CommentLuv Plugin
Follow the 3 step process and don't forget the most important step. INSTALL THE COMMENTLUV PLUGIN! Now, see how easy it is to install CommentLuv on Blogger! Your blog will benefit by receiving more comments and your readers will benefit by getting some CommentLuv.
[box]Find blogs to comment on in your niche, with the Global CommentLuv Enabled Blog Search[/box]
CommentLuv Plugin For WordPress
If you're looking for the CommentLuv plugin for self-hosted WordPress blogs, you can download the plugin on the ComLuv site, along with a few other plugins from the same developer Andy Bailey. Twitter Links is a plugin that add a link to the blogger's Twitter account and the GrowMap Anti-Spambot Plugin is an alternative to Akismet that will combat false positive and prevent automatically generated spam comments.
One more tip about using CommentLuv, be sure to use the same email address that you use for your Gravatar to reinforce your brand awareness. You will also want to carry over the exact same image to your Google + profile, and your Facebook profile too.
I know you have some questions like: Why should I get CommentLuv? That one is way too easy, you can do better than that, let me hear it!