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5 Foolproof Ways to Create Content That Attracts More Traffic And Links In 2018

There are a few bloggers like Neil Patel, Pat Flynn, Darren Rowse who get a ton of traffic and links to their blog posts whenever they publish. And there are majority of others who struggle a lot to bring even a hundred visitors to read their content.

Have you ever wondered why?

The reason is: their content promotion tactics. People who get a ton of traffic implement the right content promotion strategies. Without a doubt, creating content that naturally attracts links is always the key to get more traffic and sales.

So how do you create link-worthy content in 2018 and beyond? In this detailed guide, you’ll discover 5 of the proven ways to create content that gets more links and traffic quickly.

Let’s get started!

How to create content that attracts more traffic and backlinks?

Brainstorm attention grabbing topic ideas
So how do you come up with great topic ideas that will go viral online?

I’ve a quick tip for you.

Write about the topics that solve your audience problems. Focus on coming up with topic ideas around your target audience issues.

This is the method most successful bloggers use for their content creation. Think about what your audience might type on Google to visit your blog. Then, start brainstorming those ideas. Eliminate the ones that doesn’t make any sense.

Apart from the above tip, here are some incredible tips to never run out of blog post ideas so use them to your advantage to skyrocket your website’s traffic.

Reverse engineer your content creation

What do we do normally to get more traffic? We create more content, right?

And if that’s not enough, we churn out even more content regularly on almost every topic that’s relevant to our industry.

This is one of the biggest mistakes in content creation.

Instead of writing about any topic under the sun, pick those topics that are proven to go viral online. That’s what I call “reverse engineering the content creation”.

It’s creating content that will attract more links and traffic naturally. Let me explain about it in detail now.

If you’re blogging for awhile, you might have already heard about the term “the Skyscraper technique”. It simply involves in 3 steps.

  1. Finding top performing content in your niche
  2. Creating even better content around it
  3. Promoting it to the right people so you can get more traffic and links

I saw so many bloggers and marketers increasing their traffic and links by using this technique. Just make sure you’re spending quality time on finding popular topics that are relevant to your target audience.

Nail your headlines and make them click-worthy

8 out of 10 people will read your headlines and 2 of them read your copy.

That’s shocking, right?

If your headlines are NOT attention grabbing, the reader's are gone forever.

Your headlines play a major role in creating content that attracts more traffic and links. They will be everywhere on your blog post headlines, search engine results, twitter feed, Facebook shares and so on. So make sure to spend quality time on crafting headlines that mesmerize your audience.

That being said, here are few quick tips to create stunning headlines that make them click-worthy.

That being said, writing magnetic headlines is not enough to create content that attracts more traffic. You also have to create stunning content around them to create more buzz. So let’s now talk about how to create great content that’s proven to go viral.

Long form of content is the key

Did you know that Neil Patel gets over 2 million visitors to his site every single year?

The surprising fact is that, he launched his personal blog just 3 years ago. That’s amazing, right?

So how does he attracts so much traffic?

The secret is: his content is really in-depth and highly informative.

At an average, his blog posts length ranges from 2000 to 5000+ words and sometimes even more. That’s the reason why his content always ranks well in Google search results.

The average content length of top 10 search results is around 2300 words. That’s the power of creating long form of content: it always performs well in search engines like Google.

So if you’re struggling to increase your traffic from search engines or want to attract more backlinks, focus on creating long form of content typically with around 2000+ words.

Even I’ve been following the same strategy of creating long form of content since 2014 and I not only tripled my overall website’s traffic but also tripled my website sales. That’s the power of content marketing.

That being said, how to create long form of content that naturally attracts more search engine traffic, social shares and links?

Here are few proven ways to do it right.

Above all, make sure to create highly engaging content that’s useful for your readers. Don’t churn out 2000+ word articles just for the sake of getting more traffic from search engines. Make sure to remove every word that’s unnecessary to your overall topic. That’s how you create long form of content that performs well and attracts more traffic and links in 2018.

Content promotion makes or breaks your blogging success

Have you ever heard about the phrase “80/20 content creation?”.

It simply means;

The reason why most bloggers fail to get any traffic or links to their content is this: they don’t promote as much. They spend more time on content creation rather than content promotion.

I’m not arguing that you should spend less time on creating content though but you must spend quality time in promoting it. Only then, you can attract so much traffic and links to your site. It’s as simple as that.

That being said, here are few quick tips for you to promote your content the right way.

If you want to create content that creates buzz online, you have to spend more time on promoting it. Without it, you simply fail to build audience who are interested in your stuff.

Final thoughts about creating content that goes viral

If you’re spending more time on creating content, that’s not a bad strategy. But if you’re not promoting it, you won’t get enough attention that your content needs. This is why most people struggle to get more traffic.

So what are your thoughts? Did you like the tips mentioned above? Do you have any more content creation tips? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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