Twitter For Blogging
Twitter and blogging – they go hand in hand but why? If you have a blog you really must use Twitter. There are so many ways to integrate Twitter for blogging either through RSS or other automated programs to make it easy and less time consuming.
Ways to Integrate Twitter With Your Blog
Triberr – Triberr is a great way to integrate your blog with Twitter. You start a tribe for your niche and join other tribes. You share others posts and they share yours. You just have to to input your RSS feed on Triberr (be sure to watch Ms. Ileane's tutorial showing How To Set Up Your Blog RSS Feed on Triberr). You can have it set up to go automatically or you can pick and choose which posts you share. Triberr is a great way to keep up with other blogs too. I use it as a reader.
JustRetweet – JustRetweet is simple and easy to use. You share others content via Twitter and others share yours. It is a place where you pick and choose which posts to share. You gain points by sharing and then use them so others will share yours for points.
Viral Content Bee – This one is similar to JustRetweet but with other options for Facebook, Pinterest and Google Plus along with Twitter. You gain points via sharing and then others can share yours once you have acquired 30 points. You can join Viral Content Bee for $20/mo and become a Pro member and get more points to use.
Biz Sugar – This community is a great place to share your latest blog posts. People can vote on them, comment and share. It spreads your blog's reach further out into the blogging community. Biz Sugar is another MUST place for bloggers to be.
The Buffer – With the Buffer Pro plan ($10/mo) you can set up your blog's RSS feed in the Buffer and it will be easier for you to share on Twitter as well as Facebook, Pinterest, Google Plus, LinkedIn and have several Twitter profiles to share along too.
Buffer is a must – even the FREE plan works wonders with your blog.
What Other Bloggers Are Saying Why Twitter for Blogging is Proven Powerful for Your Blog
“No matter how good your content is if you don't promote your content it will never get traction. If you build a relevant audience on Twitter it can be a great channel to build awareness of your company and drive traffic to your site.
A good content strategy where you build relevant audience and share to social channels will help you drive significant traffic. One thing that is important is to monitor your analytics to ensure that what you are delivering is working!”
– Ian Cleary from Razor Social
“There are a load of social media places you could hang out, but as a blogger Twitter is crucial. Why? Because Twitter is the best place to get hold of people. Especially people with influence.
And when you are looking to grow your blog, or even just network with like-minded bloggers, a place like Twitter is an amazing place to get in touch with people and build relationships. Give it a try! “
– Ashley Faulkes, Mad Lemmings
“Our blog, Fit Small Business, focuses on small business education and Twitter is a great way for us to alert our general audience to our latest articles. Through use of hashtags we can better target those searching for key words and reach new readers as well. Many who contribute or who we mention in our articles and guides have Twitter pages of their own. Twitter allows us to acknowledge their accomplishments as well as alert them and their followers to their inclusion in our content.
Lastly it is a great way to see others who are sharing our content and properly thank them and potentially establish a relationship with their organization which has been great for helping us connect with more experts and professionals. “
– Allan Givens, Fit Small Business
“To me, Twitter is simply a tool for building closer relationships with people. Honestly speaking, I've never seen very good results using it for direct promotional tactics like link sharing and retweets. The real magic happens when you spend months/years getting to know your mentors and readers and can, off the back of that trust, build further career opportunities like collaborations, speaking engagements, etc. One way you can start doing this is by making a list of all the bloggers that you admire in your niche. Spend a few minutes (but no more!) each day having a look at what they're up to and maybe help them out. You'll learn a lot at the same time as getting on their radar.”
– Ramsey Taplin of Blog Tyrant
“Twitter is hands down my favorite marketing tool! Many underestimate social media for business in general…but Twitter? It has been one of the key drivers of my success… WHY? My website isn't even live yet. I don't have a blog! For presence, networking and guest post popularity,Twitter has opened many doors in terms of connections, features and even business leads. It has actually done the job of a website during the first months of momentum before leaving employment to run my own business.
