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When I started blogging last fall I was fortunate to meet the wonderfully, supportive blogger known  as Hesham. It’s important to develop relationships with otherbloggers and I feel blessed that Hesham and I developed a good one. He is someone you can count on, and he is also a great person to learn from.

The list of friends and supporters of Hesham is too long for this post. I wanted to do something different to showcase the Famous Bloggers website and one of Hesham's other projects that has skyrockets to success known as the MMOSocialNetwork. If you want to monetize your blog and you’re not a member already, go and sign up right now and come back to watch the video after you register.


Want To Be A Famous Blogger

The video mentions all of the opportunities that bloggers can take advantage of by accessing this powerful social network that we are all so very proud to be a part of. Another thing that I admire about Hesham wasn't mentioned in the video, and that is his web design and graphic art skills. This is something that you don't pick up just from reading a couple of blog posts or watching a video. It starts with the gift of talent and a creative mind. I only hope that a smidgen of this can transfer over to me after rubbing shoulders with him in the blogosphere.

Blogging and Multitasking

If you are wondering how Hesham manages to juggle so many tasks you can find out by reading a guest post from him on How to Manage Busy Social Networking Life With Multiple Projects at Hand. Personally, I can't help but wonder how my friend Ching Ya was so fortunate to have a guest post from the man himself! Probably because she is such a kind and supportive blogger too. 😉

Subscribe to the feed for his blog, or you can just do like I do and go come over for a visit each and everyday.  I promise that you will not be disappointed.

Hesham – thanks for everything you do to help bloggers!

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