Why You Should Make Your Blog a Business Blog Today!

Hey, it's Ivin here, talking about my business blog, and I've been ‘absent'  for a while. This post is not going to talk about how I'm back and how I rock, because that'll be kind of vain, won't it?Your Business Blog

I am actually here to tell you what I've been struggling with a bit lately in my internet business blog.

Competition is so fierce and even though people know me for having hustling (hard work) as my creed, I realized lately that I've been working hard, but more like a chicken running around with his head cut off.

Aimless and directionless.

A business blog gives you focus.

I have recently started making my business a blog business. Sure, I have a couple corporate clients I build and manage a digital platform for. Sure, I own my own media company where we are ‘testing' a lot of things right now. But what I'm really passionate about is this, typing this post and providing value to other bloggers' experiences online by sharing my struggles  failures experiences. Building a business blog.

What I started doing lately, is saying,

Sure, I have a couple big contracts that pay the bills and cover the bottom line, but when I look at it, I'm still working for someone else, I'm not really free.

I would love to write a post and make money, send an email to my ‘herd'  and pay for a new computer, build a pool etc.  These are things that most of us dream of being able to do, but we're not really doing it. Be honest. Look at some of the income reports of the biggest names among us. And it's not so flattering. They'll tell you so themselves. The Pareto Principle will always be in place and I strive to be in the 20% margin.

So, I told myself this year that I'm blessed to have a couple big contracts, but I'm unhappy, I'm unsatisfied… Because I want to blog for a living, for myself. I don't want to blog on behalf of a company or a celeb, because that's not my voice. I told myself that I am going to make my blog my main business. My personal blog and my publishing blog. Here are the steps I'm going to take and this is how you, can start to focus on your business blog too:

  • Set an income goal – Look at your current income (from whatever, your other income streams, your J-O-B) and add to that 15%. Then make it your goal to make that each month. The goal here is to substitute your other income with blog income, freeing yourself to do what you love.
  • Stop working for pennies – I have never written a blog article for 1$ or even $5. I didn't bid on an article unless it's $10 – $50. You have to look at yourself as being worth that. And if you're not getting work at that rate, get better as a writer and a blogger. Find a platform that pays well, great commissions – or find a product that pays well. I once sent an email to close to 200 email subscribers. I got paid for every lead and commission for sales. From that one email (and a blog post) I made a cool $300. Not bad right? I put the product I'm promoting on my publishing blog and my entire funnel is shifting that way.  If you don't find a golden product like I did, make your own product, even if it's $27 and build your funnel that way.
  • Work hard for traffic – Study the gurus like Ana Hoffman, John Chow and Zac Johnson. Not how they make money, but how do they get traffic.If you know how to get traffic you are 80% there. After that you need to learn to target better, capture leads, rule social media and split test. I am focusing ONLY on traffic right now for my business blog, but my experience with building eCommerce sites and products helped me set up all that first before I started working furiously on traffic.
  • Target your efforts – I realized lately that it's futile to go for the Basic Blog Tips audience, or the Traffic Generation Cafe audience. These are two of the best business blogs and they already have a guru, someone they trust. So instead, I am focusing on building a system to help South Africans start their own home businesses. There's lots of unemployment and poverty here and it would be awesome to help people alleviate that. So, my goal is to become the guru or go-to guy in South Africa for this. Why? I can speak their language and you can't. You can't play in my sandpit, because I know them, and they can become my herd.  So, instead of dunking your bucket into the Pacific ocean, hoping to catch some fish, rather put your bucket in a bath, and your bound to catch a few. You getting this?

A business blog will help you develop and own a brand

I my case my personal blog has become my home. Nobody can take that way from me. I blog there and I'm very particular about what I write there, the quality of the comments and who guest posts there. Because, for me, it's not only if you are the right fit, but is your content the right fit.

My blog(s) has become my brand. My publishing blog, Authopublisher, not only paved the way for internet marketers to make money from publishing, but also broke the way bloggers label themselves as experts and sold them the dream and possibility of becoming a published author. It also sold them on making publishing part of their income model. It was one of the few blogs that pioneered this movement. It got great metrics and became a multi-author blog 10 months into its existence and won an award after one year of it's existence. That's a brand to be proud of.