While my splash page for OPTIM-EYEZ is collecting email sign-ups, my Twitter profile has been instrumental in driving sustained traffic. (Catch me there: @Sam___Hurley)
The fast-paced, always ‘on' nature of Twitter and its sheer reach make it undoubtedly powerful for bloggers and business owners alike. It makes outreach and community building a doddle – low pressure communication is Twitter all over and it fits the outreach model so well. The ‘Lists' tool only supplements such activity. If Twitter isn't on your business agenda, you had better make it a priority right now! :)”
[tweet_box design=”default”]Twitter has opened many doors in terms of connections, features and even business leads ~ @Sam___Hurley [/tweet_box]
– Sam Hurley, Social Media Influencer in SEO.
“Yes, as a blogger/business owner, I would say it is a must for me. Here is why:
”Twitter is other than any other social platform by approach. What we try to do in Twitter is to grow a following of niche people and follow interesting people in the same niche to make a good, reciprocal relationship. So when we post something that adds value to the niche audience, that has the potential to get traction faster.
I have seen Twitter to be the fastest social networking platforms where a news can spread faster, reach the right audience and heavily benefit the website with good quality visitors. That's why Twitter is a can-not-but-use tool for my blog where I depend for a good amount of visitors.”
– Abrar Mohi Shafee, Blogging Spell – Author and Founder.
“I use Twitter for conversational marketing by asking people to interact with my content or by replying to their questions. By getting into conversations, I find I get more followers as well as visitors to my blog.”
– Sue Ann Dunlevie, Successful Blogging
“Twitter is my favorite social media marketing channel.
Since when I started my online journey, I've been able to build a solid following on my profile. I automatically share my content using Hootsuite and I promote my blog posts using tools like JustRetweet and ViralContentBuzz. I take the time to manually engage with users who are sharing my content on Twitter or who are directly asking questions.
A simple tip not everyone are aware of: You can pin a special tweet on top of your Twitter profile to promote your blog, services or products. Mine has generated more than 50,000 impressions until today!”
[tweet_box design=”box_06″]You can pin a special tweet on top of your Twitter profile to promote your blog ~ @erikemanuelli [/tweet_box]
– Erik Emanuelli from InBoundJunction
“I use Twitter for my blog marketing for multiple reasons. One, it's pretty easy to program posts to go there, even older posts, which allows me to keep my name in front of people even if I'm not around. Two, I've noticed that more people will share my posts with others on Twitter than on any other social media platform. Three, a lot of people not only visit the blog but actually comment on the blog or on Twitter about what I've written, once again something rare on other platforms. And four, because Twitter promotes engagement, whether people are sharing my stuff, I'm sharing theirs, or both of us are sharing a third parties articles. Thus, we find a common bond, which sometimes leads to mutual sharing, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that!”
– Mitch Mitchell, I'm Just Sharing.
“Twitter is definitely a must for all bloggers. Not only does it help you obtain traffic by sharing your blog post links, it also helps you network with like-minded people. Twitter and Facebook are and have been for quite some time, my biggest traffic generators. Thus, I spend the majority of my time posting away and networking. Without Twitter, my blogs may be a ghost land. Don't forget about how you can find resources, deals, and support on Twitter as well. Twitter has and will always be my love.” 🙂
– Brenda Pace, GalsPushing50
” I started my first Twitter account in 2009. For the sake of having it. Didn't use it too much, didn't get too much. At that time I had a niche blog that was making money on autopilot, without writing any new blog post, without sharing the actual posts, without commenting on other people's blogs. Simply on autopilot. Google traffic.
Then Google made some changes to its algo and the traffic stopped. So were my sales. “How to get that traffic back?” I asked myself. Instead of reading the latest SEO tips, I pretended that I'm Google and I asked myself how would I rank the pages. And my conclusion was that the more people talk about a certain page, the higher I would rank it.
