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7 Techniques You Should Try for Getting More Comments

I love getting comments on my blog. Don't you?

It's what creates engagement and builds a community around your blog.

When was the last time one of your posts went unnoticed? Long time ago, right? But you aren't getting heaps of comments either. What can you do?

Tell me about your problem. What's up with your comment counts? What have you tried?

Every week I get 3-5 emails asking the same question. Here's one of them:

I own a blog with decent traffic and good content. I won't complain about not receiving comments as I do. But they don't really rush into my dashboard every time I open it. Instead, I always receive only a comment or two from my loyal readers. What do I do? I've tried almost everything under the sun.

Before I reveal some killer tips, I wanted you to know that good content won't do.

You need great content to attract comments. As far as your question goes, have you really tried everything under the sun? No, you haven't. Even if you did, you missed out some of the most crucial and smart tips.

Watch Out:- This post is only for people who are serious. Apply these tips only if you can handle loads of comments. 😉

The harsh truth is that getting comments is hard

It is not impossible but it is hard.

But, it is not that tough if you do it the right way.

How in the world do you think that some blogs receive hundreds of comments where as some blog have never received any at all.

What is the difference?

How do some bloggers attract so many of their readers to add a blog post comment – what is their secret?

Black hat? Nah! They won't risk it

Fake commenters? Heck no! They'll never do something that'll damage their blog's reputation.

Then how?

Hard work!

I don't mean you don't work hard. But they took their time. Each and every one of them took years to understand the psychology of commenters. They experimented and experimented and experimented. And finally, they discovered the right way to attract comments.

You can do that too…. But don't do it until and unless you've all the time in the world and you're not interested (or not ready) in taking your blog to the next level right now.

I am here to save you all that trouble. I'll reveal the secret to you. Trust me, I burned a whole lot of money and time in experimenting (more than you could imagine). Back then, even I was clueless just like you.

Comments. err…… how is that useful? Do they really matter?

Comments are one of the most precious assets a blog can have. Large numbers of comments mean awesome engagement. Awesome engagement will indirectly show how worthy your blog is.

Did you know that the your most popular post i.e the most commented post is the second most visited post after the latest post published.


Because more comments will tell your first time visitors that this post of yours is worth their time and is a killer one. 🙂

It all starts with the first comment:

Do you know what a reader does before dropping a comment on your blog? He looks at the first comment (if it exists). He will react according to the first comment.

If the first comment is positive then automatically your reader will comment positive stuff about your content. What if no first comment exists?

In that case, it is more likely that your readers will shy away from commenting.

So what can I do?

Follow these tips below?

Yes, practice and perfect these techniques.

How to get that first comment and keep the flow going?

Here are some of the tips to learn how to get the first comment and start getting loads of comments that you mayn't be able to handle.

1- Your post needs to be great (at least)

Let me tell you one thing my friend that the days of “good” are over. Who the hell wants good content? People are looking for great content. They prefer awesome content but you can always draw attention with great content.

Though great content can't do the magic that awesome content can do.

Forget about receiving comments if your post is not up to the mark. Your post should not only be helpful to your readers but it should also teach them something new and unique or entertain them.

2-  Be emotional. Feel your readers' emotions.

Being emotional works. You need to feel readers' emotions and write content accordingly. Being funny, stupid or over smart always attract comments.

But never ever play with your reader's emotions. Doing so can put your whole online reputation on the line.

3- Write a CTA they can't resist (Call to Action)

What is a call to action?

What can you expect from you readers after reading your post? Nothing! Why? Because you never told them what to do once they finish reading your post.

Before instructing them. Think for yourself. What do you want them to do after reading your post? Do you want them to drop their insightful comments? Do you want them to share your content? Do you want them to bookmark your content? Do you want them to buy products with your affiliate links? Or do you want them to buy your products?

Whatever your motive is, no body will do something unless they're told to do it.

Ask your readers to comment on your post in a creative way.

4- Ask a question which is easy to answer.

Complicating things and puzzling readers is good. In fact, it draws attention. But everything should be done in limit. Over-complexity will make a reader close the windows.

Majority of the time, try to ask questions which are easy to answer. And ask your readers to answer the question through the comments.

Try it! You will see a remarkable increase in the number of comments published on your blog.

5- Publish less

Weird, right? Everyone is asking you to churn out more and more content where as I am asking you to publish less.

If you've lot of new content to read you will overwhelm your readers. I am not asking you to stop writing. You need to write daily and publish guest posts often.

The less you publish the more comments your posts will attract.

In other words, the number of posts you publish is indirectly proportional to the number of comments they receive.

Makes sense.

6- Ask for links

After you publish high quality post, go and check the blogs in your niche that would like to share the post with their readers and ask them for a link to your post. Do this to seed the conversation on your blog.

This will send you more traffic, comments and build your audience faster.

As I said, publish less, but promote the heck out of every post you write.

7- Bribe them

Tell me, do you think that there is a better way to attract comments then to give them something in return?

Bribe Them. Give your commenters something in return. In return for their comment.

Reward your top commentators. Reward who leaves high quality comments on your blog.

You can reward them with anything, a banner on your blog, a link to their blog and many other things. Just try to be creative and you'll get more comments.

Last Words:

I know I missed something here.

And I also know that readers here are smart enough to guess that stuff and help others by sharing them through the comments.


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