My personal blog is also a brand, a personal brand. Kinda like JohnChow.com is his personal brand synonymous with blogging and the DotCom lifestyle, like Amy Porterfield is synonymous with Facebook. Mine, I strive to, will be about starting a home businesses. So what do I do? I blog about it and publish books about it, establishing myself as an expert.

A business blog allows you to branch out.

The blog is the home base. It's your brand and base of operations. So, let's say you don't get invited to BlogWorldExpo to do a presentation, or to the Affiliate Summit to talk about the latest trends, or to ePub LA to talk about self publishing. So what? Have your own events.

In 2006 I attended a Blog MOB (Meeting of Bloggers) and because of my success with my blog back then, I was someone, important (to them). Why? Because it was local. I was someone because I was approachable, could be touched and who people could shake hands with.  Because of that blog platform and what I managed to do there, I just signed 2 new writers to my publishing blog, because local is better.

So, go out and build your brand locally by doing seminars with local businesses, show them what's possible and sell them services, set up costs etc. But stay true to your goal – to blog full time and focus on that alone. Have events locally teaching people your blogging skills. You may not look like a guru to the followers of Seth Godin, because they have their mentor. But, I bet if you start doing the rounds locally, you'll be surprised at how in awe people are at what you can do and teach them.

I actually just finished research of schools I plan to canvas for leads. Not even in my entire province, just my town and the adjacent one. We're looking at close to 500 schools I am planning to do free blogging courses at and my target is making $2/3000 just from the hosting they will need to get to set it up. I can spend three hours each week for four weeks and it'll still be worth my time. And the cool thing is, you can't do it where I am, you're not from here. I carve out a niche where I CAN be successful and eliminate my competition through locality.

Marketing takeaway.

So, I want to take a quick moment just to sum up some thoughts into actionable bullet points.

  • If you are doing work for someone else, you are not working for yourself. Even though freelancing is a great way to start a small business blog, you will always be answerable to someone else. Get to where you free yourself so that if you fail, it's your fault and no-one's going to razz you about it. You just write your next post on your business blog and do whatever you sucked at better.
  • Carve your own space for you in the (local) world. I am not reserved in mentioning awards I've won and accolades I may have achieved, because they separate me from the pack. Any professional and guru would do the same, because it makes them stand out and gives them credibility.  Claim your territory and own (work) it.
  • Think outside the box. Why do you need to do sponsored posts (which pays you peanuts)? Why do you have to do affiliate marketing (and get low commissions)? Be creative in how you're going to earn from your blog (I am also planning to cover local events by blogging live from the premises).

My plan (shhhht).

Let me share with you my simple plan to make lots of money with my business blog and be successful.

  • Target a local need.
  • Write a couple posts reporting on my observations and how it could be solved.
  • Place the posts I wrote on the topic into an eBook and make a report available with which I capture leads.
  • Get social with my leads by sending them autoresponder messages, but also being available for them (at no cost) through a support desk, Facebook, Skype groups etc .
  • Build a product through compiling information in blog posts and making videos of them.
  • Build a proper funnel with one time offers, upsells and downsell for a low priced, high value item. Once people bought from me once, they're very likely to buy again and I can look at building a bigger, better product down the line.

Your Turn.

Did I inspire you? Did I make you angry with my arrogance? Good. Go and do something about it and hustle to make your dreams happen, because I'm tired of reading about how ‘other' people make money from their business blog. Share any thoughts you may have about your business blog, I'd love to hear them.

129 thoughts on “Why You Should Make Your Blog a Business Blog Today!”

  1. Eric Pangburn

    I must admit I like your approach Ivin, and I believe that the local model is one that is becoming more and more popular. Though, I am sure it’s going to be bit of a process to develop those local relationship.

    I would be interested to hear how the reaching out to schools works out? Would this be geared toward colleges level or what?

    Thanks for sharing,


    P.S. I love the idea of live blogging at local events that’s a great idea, and I could see that being a huge networking opportunity!