Where do people talk online? Social media, forums, blogs. How to make people talk about my content? I have to go to the places where most of the people “live” online and make them read my articles. Twitter was one of these places. So this is how I decided to activate my Twitter presence.
I'll skip the how to part. This story was supposed to be shorter but it's already way too long. And I'll tell you the result…I don't know what SEO-ers think about my assessment or about my strategy. And I don't care. The plan worked. Actually at the end of the day I got more than I planned 😉 ”
– Adrian Jock, Internet Marketing Tips
“There are 3 reasons why I use Twitter for my blog:
Reason #1 – Social Proof
When you start blogging and no one knows that you exist, social proof is more important than ever. Before I started a Twitter account I was looking through and noticed a guy that had written a book about how he grew his Twitter account to 1000 followers in 20 days. I thought that it sounded pretty awesome, and decided that I was going to do it better.
Long story short, I started my Twitter account and built 1000 targeted followers in 18 days, and I hit the 2000 mark in 38 days. It was all done organically and with a lot of hustling. Then I put a plugin on my website showing my Twitter count, since it´s good social proof that people are following you.
Reason #2 – Traffic To Your Website
When you have built a big following on Twitter, and you are posting content that is a good fit for your audience, your tweets will drive a lot of traffic to your website. Twitter is the second biggest source of referral traffic to my website.
Reason #3 – Connecting With Influencers Online
Twitter is one of the best platforms to connect with influencers online. It´s more laid back than LinkedIn and not as personal as Facebook.
This is how I connected with huge influencers like Evan Carmichael, Scott Eddy and Mike Vardy. In order to run a profitable and successful blog, it´s important that you are able to network with influencers online and position your brand so you can attract the right clients. Twitter is an excellent platform to help you do this.”
-Tor Refsland – Creator of How To Blog Outreach Like A Boss
“For me, Twitter has always been my go to for getting attention and traffic to my blog. When I started blogging, 10+ years ago… I used Twitter to get my blog noticed, trusted and followed.. and it worked VERY well. Today, it is the first thing I teach my clients… get on Twitter now.
Twitter is the ONLY platform that I can have you getting noticed and driving traffic back to your blog in as little as 3 days. If used correctly and efficiently, Twitter will give bloggers the BEST bang for their time and buck.
[tweet_box design=”default”]With Twitter, you can actively put your account in front of new people each day ~ @johnaguiar[/tweet_box]
So if the followers you have now, are not as active as you would like, you can go get new ones. You can do that FREE each day, putting your content and blog in front of 100's of NEW people each and every day. No other platform gives that power, unless you spend a lot of advertising dollars.
– John Paul Aguiar, John Paul
“Twitter is obviously a social media giant and leaving it out of my campaigns means cutting a huge slice off. I don’t only use it because it’s what people say it is. I have seen results. From 2011 when I created a Twitter App, I came to discover this tool more closely. I found out more bloggers where on it. That means it’s a community where I can find my target market.
Twitter does a couple of positive things for my blog. These include;
- Helps me build a thriving community
- Helps me get targeted traffic
- Helps me connect with like-minded bloggers
- Helps me generate sales
- Helps me get content ideas for my blog
- Helps me communicate with readers, partners and prospects through its DM feature.
– Enstine Muki,
I remember when I first logged on to Twitter in March 2009 and, at the time, I thought it was a rather silly website. Then, in July of that same year, I started blogging and man oh man did I change my mind about Twitter. I quickly began to realize the power of a tweet! Right away I began to connect with blogging influencers like Mitch Mitchell (quoted above), Nile Flores from, Brian Belfitt from Blog Engage, Hesham Zebida from Famous Bloggers and Twitter even helped me connect to my online mentor Lisa Irby from 2CreateaWebsite (click here to read my interview with Lisa Irby). Of course Bloggers can use it as a promotional tool but we can look beyond Tweeting links with the new rollouts and truly make a deeper connection with our online friends and potential customers.
