Top 5 Ways To Create Conversions with Hangouts On Air

et’s be honest here, most Hangouts On Air produce a 45 to 60 minute video. Most people just are not going to take the time to watch all that. But what I did find was that the ones that do watch an hour long teaching video are the people who buy my products. So it came clear to me fast that if I was going to push replays of a weekly or bi-weekly show that would be viewed mostly by people who were buying info products and joining membership sites, that it would be best to host them on pages that convert into sales of such. You have probably heard the term “landing pages.” Well we like to call them “action pages” around here. Sending your viewers to Google+ and YouTube to watch your Hangouts is a big mistake as you will soon see below. Using the 5 strategies here I was able to convert 37% of my small list into buyers of an info product.

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