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The Emotional Roller Coaster of Blogging “Keep Your Head Up”

As bloggers, we have our ups and then we have our downs. Hey we have moments when we go backwards, so if anyone tells you blogging is easy they're crazy! By far blogging has been the most engaging and interactive activity I've done online. If I was asked right now, Brian if you had to start over would you do it all again; I would say yes!

I have many reasons to why I would say yes some more important than others but at the end of the day I love blogging and I would never stop or change for anything. In fact it may sound strange but blogging makes me happy. I've meet so many intelligent and amazing people since I've started blogging online. I've built relationships with people from America, India, Australia, China and many other countries around the world.

I've learned that creating relationships, just like in real life, is key to our success and without it we have little to show for. I know it takes time, energy and consistency but trust me when I say it's worth every little bit of energy you put into it.

Keep Your Head Up!

Get ready to be discouraged and down on yourself. You will spend hours and hours writing new content only to have no one comment on your articles. Then out of nowhere you will see tons of comments on articles you put little to no energy in to. This is the way blogging works and you rarely get to pick the popular articles. My point here is to keep your head up, don't worry about comments, just maintain good quality content and things will work out.

This is why I say it's important to build on your relationships. Bloggers are most likely to engage with your blog if you have done the same with them. Get to know other bloggers and spend time learning about what they like and what's important to them. Again like in real life blogging is real and full of people like you and me. They have families, jobs and have real life responsibilities.

So get ready I'm warning you now blogging is not easy, you will be discouraged but you will slowly build thick skin. Keep moving forward, keep your head up and try your hardest. I actually have a great song I would like to share with you all when you're feeling down about blogging and perhaps lack of growth.

So when you feel down and you're getting no comments don't be so hard on yourself, things will work out. Continue building on your relationships. Create a brand for yourself and get an image out there with a picture of you for people to relate to. I just know for a fact if you don't quit you will become a success.

I would love to hear some feedback and discussions about how difficult blogging has been for you. Share your experience so others know they're not alone when it comes to creating an active and popular blog online. Thanks for reading everyone and remember you have to keep your head up but you can let your hair down.

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