Almost every blogger wants more traffic.
Struggling bloggers.
Whether you are a blogging newbie or established pro blogger you can always use a little extra traffic because blog traffic is the lifeblood of your blog. Without traffic, you are running a cyber diary.
Today I want to share 7 tips to help you steadily increase your blog traffic.
1: Blog Commenting
Blog commenting is perhaps the ultimate gateway activity for driving blog traffic for newbies to established bloggers.
Anybody can write a helpful, thorough comment that gets approved and gives you increased exposure.
Blog commenting helps you build bonds with bloggers in your niche, leading to prospering partnerships.
I have been featured on a handful of famous blogs by building friendships through this medium.
Even better? Blog commenting is a low barrier to entry activity, meaning that unless you create a one line comment, you will steer clear of spam folders and get your comments published.
Write a 3-4 paragraph, in-depth comment.
Personalize the comment, addressing your fellow blogger by name.
Thank your fellow blogger for sharing their knowledge and sign off with your name.
If you do blog commenting right you will gain traffic as readers click your link and follow you to your blog, plus the friendships you develop through effective blog commenting will help you drive traffic down the road.
2: Guest Posting
Guest post on blogs from within your nice.
This is one of the best ways to drive traffic to your blog.
Guest posting gives you access to large, targeted, established audiences. If you write helpful posts a portion of the blogging community will follow you to your blog.
Write 1000 words daily in a Word document for practice. Trash the document after you are done. This habit gives you confidence and clarity in your writing which helps you land guest posts on respected blogs.
As for pitching guest bloggers I prefer to build bonds through blog commenting and promoting others bloggers so I gain invites to guest post, versus pursuing and pitching bloggers.
If you make friends with successful bloggers in your niche and practice writing daily, guest post opportunities will fall into your lap.
3: Share Other Blogger’s Content on Social Media
Generously share other blogger's content on social media.
Build your blogger friend network.
When your blogging buddies promote you freely your blog traffic will expand.
Share blog content from other bloggers on:
Lisa Sicard of Inspire to Thrive is a fabulous example of someone who puts this concept into action.
We have become friends by sharing each other's content on social media and by commenting on each other's blogs.
Each social share strengthens our friendship and also increases our blog traffic, as we are re-introducing our tribe to content from a respected, established blogger.
Promote other bloggers freely.
Help other bloggers get more traffic to increase your blog traffic.
4: Share Other Blogger’s Content on Your Blog
Share snippet-style pieces of content directing your readers to other bloggers.
Mention a new, up and coming blogger who is making waves. Or drop a link to a helpful post your blogging buddy just published.
This is an incredibly easy way to make friends who promote you freely and to add credibility to your blogs posts.
If you need examples, just re-read this post to see how I pepper in links to successful bloggers who publish valuable content.
5: Interview Bloggers
Interview bloggers.
Build friendships.
Increase your blog traffic.
By interviewing bloggers via:
- podcasts
- video
- text
you can introduce your audience to a trusted resource in your niche.
Most people you interview will aggressively promote the blog post with their followings, which is an instant traffic builder.
Seek out top experts in your niche of choice to get the most bang for your interviewing buck.
6: Answer Questions on Quora
Answer questions on Quora.
Build your authority. Drive blog traffic.
A high volume of Quora users take to the network daily to ask probing questions related to a wide range of niches.
Seasoned bloggers drive steady traffic to their blogs by providing answers to pressing questions.
As of this writing I have received 130,000 views on my Quora answers.
Top bloggers like Neil Patel can be spotted offering helpful answers on the network, solidifying their reputation and boosting their blog traffic in the process.
7: Self-Publish eBooks on Amazon
This one is off the beaten path.
But if you realize for a second that Amazon is basically the Google of products you know how oodles of blog traffic can find you through your self-published eBooks on the network.
I have driven a steady amount of traffic via Amazon customers who purchased my 1 or in some cases all of my 124 eBooks then visited my blog from the digital storefront giant.
