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How To Annoy The Crap Out of Serious Bloggers

Annoying Serious Bloggers Can Harm You

As we all know running a blog is a big commitment and does take a lot of time and work in the beginning. You must keep your blog current otherwise people's interest in your blog starts to die. Basically, you have to go out and promote, drive traffic from relevant sites, participate with people on social media. Here are some things you should NOT be doing because you will annoy the living crap out of serious bloggers or people in your blogosphere.

Spam commenting annoys bloggers

Seems pretty relevant doesn't it.  Just spamming people's blogs with “Nice Post”, “I totally agree”, “well said”.  Either using Scrapebox to harvest as many blogs as you can do a major spam blast isn't going to work you any magic in your blog's niche either.  You will be better off adding value and showing that you are somewhat educated on the subject.  Try to be personal starting with “Hey Garen, your comment here”.  I have found the more personal you are with people the easier it is to build relationships.

Open ended business proposals – Imagine you have taken 2-3 years developing a lot of content on your blog, have 1,000's of RSS subscribers, huge mailing list, and a massive following or liking on Facebook.  Then old “Billy The Nuisance” comes along and just wants you to help his new blog.  Such as – hey mention me in your mailing list, link to me in the footer, or hey look at this [LINK DROP] on your Facebook fanpage.  What a good way to get someone to ignore you and chances are your name/brand will travel quickly with dirt.  No one really likes to just hand out BIG favors for their handwork to complete strangers they don't even know.

Crappy guest posting really annoys bloggers

Ok taking the time to get a guest post is great, but once you get someone to accept it don't just write a piece of crap article; that it is so boring or could easily be found rehashed a thousand times on  Really, does that add any value to their blog, no!  I have made this mistake myself, so don't be like me.  Also, proof read your guest post and make sure they make sense.  I am not saying your have to have to be an excellent writer.  I am sure there are grammar errors on sites I run and even this guest blog post.

Not following up on guest post – So you have taken the time to write this great post.  Ok, it's not just great it's badass, probably 20X better than the content on your blog.  People have ideas once they read it and leave comments.  Guess what you ignore them never respond to them and people just lose interest in your blog from that post.  Not to mention you are killing your network of bloggers that could become future guest blog post, share your content, or business partners later on down the road.  From a PR standpoint, it just looks like you really don't really care what other people have to say.  You don't want to send the message saying, “Your opinion means nothing to me.”

Adding them to email list – It's fine if someone opt-ins because they care what you have to say and want to join your mailing list.  Aweber does have a feature that you can add people in manually.  DO NOT ABUSE this feature.  In fact, in some cases you get reported enough times by people complaining about unsolicited emails then chances are your account will get banned.

Cold Emailing Bloggers Asking For Favors

There are loads of tutorials out there telling you that you can build links by emailing influential bloggers and asking them for links. They call it the skyscraper technique and I for one don't like it. When those emails come into my inbox the quickly go to the spam box. I mean why should I do a favor for you when I don't know you and you haven't even shared one of my blog posts in a Tweet!

Every now and then I will use this tactic that Ms. Ileane shares in this video: How to Set Up a Canned Response in Gmail

All and all when you approach people online with your ventures and everything your mindset should be “what can I do for you”, rather than “here is what you can do for me.”  Just remember, be respectful, build relationships, learn from each other, and help one another.  People have blogging so wrong sometimes and don't even understand that what they are doing could be considered annoying.
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