    1. Hello Eric. I see no other way to be relevant and make an impact otherwise. Yes, there’s a place for a global impact and relevancy, but you have to carve out your place in this world. And as I explained, I cannot be a ‘ mentor’ to the BBT audience, although I hope this post helped some people, But I can become the mentor of my community. And sweet thing about it is here, I have an edge. Whereas in the larger WWW, I (most of us) struggle to even tread water and NOT drown.

      Thanks SO much for your contribution.

  2. This is an amazing and very inspiring post, I am trying to blog as a business and It is my business and the only business i have, and it make me a good income but I am trying to grow this business, and traffic is my main problem as most bloggers.
    Your idea of trying to learn about traffic and see what gurus do for traffic, lead me to one conclusion, those guys spend a lot of money on traffic, they invest huge amounts in the marketing, we as small bloggers cannot afford this kind on investment not just yet. there are some ways to increase your traffic but it also require a lot of work and time if not money. so it is now a full time job 🙂
    But hey thanks, this kind of post inspire and make us even work harder, thank you

    1. Hello Jossef. I have gone and studied traffic for 2-3 months and compiled a flowchart with all the tips and tricks I have read about and learned. I have just finished page 1 of six and my traffic already quadrupled. The key is following SOUND advise and taking action. Be surgical about it and work your butt off.

      RE: What it costs. I have planned the post and blog that I am making money through a funnel. If you’re traffic is not captured in the form of leads and siphoned off to eventually get some customers from, you’re wasting time, money and your blog is not a business.

      I spent around $50 on long term and short term traffic this week and the results are rewarding.

  3. I am a Student still, but a Young Aged Blogger. I run my blog as a Hobby and use the Earning for my Gadgets, I have a great interest to make my Blog as a Business, but it is all the TIME, which I lack. Once I finish my studies, I’ve many Great Ideas to make my own Business with Blogs. Anyway, Truly Inspiring Post. Thanks 🙂

    1. Hello Anirudh. It’s difficult to study and do anything else. Well, that is, if you want good grades. I like your blog title, and doing that you won’t be disappointing. Go at your own pace and set realistic goals for yourself.

      You’ll have a lot more success blogging out of your own experiences and tests you run. But your Alexa looks great, so I won’t worry about it. Maybe start working on your funnel, capturing leads and producing your own product.

      1. Thanks for the Swift Response. Glad that you loved my site title 😀 Brainstormed it for 2 months and came with that one 🙂

        1. Well, it’s catchy, when it comes to blogging. It may prove to be problematic when you’re readers ask: “Why should I read your blog. ‘ I’ll definitely keep an eye on your development.

    2. Just like Anirudh, I’m also a student and part-time blogger. I’d love to make my blog as business. Plan is really important for this and ofcourse time as well.

      I’ve covered a similar topic on my blog. About turning blog into small business. You should check it out. 😀

      1. Yeah I know, Have read them already Ammar 😀 I have an idea of making it as business. But no mind has many goals and ideas. Will finalize it once I finish my Studies 🙂

        1. You must finish your studies first. Later you can build your own business via blogging… I also think to make another blog…

          1. studied in any particular field its essential that what sort of blogger you are, bec. choosing a right title for a blog is a key of right blogging technique.

  4. Great share Ivin,
    I have been thinking to create a blog since last month but I don’t do it. (Not having any reason) well after reading this article, Now I understand I wasted my time to just thinking ! I would have created my blog.

      1. thanks Ivin for sharing
        Its a great help for me I will definitely launch my micro niche site soon

  5. Hey Ivin! As always straight to the point! Thanks for the great ideas. Business blogging is a super thing now, it is like the eternal engine of WWW right now. You can hardly find a blogger who doesn’t dream about millions earned with the help of the blog)))

  6. Well, Evan. You need to be realistic about your goals. You know that I learned that the hard way. But, if you give yourself enough time, you’ll reach them. Work hard and learn a lot. That’s the key(s).

