What all do you need for blogging? What qualities? What skills? What is important to blogging? What is important to a Pro-blogger? What is important to you?
For many years, bloggers have been blogging about Content creation, promoting and networking. But most of them forgot to mention things that indirectly influence all these – The qualities and skills needed for a blogger.
Work Like An Ant
“It's hard to beat a person who never gives up”
So are you that person? If you are not, try to be that person. Work like an Ant. Try accomplishing tasks that are above your capabilities. If you try hard enough, then you can achieve it.
Be Determined like a Spider
Patience is a virtue. Patience is the key to success. You need patience to achieve even the simplest task (like reading this article). So we know that everyone of us has patience. The only difference is that we use it on different levels. My perspective of patience is entirely different from yours. When bloggers are patient, they are able to achieve great things. You may not get expected results as soon as you start blogging but if you are patient, then you will get your expected results as you blog. Patience plays an important role in blogging. Many bloggers today are driven by the money they can make by blogging. But not all of these bloggers are patient, that's why we have so many abandoned blogs in the Blogosphere.
Be Helpful like a Dog
Dogs are helpful. They guard our surrondings when we are sleeping (or when we are not around). A dog is a man's best friend. Isn't your dog helpful? (if you have one). Dogs help humans in different ways, like for example: dogs help police in a murder scene. Anyway, let's get back to the blogging talk. Be helpful like a Dog. Help other bloggers. When a newbie blogger (like me) asks you (pro or upcoming problogger) for a help, please don't deny it (I know that you wouldn't). There are a lot of helpful blogers now a days. My list of helpful bloggers is my twitter list – @bloggers. To mention a few would be bad. I don't want to forget anyone. Be helpful.
Think like a Newbie Blogger – Thinking Skill
Think differently. Think uniquely. Take notes. Thinking is amazing. Thinking can take you to new heights. My principle is to
1) Think about What Your Topic Is
Choose Your Topic. Think about it. Check back on your old post to get new ideas. Come up with unique ideas. Frame Your post. Ask Yourself a Question: What Do I want to Blog about or What should I blog about or What do my readers expect me to write?
2) Use Adequate Tools
Use different tools to come up with new ideas. Google is an excellent source for your research. Sites like Blogengage.com and Bloggerluv.com can give you creative ideas to blog about. Use your useful tools.
3) Take Notes
Write down your thoughts. Frame an excellent post using your notes. You can use the notes later when you are typing up your post. Writing notes will help you to identify your strengthens and weaknesses.
Write Like a Pro Blogger
Write down what ever comes to your mind. You can edit it later. Your blog is your voice. Let the world know of your opinion. Your opinion matters. A single voice is powerful enough to change this world. So be that voice! Write what you think. Write unique content.
Think about these things :-
1) Use Your Knowledge – A professional blogger uses his knowledge (he gained through world experience) to blog. He applies his life experience to create unique content. Apply your life experience to your blogging.
2) Avoiding Errors Stay away from errors
Read your content once again (after you write it) to take out errors.
3) Converse with your Readers
A pro blogger is the one who speaks to his readers through his post. Your reader must feel like you are talking to them. (I am doing it right now).
4) Informal writing over formal writing
Don't write like professor. Informal writing is better when you are blogging.
5) Writing Medium Sized Articles
Writing short, sweet, informational articles are way better than short or long sized articles.
6) Fluffing
Add some fluff to your post. This will make your blog post more interesting (this will also help you to increase your article length). But beware, don't use it too much.
7) Catchy Content
Write catchy titles and conclusion. These will trigger emotions in your reader's mind – catchy content will attract more traffic.
Comment Like an Extrovert
Are you an extrovert ? Even if you are not, you must be one when you are blogging (I do know this – People are introverts due to their brain, not due to their behavior). Introverts are people who don't like to socialize (they like to sit alone most of the time). Extroverts are the opposite. I consider myself an introvert (I like to sit alone, think, write and talk to myself, although I am not mad). (I may be wrong at this consideration). I like to be an Extrovert when it comes to blogging. Comment, Engage and network like an extrovert. That's what you want to be when you are blogging. Being an introvert is not bad at all – Introverts have an advantage – they have more time to think, write quality content. There are more definitions to introverts and extroverts, but since it is connected to blogging, our definition is enough.
Our definition is :-
“Extroverts – People who are sociable – interact with other bloggers”
Make Decisions like a Smart Blogger
Be a smart blogger. Make good decisions. Be smart in your word choice. Choose the best titles. Think, Write, Promote and Network. Follow a blogging plan, but don't get excessive with your plan. Stand out from others. Think differently. Write Passionately. Write Persuasive (and unique) Content. Promote in different forums, sites and social media networks. Network and engage with other bloggers. Make smart decisions like a smart blogger.
Promote and Network
The skill to promote and network are amazing. They can bring you good traffic to your site. Don't Promote excessively.
As Daniel of Infocarnivore says
“Promote Yourself by Promoting others”
Promoting Yourself is really important to blogging success. Networking is also important. Networking will allow you to gain friends, gain traffic, increase your subscriber count and eventually achieve blogging success.
So What is important to you? Are these things important to you? What do you think? I want to know of your opinion. Thanks for reading my Post!
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