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3 More Ways to Write Faster Blog Posts

write faster blog postsAnswer this question before reading the post..

How much time do you take to write a 800+ words post?

A) 2+ hours

B) Within 1 hour

C) 1 day

If your answer is ‘B', this post may be not for you (because you're already writing fast ;)).

Rest of the people, please start reading the post.

I really liked the ideas of Jane Sheeba on writing faster blog posts.

This is the continuation to that post which I personally follow to write faster blog posts almost every time!

I just want to quickly recap what Jane has covered on that post to write faster blog posts..

  1. Generate the ideas
  2. Capture them and
  3. Set outlines to write faster blog posts

Those are really great tips by Jane.

I want to add 3 more tips to write faster blog posts.

So, How to Write Faster Blog Posts?

#1. Use (10+2)*5 method

According to this method, you need to

What tools do you require to follow this technique?

Important: You must use a timer to efficiently follow (10+2)*5 method.

Let's dive-in to learn more about the method.

Step I – Write for 10 minutes

In this step, you’re just writing whatever comes into your mind. As Jane Sheeba said in her post, it’s always better to write faster blog posts by drawing outlines.

I use Online Timer and I set it to 10 minutes, it will automatically play an alarm tone after the deadline, very handy tool to use when you want to write faster.

Have an idea of what you're going to write about and write the content for 10 minutes.

Just 10 minutes.

Step II – Take 2 minutes break

This is easy!

After finishing 10 minutes of writing part, take a 2 minute break.

Do whatever you want during the break. Dance, laugh or beat yourself with a hammer (but only for 2 minutes) 😉

After taking a 2 minute break, go back to the writing part.

Step III – Iterate this process 5 times

Repeat the above two steps FIVE times.

It may not look easy in the beginning (you may find it bit hard to write faster blog posts), but trust me this works!

You can easily generate a 600 to 800+ words post within one hour using this method.

I've been following this technique for the past few months and getting tremendous results. This is one of the best methods to write faster blog posts.

#2. Turn off your monitor while writing

One more simple way to write faster blog posts is this: turn your monitor off when you're writing!

By doing this, you're using your writing time more effectively.

You're allowing two productive things by following this simple tip

  1. You're not editing while writing (which is one of the biggest time savers!)
  2. You're killing all the distractions!

When you turn the monitor off, you'll not able to check your email or Facebook notifications.

You'll focus ONLY on writing part. And that's what you need to write faster blog posts!

Let the story flow. Don't worry about typos or mistakes. I know you'll make mistakes without seeing your words on the screen, let it go and focus only on writing.

That's it.

#3. Practice the two tips above to write faster blog posts

Can you drive a car or bike faster without practicing the riding skills?

Similarly, you can't write faster blog posts without practicing everyday.

Practice makes anyone perfect. Even a non-English speaker like me can create wonderful stuff by practicing everyday.

Trust yourself, practice regularly and deliver!

One more thing which I'd like to discuss here is: editing.

If you want to create killer content, you must know how to edit the useless words from your content (to make it even better).

The best practices to edit your content like a pro:

It will be quite tempting to anyone to stop and fix the typos while writing. But it will be more efficient to edit, once you finish writing your post.

Use the following tips when you're editing 

Write faster blog posts: Take away

I've been implementing all the above methods to write faster blog posts. And all of them are working REALLY fine for me. It will definitely work for YOU too.

If anyone asks me ‘how to succeed online' (especially in blogging)..

I'll answer this: execute what you learn.

I hope you'll implement these tips to write faster blog posts.

Let me help you if you have any questions. I'll be glad to respond to everyone in the comments section. And I'll be even more happy, if you add at least one of these tips to help YOU write faster blog posts.


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