    And thanks for being such a fan 😉

  7. Without having a proper plan and preparation we can’t touch our expectation. To make a blog business blog we need to have a good plan at first. Here you have attached the most common and important points about this.
    Thanks Ivin Viljoen:)

  8. Hi Ivin,

    Like your approach to blogging as a business. It is hard to have a successful blog in today’s internet world 🙂

    But it is possible when you find out your own ways of gaining more traffic and building your own strategy through that.

    Just like you wrote in the article, study the gurus and they will show you some of the ways of gaining more traffic, but never sacrifice more stable methods such as guest blogging and community sharing.


    1. Hello Samuel. You know I’m big on both. Re: the guru’s. I guess everyone’s different. Take what you can do or have access to and throw out what is irrelevant. Because each blogger is different.

  9. I am actually here to tell you what I’ve been struggling with a bit lately in my internet business blog.so in this time earn the money trough the internet .many technique available like blog, ppc.etc.so good blog is attractive the client our site .
    blog is mediam of marketing or lance the new product.so reached the product maximum client.

    1. Couldn’t quite make all of what you said Anil. But from what I can understand I’ll say that struggling means you’re growing. Just don’t quit. Because, then you’ve lost.

      Find something you’re passionate about. Solve problems and become small (target your efforts).

  10. Muhammad Usman

    I learn few things..but most important is add 15% into previous salary is my favorite point and also hard work is key I already bookmarked it to read again if I need some point later.

  11. Hiii Ivin Viljoen, I have already create a blog so please tell me how i have to make money through my site plz reply.

    1. Well, fame doesn’t bring you income, unless your branding properly. Otherwise you’re just a well known jock.

    2. True Saqib, I like the fame and money part.

      Ivin is right, there is a lot of unemployment in Africa, if he can only be a guru in blogging am sure he can become a great role model. Keep it up Ivin your article and ideas and even future plans are just great.

  12. Yes you inspired!
    I too think my blog as business. And I think everyone should take it serious. For blogging as passion you can take another blog with your name where you can blog or just share what you want.


  13. Your approach is kinda different than what I normally read..and it rocks! you got me thinking there for a moment..thanks dude!

      1. Yes I will. I plan on devoting at least a day of the week starting this weekend to setup and build my own business blog..until I can eventually let my main job go (working for someone) and concentrate on it and be my own boss..thanks!

        1. Good stuff. It’s hard work, but if you get a plan together, you’ll do well. I blogged for at least a year until I went into it full time.

          Good luck!

  14. This post is right on the money..

    With changing times, people are getting more and more serious about their passion than ever before. Blogging which was seen as a leisure activity few years back is now seen as not just pleasure but also as a serious commitment in what you believe in.
    Long story short… “Business blogs really rock” 🙂

    Thanks for the share.

    1. Interesting you say that. I just read another comment of someone saying he doesn’t have passion for blogging, however, it is his business. I personal;ly don’t know how you can be successful and separate the two.

  15. Hello,
    I started a few month ago working on an internet business in my free time, because I like the idea of working for myself…
    I like your approach, have to study it a little closer to check if I can adapt to it.

  16. Great info! My blog isn’t a business to business blog, but I have been able to leverage a few of the techniques you talk about for e-commerce sales. Finding those issues and solving them with some answers yourself can also create some controversy which adds to the discussion. Great info though. Thanks!

  17. Hi Ivin,

    A great post. Blog is a great way to find new clients for your services and the tips you have covered will definitely help a bloggers to transform his blog into better business blog. At the same time, I will add one more tip to your list i.e to have patience . It is very important and most of the bloggers don’t have it


    1. Hello Gagan. Patience is a virtue that requires a lot of waiting… But if you can have patience and persistence, you’ll make it. Even though I achieved some measure of success, there’s always a higher plain to walk to.

  18. deepak mehra

    Hi Ivin,

    I like your ideas about business blog. it is so awesome and fantastic blog. my personal experience in blogging is not too long . I am new in blogging. but I read carefully your blog . I am totally inspire with your blog.

    thanks for share me.
    Inspiring Post. Thanks

  19. I’ve been into business blogs for quite some time already. It wasn’t my original plan when I started, but this surely gives me direction on what I really want.