For example, we can record 140 second videos to thank people for connecting or give shout outs to team members for the work they do. Here's an example of a shout out I gave Kiarra Solomon (she is VP of Business Development on the team at Lidyr Creative) for a job well done.
Shout out to an amazing young lady who I want you to follow 👉👉 Kiarra from @fixyourcrown_
— Ileane Smith (@Ileane) July 9, 2016
You can see one of the pdf's Kiarra designed for me in the Twitter Analytics link below.
And let's not overlook Twitter Chats!! OMG I still get goose bumps every time I think about being a host of PostPlanner‘s #ViralChat. Hands down it is one of my Twitter highlights for this year. The topic was 6 Creative Ways to Use Twitter Analytics to Grow Your Audience and you can see all of the Tweets from my #ViralChat here – I curated the list using Advanced Twitter search and check out these Advanced Twitter search tips from Aaron Lee.
Because Diana Adams was kind enough to invite me to host the chat, I wanted to think of something that would stand out and make the event even more memorable. Here's what I did (press play).
Welcome to #ViralChat
— Ileane Smith (@Ileane) June 3, 2016
I also gave everyone a handy pdf download to remind them of the benefits of using Twitter Analytics.
You can grab it for yourself here:
My advice to you is to take advantage of all the new features that Twitter has to offer and quickly integrate them into your everyday workflow. Mix up your content using videos, gifs, quotes (image quotes or text quotes work) and keep your followers on the edge of their seats by educating them, and entertaining them, but above all, keep offering value. Your Tweeps will end up loving you more and more each day. Btw, have you ever wondered how your hashtags are performing on Twitter? Here's a short tutorial to help you out. Discover How to Find the Right Hashtags to Use on Twitter
Reading List:
- Twitter Marketing That Sells: How to Convert Your Twitter Followers into Business Dollars
by Mike Kawula and David Boutin
- AskGaryVee: One Entrepreneur's Take on Leadership, Social Media, and Self-Awareness
by Gary Vaynerchuk
- The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users
by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick
Are you a blogger that is not using Twitter? I'd love to hear why not.
If you are using Twitter for blogging I'd love to know how it is working for you.
Let's discuss in the comments below!
Hi Lisa! Hi Ms. Ileane!
This is such an awesome post! I’m honored to have been part of it. I don’t think many bloggers realize the power of Twitter. I’m also surprised at the amount of entrepreneurs (VA’s and Freelancers) who don’t take advantage of the marketing or networking aspect of it.
You know Twitter is my main squeeze and I won’t be leaving it anytime soon. I just wish more people would learn how to use it properly and not for spammy or malicious intents.
Thanks for a great read!
Have a great day ladies!
Hi Brenda, thank you for coming by and commenting. Yes it does amaze me too how many people don’t still use Twitter at all or at least regularly. It’s my main squeeze too. Even for events and news, it’s tops!
Hi Lisa and Ileane,
Thanks for making this happen. Not only does this help us learn more about Twitter and how we can use it to boost our blogging business, it always allow us connect with many other savvy bloggers.
I’m glad I was able to share my own experience for others to grab something. Thing is, Twitter is a huge source of targeted exposure. But it has its culture. Once we understand it, we can get a lot of benefits. Lisa of course is the go-to lady when it comes to Twitter 😉
Have a wonderful weekend you both. There are more beautiful days ahead so let’s keep giving.
Hi Enstine, you are welcome. It surely can help bloggers connect with other bloggers who may not have had the time or opportunity to get to their blog. It’s a great way of meeting new folks too.
You are correct on the culture too, I think more than one on Twitter is the case. Once you get it, it comes to you quick. Thanks for the compliment Enstine. I hope you have a great new week there.
Goodness, what a post! I’m glad to be a part of it, and it’s very interesting to see what everyone else had to say.
Twitter is my favorite social media platform after blogging (let’s not forget about blogging being social lol). I’ve met a lot of the people here on there and have had the opportunity to talk & share with them for years. I’ve met some famous people also and that’s been pretty fun (all of them followed me first). And I’ve been able to meet & talk with people all over the world; that’s such a cool rush!