Write and self-publish bite-sized eBooks tackling common problems in your niche.
Drive traffic to your blog from a huge, targeted audience.
Learn more traffic tips in the video from Ms. Ileane “How to Start a Sustainable Blog!”
Bonus Tip
I struggled horribly blogging-wise for years because I purchased cheap, poor hosting.
I even did the right things to drive blog traffic but when potential readers arrived they were met by snail-slow loads or even worse, my blog had crashed. Bad news, because said readers headed for the hills.
Follow the above tips and do yourself a favor; invest in reputable hosting to augment your traffic-building campaign.
Happy readers who dig the user experience will readily share your blog with their following, boosting your blog traffic.
I recommend reading this in-depth resource published at WHSR to find the right hosting solution for your needs, and to keep your blog traffic flowing:
WHSR Hosting Reviews – The Best Web Hosting List
Your Turn
Are you using these techniques to drive blog traffic?
How are you driving traffic to your blog?
What tips can you add to this list?
Hey Ryan!
I see a lot of potential with They have discussions on many topics. I think blogging there and becoming an active expert in your niche by helping people every week, you can drive a lot of traffic back to your blog. This is something I have been playing with myself.
I like using content marketing for traffic. I do my research and find communities online where I can share content (sites such as and publish helpful content on a weekly basis. People who like what I share and want to keep on learning usually go to my blog. This is a great free way to get more visitors!
Thanks for sharing!!
I like your approach Freddy.Both on Quora and with targeted content marketing. Dead on bro. Keep up the great work.
I love Quora for so many reasons Ryan.
You can use Quora for everything from
-increasing traffic
-getting more sales
-increasing your brand visibility
-networking with other bloggers
-learning NEW stuff
It’s an amazing platform filled with great minded people. The problem I see on Quora is, most people are just spamming it by linking to their articles (without actually answering the question).
Just answer the question, be relevant, and include a link at the end of the post for better benefits.
Great stuff as always.
Hey Ryan,
How are you doing?
Another excellent post from you. I am doing blog commenting and question answering. Yes, these 2 drive few traffic per day. I am also trying to build bloggers network on my locality and trying to build a relationship with pro-bloggers.
Wish that I can find a pro blogger who will consider writing a post on my blog.
Yes, relationship building is the best thing in the blogging world. Also, sharing is caring and I shared your post on my Twitter, LinkedIn and Google plus account.
Have a nice day dear.
You are doing great stuff T I. Keep working those fundamentals and your success will grow over time.
HI Ryan, Thanks so much for the mention here. I’ve increased my guest blogging this year (I barely did any previous year) and saw some increases in traffic but not consistent. I finally did get some from Quora, but that took months. Luckily I did NOT give up!
I am seeing more now from Pinterest with Tailwind and the Tailwind Tribes. I’m going to go with their pro plan for 2018. It is very similar to Triberr. I just did one of Triberr’s promote options this morning on my latest post to see how that goes too.
There are so many ways to generate traffic Ryan but it comes down to this: Either you spend TIME or you spend MONEY. No other way around that one
I’m starting to spend more money and work my time for clients now. It all depends how many balls you have in the air that you are juggling.
Thanks again for the mention Ryan and have a great weekend ahead. I see snow in the forecast!!!
We are always spending sometime Lisa; time or money. Definitely need to give, to get. My pleasure and yep, snow here in NYC too. Excited!
This is a wonderful reply Lisa. How right you are too. In the beginning I tried to do it all FREE. But, I NEVER got anywhere. It just became so time consuming. But, I didn’t give up. Like you said, your going to spend time or money…
I experienced substantial growth once I broke free of the “Free Trap” that had me. I every time I made a dime. I reinvested it into myself and my business. LOOK AT ME NOW!
Great advice!
Hello Ryan Biddulph,
You’re welcome on ! Your article is really good to Drive Blog Traffic with best Techniques. Blog Commenting, Guest Posting, Social Sharing & content are the best key to Drive Blog Traffic.