    1. Hello Sarah. Blogs for business is fun and exciting. The challenge is making it your full time profession.

  20. Well, I used to target non-bloggers. Though, I read blogs on “Make Money Online”, “Affiliate Marketing” , “Blogging Tips”, “Technology” and so on.. But, what about telling the people about fashion?

    People do search for health related products, fashion products and lot more..

    One can make money online by changing the niche. Hard Work is required each and every where. You can’t stop doing hard work if you want to be successful.

    Well, Ivin blogging is an art and one can make money only if he/she is serious about it.

    Great post btw. 🙂

    1. Hello Richa. You bring up a very good point. You don’t have to blog about making money online and the like. You can blog in any niche you like, as long as you can find paying customers in it.

  21. Hi Ivin,

    lately I have been struggling with my blog due to the updates. These tips on making blog as a business has inspired me a lot. I never thought of the aspect of making my own audience and target a local audience. I also dream of making blogging my sole business and a lot has to be achieved. Thanks for inspiring us.

    1. It’s a pleasure Vicky. IF you caught the essence you’re well on your way. All that’s left is to take action

  22. Welcome back Ivin, we’ve been missing you for a while now.

    Clarity is everything when it comes to a business – knowing what we want and figuring out how we are going to achieve it is half success attained. Thanks for the clear post!

    1. Hello Jane. I’ve been working on that bottom line income flow. Now I can play again and focus on making blogging my main stream.

      That focus you’re talking about is very important. You have to be surgical and targeted at everything you do. It’s tiring and tough on the body and eyes. But only those that hustle the hardest will come out on top.

  23. Some sound advice and tips there Ivin, sometimes I feel like I work for pennies, then I realize I live in the Philippines and pennies go along way! 🙂


    1. Yes, mark. Sometimes I wonder if I shouldn’t move to the Philippines, or India where my Dollars will go a long way. I have many friends that have done that, and it makes sense. Relocation can be tough on a family though.

      I want to encourage you though, even if you work for pennies, try better your fee. I have loyal suppliers in Manilla and India always hustling me for a higher fee, and I have no problem with that. If your work is great, you deliver on time and solve my biggest problem (time), I don’t mind you hustling a few more Dollars out of me.

    1. Hello Tayyab. I posted an interesting quote on my Twitter yesterday: ‘If you are a copy (regurgitate content), you will always be in competition. and original (producing great original content) you will NEVER have competition.

  24. Nice Post bro, when i started blogging i never looked at the money aspect of things. to be truth to you, i never thought there is money in the blogging world because i am just doing it for the fun. but when i opened my blog i discovered that blog is a gold mine that every writer must have. your tips are spot on and i love it. Thanks

    1. Hello Babanature. When I was speaking about my early days in blogging, I sat in that meeting and someone told me they started blogging for money (getting paid) and I almost fell off my chair. Once I heard it was possible, I started pursuing it.

  25. Gajendran Megajolla

    Of course online business now rocks. Through blogs we can earn much more with selling, can approach customers easily, so choosing some blog for business

    1. A blog is just a great way to keep a business site live and always. I have a company interfering with one of my contracts right now and want to change our blogging approach. I think it’s going to fail if they want to cut our blogging activity. What do you think?

  26. Creating a business blog and managing it is not an easy task. Yes we have to work hard for getting traffic and money from it. So it is really tough task to creating a business blog.
    BTW nice post thanks for sharing it…

    1. Hello Prakash. You need to be really surgical and work very hard at it, but when you find your rhythm, you can make it a success.

  27. Hi Ivin… thanks for an informative post… curious to know if there are any blog meets coming up in South Africa soon… it would be great to meet you at one of them!

    You’re very right about setting an income goal upfront… that definitely helps you prioritize where you focus your blogging efforts.

    1. Hello Wonkie. We are working on a local meetup. Where in Sa are you from? I’ll put you on my shortlist to notify you when we are getting it set up.

    1. Well it’s any blog that is centered around your business, adding value to your business and building leads, or a blog that is your main income.,

  28. Great article on local niches. That does give one freedom. Trying to grow traffic here. That will also lead to freedom. Live seminars at local schools has got to grow your business.

    1. I imagine so Jennifer. I thought ‘why do I have to compete globally if I have hungry people looking for my knowledge locally’.