Hi Mitch, thank you. Glad to hear it is also your favorite social media tool too. I’ve met so many nice folks over there and have gotten to know them better over the years. And yes, blogging too can be just as social. Thanks for coming by Mitch, and have a wonderful new week!
Lisa you have outdone yourself. Not only expert tips but also a boatload of your own!
I find Twitter such an easy place to chat to people and connect, it is probably the easiest place to do so online. Sure, Facebook is fun and easy, but if you are not connected, you can’t chat as easily.
thanks for including me
Hi Ashley, thank you. It is the easiest place online to meet others and chat quickly and efficiently. I just love it. I love the quick speed of it. Facebook is becoming more open as it lets users message each other now without being friends. (Not sure I like it, most of it becomes spam or stalkers)…..
You are welcome and thanks for particpating too Ashley. Have a great new week!
Hi Lisa,
Twitter is surely very useful and profitable tool for Bloggers.
Staying connected with twitter community and participating in it can make you expert for other people, this way they will follow you and your blog.
There are Millions of active users on twitter which make a huge platform for the blogger to get readers for their blog. With huge users it is also verdict that there are thousands of similar posts like yours. So if you didn’t effectively use twitter this will not result in driving traffic into your blog.
A lot of people love to get back links for their website especially from useful posts; they also give you a back link from their site. This can be really profitable for your blog and drives good traffic.
Thanks for sharing wonderful strategies.
With regards,
Hi Saurav, thank you for coming by and reading this one and taking the time to comment.
It amazes me how many millions of people that are on Twitter and the millions of people who still are NOT on it or don’t use it after signing up.
It can be such a great tool for bloggers and small businesses alike.
Talk about profitable – I just read a story yesterday where a car dealer sold a new vehicle via Twitter. It didnt surprise me as I made great salesfromy old retail site via Twitter. That’s what got me hooked on this news/social network.
Have a great day Saurav!
There is no doubt that twitter is great help when it come to get traffic from this ultimate micro blogging platform. But I have also seen that Twitter sharing can also cause increase in bounce rate, which is not good.
So when a person use twitter, he/she should use it wisely your tips and tools you have suggested are always helpful to share on twitter and other social media networks. Thank you for sharing.
Hi Gaurav, yes, one would hope that people once they click on the link would read it. A longer post would help too as many readers love to scan articles today. Thanks for your input on this one Gaurav!
Hi Lisa,
Your round-up blogger style post gave me some new, interesting insights about the benefits of Twitter. The unique tips and personal stories that people shared here were my favourite take-aways!
Although, Twitter is my main social media tool, I’m guilty of not using it enough or well. I want to have the time to show my followers that I’m interested in them. That’s why we’re blogging and building online businesses.
There are so many bloggers and entrepreneurs providing remarkable content, inspiring memes, fantastic tips, etc. on Twitter. It can get over-whelming to stand out. How can we focus on authentic connections with our Twitter followers so they follow us and not only what we’re tweeting about? ~Keri
Hi Keri, I’m so glad you got something new out of this post 🙂
It can get overwhelming and when it does I turn to my Twitter lists I’ve made and focus on the ones I need to focus on. That really helps me. Otherwise I’d be there for hours.
I think by using lists and having “conversations” on twitter and then going to their websites, blogs and connecting there is a great way to do it. You can always connect with them on FB once you get to know them and via email.
Thanks for taking the time to comment here Keri and hope to see you on Twitter!
I found you on Twitter, Lisa.
Keep sending your tips on ways to make Twitter less about creating time-consuming noise and more about ways to add in a personal connection. Very appreciated!
Your suggestion to focus more on images and video versus words is interesting. I agree that people are over-whelmed with information and being told versus shown.
Here’s to putting a human touch onto the social media world.
Brilliant post and an excellent selection of tips from an equally excellent bunch of experts.
