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Writing Unique Content – You Have Hundreds of Ideas Already

The power of unique content has been pounded into the brains of us bloggers for a while now.  Sometimes we struggle to meet the demands of a successful blog.  But there's one thing you have that no other blogger does – and that one thing is the key to setting your blog apart from the rest.

Where Does Unique Content Come From?

When we try to write unique content, there are hundreds of places to turn for advice.  We look to other authors for tips on making our posts go viral.  We can learn valuable lessons from others who have found unique ways to write better.  But we seldom look to the one thing that we have that no other blogger has.

That one thing is you.  No other blog but your own has you.  You are the fountain of unique content for your blog.

Coming Up with Unique Content Ideas

I'll be the first to admit that when it comes to writing unique content, I'm the first to make it harder than it needs to be!  Let me explain what I used to do before submitting a guest post.  I would spend at times up to a couple hours pouring over every post that blog had.  I was looking for a hole – a topic that had been overlooked.  I racked my brain to find unique topics that hadn't been covered yet because that was what I'd been told to do for guest posting success.  Or so I thought…

The hard lesson I had to learn was this:  everything has already been written about.  It's true.  It is becoming increasingly more difficult to come up with a unique idea that hasn't been touched on somewhere by someone else.  So does that mean we throw in the towel and all quit blogging?


Your Fountain of Unique Content

The difference between you and the other bloggers is that none of them have lived the life you have.  None of them have had the same experiences you've had.  And that is the key to writing unique content.  It's too hard trying to come up with an idea nobody's written about before.  Instead, look to yourself to put a new spin on an old doctrine.  Your unique experiences and point of view are all you need to create unique content.

Think of an event in your past – can you relate it to your topic?  Can you think of a lesson from school or a friend that can add valuable insight to what you're trying to teach?  You'd be surprised how easy it is to relate two seemingly unrelated topics (just recently I wrote about how blogging was just like driving in San Francisco!).  It's those unique ideas that will make your blog stand out from the rest, even if you're in a highly competitive market.  Nobody else has you and you have something valuable to contribute!

Final Thoughts

Your goal is to reassess how you go about creating unique content for your blogs.  Instead of spending hours reviewing posts for ideas, look inwards.  Use the one thing nobody else has at their disposal!  It will become a never ending source of great inspiration for you.

Have you had any experiences creating unique content from personal history?  Let me know how it worked for you below!

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