  29. I guess Writing Business Blogs is not a Thing to Tell anyone. As Most of the People do it For the Business.

    1. Hello Ravi, lots of people blog for different reasons. I guess your reason and purpose for your mgoals will affect your approach to it.

  30. truly awesome article Ivin,
    the section “Don’t work for pennies” i truly agree with it, if you have skills so you should never work like this way.
    Targeting traffic is needed. I think without is probloggers are nothing.

    1. I think every blogger should give himself a lot of worth, and then get his skills to where the charge is warranted.

      1. you’re right Ivin, i think if someone doesn’t give himself respect, no one else will do so. so first respect your self…

        1. You got it Zeshan. there’s no way someone else is going to ascribe more worth to you than you ascribe to yourself. I just did a press release on Fiverr, and I must say: You get what you paid for. IS that what we want people to think?

          1. Absolutely right Ivin, people should think that, but sometimes they want 10 times more than what they paid for, and that’s rediculus. A person few months ago, asked me on fiverr to do 10 pages PSD to HTML conversion, i use to provide 1 page for 1 gig, he asked me to do all 10 pages in just 1 gig 😀

  31. You’re quite right Carl. If we aren’t goal orientated, we won’t worry about our blogs not performing. Even income could be a goal.

  32. I like the tip about sending your leads autoresponder messages. I’ve been capturing “leads” myself but then doing absolutely nothing with them. Thanks for the reminder to change that…

    1. Yeah, you gotta keep on communication with your subscribers. Remind them who you are, what you do and that you exist. Also, what do you offer. If you don’t build a down line sales funnel you are leaving money on the table.

  33. Hello JP. I have formulated a plan and started paying full time attention to my blog. And I must say, I’m happy with the result.

  34. I blog for money and blogging is my business. it is not my passion 🙂 Everyone should make clear cut goals before starting a blog to track his position

    1. Wow, Syed. I always though of the two to be inseprable and synonomous with each other. What an interesting comment! You juat gave me a business idea to add to Home Business Starter Report.

  35. Yeah, you inspired me. Having a business blog is a great idea but I think at the beginning it could be difficult or bit harder to go through, rather its a perfect business.

  36. Who wouldn’t want to earn from their blogs? I think most of the bloggers if not all.
    Blogging is really a fun, great way, and less stress way to earn money. So I find no reason why you should not make it or convert it into a business blog.

  37. Business blogs are quite a good source to earn some money. I just wondered how people earn money by creating blogs but when I read about affiliate marketing I got the idea about it and now I plan to start my own blog which helps people to know about particular products.

    I like one thing in this blog focus on local needs. that make me to think on it.


    1. Affiliate marketing is a great way to do it. I just recently found the right program on my publishing blog to sell. It’s worth my time and pays CPA.

  38. I think sure if you have the creative talent and ambition then go for it. Bit much for me though, I look after several company blogs, that keeps me busy thankfully.

  39. I have been thinking to create a blog since last month but I don’t do it. (Not having any reason) well after reading this article, Now I understand I wasted my time to just thinking ! I would have created my blog.

  40. Excellent information – as usual Ivin Viljoen! I’ve already forwarded your post to friends. Keep ‘EM coming.

  41. Blogging is booming as a great business. Business blogs can earn good money through various kind of monetization. Good information.

  42. Hi Ivin,

    I will agree with you and in my case when I setup my business blog and optimize it for getting potential traffic, I’ve doubled my earnings.

    Thanks to the wonderful post.

  43. Hi Ivin,
    Great writing and not that arrogant – 🙂 …I will call it passion. I am also passionate about business blogging. I read a quote by quoteseverlasting.com somewhere on Google plus – it was something like – ‘when you choose to do a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life’.
    A business blog will help you to market what you love to do and I really like that. I am sure this post will get more people thinking about this!
    Thanks for sharing.

    1. Love that quote Lola. Being thought provoking was definitely one of my goals with this post. Thanks for noticing 🙂

  44. Ivin – Sometimes we just have to accept things aren’t going to be perfect. You don’t need a few newsletters ready to go before you start your blog. You can just have a simple welcome message and then use your newsletter to announce new blog posts as you go. And if all you can do is post every other week, that’s fine, too.

