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Recognizing Common Mistakes Related To Product Landing Pages

Your product's landing page is the very special page that has to be carefully designed and built to attract maximum traffic. However, major attention needs to be given to this page because you will direct your traffic primarily to this page to snag their attention and lure them to explore your product. This page can contain your prominent sales pitch, excellent content or even video content optimized to rank high on popular search engines' lists.

Since this page is very important and possibly your front in traffic marketing for your blog; you need to be extra careful with this page. There are some very common mistakes that can ruin the effectiveness of your landing page. Learn to recognize them and improve upon them to create a self sufficient landing page for your blog.

Cluttered landing page designs

Page designs are vital in blog marketing strategies. However, a landing page is not your usual blog page. You cannot include all the same design elements, like different headers and footers or a variety of widgets or hordes of advertisements, in your landing page. Remember, to maintain the some uniformity with the other blog pages for aesthetic continuity.

However, cluttering up the landing page will confuse and distract the visitors. So, instead of focusing on the requisite action that you expect from them, they might just navigate to other options instead, or worse still, they might lose interest and veer away from your blog altogether.

Drab headlines

You probably have just seconds to hook your visitors' attention. Drab headlines will completely fall short of this purpose. Try to assess your headlines with your visitors' eyes. Come up with short, snazzy and attractive headlines that clearly spell out their purpose to the visitor. The headlines should direct the visitors attention to the action required of them, in the landing page.

Unclear options

You painstakingly optimize and strategize to get your traffic directed towards your landing page and you get fairly frequent visitors too. However, when in the landing page you set before them too many options for proceeding, they are more likely to just veer away from the page without choosing any of the options. Keep the choices simple and easy to follow.

Poorly optimized page elements

Page elements such as the colors, fonts, images and all the highlighted details need to be subtler in a landing page. You do not want to take away attention from the main purpose of the landing page. However, maintain the continuity with the blog's other pages, so that the visitor does not feel to have landed in a completely detached page. Optimize the contents as well as the visual elements of the page keeping in mind the action that you want the visitors to take on this page.

Unattractive copy for the landing page

Content marketing is a very effective marketing strategy. However, the foundation of this strategy lies in high impact copy writing. Since, you put extra emphasis on your landing page; the content copy of the page should rise up to the expected quality standards. What an unattractive copy for the landing page can do, is lower your credibility.

Typos and spelling errors should strictly be avoided (a no-brainer!). Content should keep with the theme of the blog but clearly outline the purpose of the landing page. Do not confuse the visitor with extra words or confuse them with twists and turns. Be specific, crisp and meaningful in your landing page content copy.

Elaborate page length

Landing pages should be kept to the point, both in the design and the content. You cannot design a landing page to start long drawn suspense that is revealed at the end of a long scroll down the page. You cannot expect your readers to patiently go with this set-up. Rather grab the readers' attention right from the top of the page and maintain it for however, long the page is.

You can write a really long page, but make sure you give the option for people to take action at multiple places from the top. Learn to recognize the simple mistakes in your landing page and rectify them immediately. Shaping up your landing page to be a visual treat as well as informative, will sky-rocket your conversion rates and make sure that your readers take the appropriate action when in the landing page.


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