I run a bunch of different sites/blogs and use Twitter for most of them as both a way to reach out to influencers and build relationships and also just to spread the knowledge from my own sites and other links that I know will benefit my followers.
For my agency site the level of interaction makes it worthwhile – no question. However for some of my tech sites I am much less disciplined so I don’t get as much benefit.
Two further tips that work for me when I am being disciplined is to use Meet Edgar to schedule loads of tweets in a recurring feed. This is only fine if you also check your feed regularly and jump into the conversations that your tweets generate. DON’T set and forget! But, my engagement has gone through the roof on our agency account since I started using this.
And….I would suggest an IFTTT recipe to post selected Instagram images as native photos to Twitter via a Tumblr that you set up solely for the purpose. This gets round the block by Twitter on Instagram images going to Twitter but also allows you only to post some across.
Both time saving tips that won’t harm engagement.
Hi Penny, thank you. Oh yes, I love IFTTT too for the Instagram images, it’s one of my favorites as well. I don’t like seeing people sharing from Instagram on Twitter when you cannot see the images there. I don’t want to have to jump on another network especially when on mobile.
I haven’t used Edgar yet but have heard about it. Something else to check out for sure.
Thanks for your great tips to this piece Penny! Enjoy the rest of your weekend.
Hey Lisa,
It’s good to see you here.:)
No doubt that Twitter for blogging is an effective platform to use. There are many users of the Twitter nowadays. Most of the bloggers are using Twitter to enhance the traffic on their blog.
I was not using Twitter in my previous days but later came to know the importance. It provides a lot of traffic to my blog.
I like your idea of writing a round-up post.
Thanks for sharing with us.
Have a great day.
Thanks Ravi. I finally got myself to contribute to another blog this year. I need to do more of it. Just love Ms. Ileane’s place here. Glad to hear you saw the importance of it for your blog Ravi. Many still just rely on Facebook. It’s good but always changing.
You are welcome and I hope you enjoy the rest of the weekend there Ravi.
Interesting & blatant truth behind this post about twitter for blogging. Yes already using few of the auto sharing tools for twitter to tweets at every hours. I recommend everyone to use Triberr, JustRetweet & buffer. Those three doing a great job in free version and also i hope it will surely will give some valuable reach on twitter trends.
Thanks for sharing ! Keep sharing !!
Hi Karthik, thank you. Those 3 are my favorites too. I did go with the paid version of Buffer to fill it more efficiently and with more handles. Just looked at my recent stats and Twitter and Triberr are in the top 4. Thanks for coming by and for your input Karthik.
Splendid post and a fantastic determination of tips from a similarly brilliant bundle of specialists.
I run a cluster of various destinations/web journals and use Twitter for the greater part of them as both an approach to connect with influencers and manufacture connections furthermore just to spread the information from my own particular locales and different connections that I know will advantage my devotees.
Thanks Sabina, it sounds like you have a great strategy going there for yourself. It really can work if you put some time and effort into it. After a while the effect starts to snowball too. Thanks for coming by and sharing your input with us!
Hey Lisa,
Twitter is considered incredible weapon for blogging, it helps our blog to get popularity. Twitter is best platform in social media where we can share our videos as well as content to maximize our traffic and productivity level. You have discussed great tools some of them are unknown for me but interested to take review of them. We know very well Twitter is well known professional social networking platform, there we can target our valuable audience easily with the help of this advance tools.
With best regards,
Amar kumar
Hi Amar, thank you for coming by. I hope you do use some of these new tools to you and that they help you along the way on your Twitter trail. It really is a great platform to network and get to know others in your niche and help your blog get more targeted traffic. Have a great rest of the week Amar.
Great article – It’s really interesting how Twitter is useful for blogging has risen as a trend the way it has. With good reason of course, but some of the numbers in your blog post kinda surprises me a bit.
Thanks Isha, one really has to stay with Twitter and use it consistenly to see results. It really can work wonderful for bloggers.