    1. Hello Noman. You can have that too. Also sufficient. Because, when you start out, you’re not really going to know what should be in the autoresponder anyway. So, sure, figure it out as you go, just capture leads from the get-0go.

  45. I’ve tried blogging many times with the intent of making money, but I’ve never been consistent, because I can’t find something I feel 100% confident about that I have 1 enough knowledge to be considered an authority or have enough passion about to have something to say on a regular basis.

    1. There must be something your passionate about… Golf, stamps, books. Whatever you like, you can see online if there are customers for that niche, blog about it and either build you own product or become an affiliate of one.

  46. really nice article it opened my eyes now we all should think about it don’t know when adsense will ban our accounts and at that time buiseness blog will play good role as a alternative.

    1. Hello Karan. I think to own and manage your own website and domain is very important and one of the first steps into making your blog a business – that you own.

  47. If I’m understanding you correctly, I agree that a blog has to be as personal as you can make is, even if it’s a business.

  48. Hi Ivin Viljeon
    Hope you are doin great !

    All I have to say is I love this post. Really a very helpful information for me as I am looking forward to start my E-commerce business in India . So an advice like this how to convert you r blog in to your business blog is most suitable for me right now. I appreciate your willingness to support and help small businesses in South Africa. Great work !


    1. Great stuff Hardeep. Let me know how I could help. Off hand, I would say find companies that already have a following but not monetizing it properly and do some work for them. A partnership could be very profitable.

  49. Ivin,

    I agree with you that we all should learn from the blogging gurus like Johnchow, Ana, and Zac. However, I don’t agree with you about the affiliate commisions, affiliate commisions is probably the biggest income source for any blogging gurus. Especially Johnchow, he does make whole lot from affiliate products rather than selling his own advertising. Launching your own product works only if you’re an authority in your niche, where is the money comming from before you can really show to people proofs that you know what you are talking about? Just my thoughts, looking forward hearing from you soon.

    1. Hello Tony.

      John Chow is very clear that affiliate marketing is one of his forte’s, I agree. But even he saw the need for his own products. Thus, ‘ Blogging with John Chow’ was born. It’s a new product by him and a partner. A lot of the other ‘guru’s are also working on their products, my ear is on the ground.

      With affiliate commissions, your earning potential is limited and dependent on trends. Your own product let’s you keep all the sales income if you control the platform. That makes it more viable than affiliate marketing.

      However, if you are good at that and see no need for your own product, by all means.

  50. You are an overly skilled blogger. I have joined your feed and look ahead to looking for extra of your great post. I feel really happy and grateful for giving me such valuable post, I am working on a Painting website, I will follow your tips. Thanks.

    1. Good luck Reema. Please let me know how things are going. I’m currently building a website for a painter.

  51. mostly the new bee were take there blog as bussiness they just make blog for 2-3 month after that they were sell it.

    1. Hello Ashish. I don’t know where you heard that, but I had a very successful blog in 2010 and I couldn’t sell it. I’m skeptic about that info.

  52. I am blog for a year ago, Until now I just an some small money from my work. However, I love this job and I hope I will earn more. I am blogging about basic blogging tips such how to blog, social media marketing and so on. Anyway, thanks for sharing.

    1. You’ve got a tough niche to crack there Kimsea. May I suggest you try targeting and maybe going local and connect with real people through a Tweetup etc? That6 way you may build more targeted reader/fans.

      1. Thanks for active responding and advice. Absolutely I try my best to follow you advice and become a successful as you did, Ivin

  53. Dear Ivin ,
    Amazing tips for touching the destination and reaching a goal to establish as a professional blogger. I am suffering for one and a half years to become a professional blogger. your business blogging tips will be very much helpful for me. Thanks for sharing me here.

    1. I know it’s tough Saidur. I heard very good advise the other day: “Do the opposite of what the majority does.” And it makes sense to me.

  54. i strongly believe on hard work. but if its on right path then success is possible. thanks for en-lighting on the path.

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