This main point is very effective, Thank you for sharing such work.
Hello Ryan,
Very informative post over here
Thats the main dream that is being wanted by almost every blogger, to drive out as many traffic to their web sites and blogs. Sounds sweet, but not that easy to done with this thing.
There are certain tactics which one needs to implement so that they can drive the amount of traffic they want.
Blog commenting is one the most effective ways to drag traffic. Its is effective for both, freshers as well as the pro bloggers.
Visiting pro bloggers blogs and dropping a valuable comment, do help, as it establish a good relation with the bloggers and also the people who visit their blogs, are do attracted on our blogs too.
After commenting on their blogs, its do important to share their content on social media platform. This helps to establish relations and also when we share their stuff over the social media platform, their followers to visit our blogs.
In spite of doing some of the acts from your list, there are lot of things, that I yet need to dive into, like,
getting active on Quora, getting up for landing guest post on various bloggers space.
Thanks for the share.
Happy Holidays.
Exactly Shantanu. Comment, then freely share blogger’s content and you will keep driving that sweet blog traffic. Thanks brother!
Interviewing bloggers is the way to go. So many bloggers are coming up these days.
I always search for helpful articles like this. When I saw the headline “7 Techniques to Drive Blog Traffic” I HAD to know if I was missing one or two. And, sure enough, I am now encouraged to add guest posting to my arsenal of weapons to help drive EVEN MORE traffic to my blog.
Answering questions on quora is the best technique that I follow and I like it too

Thank you for the article
Commenting and social media engagement seems like the easiest one. Have accepted guest blogs and write few but acquiring is not easy. Even harder with interviewing others,
My vote also goes for Quora.
Hi Ryan,
I wouldn’t know why I didn’t see this article earlier. It’s a great piece that will definitely get you enormous traffic to your website if implemented correctly.
Your tips are amazing. For example, blog commenting has been a valuable asset in driving traffic back to your site. It’s not just making any comments, but leaving meaningful comments.
It goes a long way because readers of the blog will read your comments and if meaningful, they’ll want to see you have have in your website.
Guest posting is great as well as Quora – where you answer questions about the pain problems of others. It’s a great traffic source.
The rest of the tips are remarkable.
Thanks for sharing Ryan & lleane
Hi Ryan,
Nice tips. I am trying to do most of them but I am yet to start with blogger interviews. I haven’t done that yet but I can see how it can be a great tool to create a network and generate traffic. Hopefully, I will start with it in this new year.
– Sanjeev
Blog comments are good but make sure not to overdo it, and post comments like: ” nice article, now here my website”. I think the most important is to make a contribution with your comment, and make the readers being interested in what you write. Spam comments will also be deleted from blogs.
Nice simple and straightforward list of tips… I’ve never tried Quora, might give it a shot – seems like a lot of people look for advice there. Of all these website traffic generation strategies, which has worked best for you?
Hi Ryan,
Welcome on basicblogtips with great article “7 Techniques to Drive Blog Traffic” We do hear from many Poeples that they don’t get mre sufficent traffic on their Blogs but they don’t remember that something missing in their techniques.
These techniques are really good & I’m following some of them to get traffic. Peoples should follow Techniques to get traffic.
Thanks, Ryan. I have tried blog commenting. It has been the best for me till now. I just got a few backlinks and traffic from them.
I would like to go on with Guest Blogging. It’s not too tough to do a guest post, but often I wonder, is it good to post the content on my own blog or on someone else’s blog.
Hey Ryan, your posts are always insightful. In fact, I follow all six methods to generate traffic. I love your bonus tip about hosting. I see so many bloggers use cheap hosting and get burned. When I started blogging (around the same time you did), I purchased the same hosting all the top bloggers were using at the time. Yes, stick to the best hosting.
Interesting! How about getting traffic from social media! Isn’t that traffic does a good job if targeted well!
Excellent article. I’ve been answering questions in Quora and it’s really hard to attract attention when you’re a nobody, because you have to write an informative and well-written answer.