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Why You Should Make Your Blog a Business Blog Today!

Hey, it's Ivin here, talking about my business blog, and I've been ‘absent'  for a while. This post is not going to talk about how I'm back and how I rock, because that'll be kind of vain, won't it?Your Business Blog

I am actually here to tell you what I've been struggling with a bit lately in my internet business blog.

Competition is so fierce and even though people know me for having hustling (hard work) as my creed, I realized lately that I've been working hard, but more like a chicken running around with his head cut off.

Aimless and directionless.

A business blog gives you focus.

I have recently started making my business a blog business. Sure, I have a couple corporate clients I build and manage a digital platform for. Sure, I own my own media company where we are ‘testing' a lot of things right now. But what I'm really passionate about is this, typing this post and providing value to other bloggers' experiences online by sharing my struggles  failures experiences. Building a business blog.

What I started doing lately, is saying,

Sure, I have a couple big contracts that pay the bills and cover the bottom line, but when I look at it, I'm still working for someone else, I'm not really free.

I would love to write a post and make money, send an email to my ‘herd'  and pay for a new computer, build a pool etc.  These are things that most of us dream of being able to do, but we're not really doing it. Be honest. Look at some of the income reports of the biggest names among us. And it's not so flattering. They'll tell you so themselves. The Pareto Principle will always be in place and I strive to be in the 20% margin.

So, I told myself this year that I'm blessed to have a couple big contracts, but I'm unhappy, I'm unsatisfied… Because I want to blog for a living, for myself. I don't want to blog on behalf of a company or a celeb, because that's not my voice. I told myself that I am going to make my blog my main business. My personal blog and my publishing blog. Here are the steps I'm going to take and this is how you, can start to focus on your business blog too:

A business blog will help you develop and own a brand

I my case my personal blog has become my home. Nobody can take that way from me. I blog there and I'm very particular about what I write there, the quality of the comments and who guest posts there. Because, for me, it's not only if you are the right fit, but is your content the right fit.

My blog(s) has become my brand. My publishing blog, Authopublisher, not only paved the way for internet marketers to make money from publishing, but also broke the way bloggers label themselves as experts and sold them the dream and possibility of becoming a published author. It also sold them on making publishing part of their income model. It was one of the few blogs that pioneered this movement. It got great metrics and became a multi-author blog 10 months into its existence and won an award after one year of it's existence. That's a brand to be proud of.

My personal blog is also a brand, a personal brand. Kinda like is his personal brand synonymous with blogging and the DotCom lifestyle, like Amy Porterfield is synonymous with Facebook. Mine, I strive to, will be about starting a home businesses. So what do I do? I blog about it and publish books about it, establishing myself as an expert.

A business blog allows you to branch out.

The blog is the home base. It's your brand and base of operations. So, let's say you don't get invited to BlogWorldExpo to do a presentation, or to the Affiliate Summit to talk about the latest trends, or to ePub LA to talk about self publishing. So what? Have your own events.

In 2006 I attended a Blog MOB (Meeting of Bloggers) and because of my success with my blog back then, I was someone, important (to them). Why? Because it was local. I was someone because I was approachable, could be touched and who people could shake hands with.  Because of that blog platform and what I managed to do there, I just signed 2 new writers to my publishing blog, because local is better.

So, go out and build your brand locally by doing seminars with local businesses, show them what's possible and sell them services, set up costs etc. But stay true to your goal – to blog full time and focus on that alone. Have events locally teaching people your blogging skills. You may not look like a guru to the followers of Seth Godin, because they have their mentor. But, I bet if you start doing the rounds locally, you'll be surprised at how in awe people are at what you can do and teach them.

I actually just finished research of schools I plan to canvas for leads. Not even in my entire province, just my town and the adjacent one. We're looking at close to 500 schools I am planning to do free blogging courses at and my target is making $2/3000 just from the hosting they will need to get to set it up. I can spend three hours each week for four weeks and it'll still be worth my time. And the cool thing is, you can't do it where I am, you're not from here. I carve out a niche where I CAN be successful and eliminate my competition through locality.

Marketing takeaway.

So, I want to take a quick moment just to sum up some thoughts into actionable bullet points.

My plan (shhhht).

Let me share with you my simple plan to make lots of money with my business blog and be successful.

Your Turn.

Did I inspire you? Did I make you angry with my arrogance? Good. Go and do something about it and hustle to make your dreams happen, because I'm tired of reading about how ‘other' people make money from their business blog. Share any thoughts you may have about your business blog, I'd love to hear them.

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