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How to Get More RSS Feed Subscribers: 10 Tips

Have you ever wondered why some websites have thousands of feed subscribers while others do not? Automated feeds make it easy for subscribers to follow you, often resulting in more visits, more clicks, and more sales. How To Get More RSS Subscribers
When subscribers are absent, you are missing revenue too. Here you will learn list building tips to get more feed subscribers: 10 tips will get you on track to building the following you and your blog deserve.

1. Make your feed visible – Often RSS feed subscription options are either missing from a website or are hidden away at the bottom of the page or obscured by ads or other distractions. To get more subscribers, visitors to your site need to see that you have a feed and be encouraged to subscribe to it.

BONUS TIP: This post is specially about getting more RSS subscribers – if you want to build an email list for your newsletter, use AWeber! Learn more about this and the difference between RSS Subscribers and Email List Subscribers in this post!

2. Use an image – Many websites rely on text-based feed links. By using an image such as the traditional feed icon, visitors will recognize that you have a feed and may subscribe to it. You can even get creative and create your own feed images: just make sure that they have elements that resemble common feed icons. Download a great looking, free Web RSS icons here.

3. Avoid too many feed options – You’ve probably seen websites where virtually every feed service under the sun is listed, many that most readers have never even heard of. All those options can be overwhelming and confusing to your visitors. In fact they may make your site look so cluttered that visitors are driven away. Choose one or just a few of the popular options and place them where users will see them and recognize what they are.

4. Send a complete feed – Many people use incomplete feeds to try to lure readers back to their site, but this doesn’t always work. Your feed is supposed to save time, so if a user thinks that following up on your initial blurb is too difficult or time consuming, you may get dropped. People want feeds to save them time, so give them the option of reading on without taking further action. If you’re content appeals to them, they will click over to your site to leave a comment.

Recommended: How To Promote Your YouTube Channel's RSS Feed

5. Cut out the feed advertising – Ads are everywhere online, even in places where people don’t want to see them, including blog feeds. Give your users a break and don’t risk turning them off by pelting them with ads through a medium that should serve to keep them updated with the latest content from your site. Especially as you get started, you will find that feed advertising is a liability that can cost more than it’s worth.

6. Stay focused – People seem most inclined to subscribe to RSS feeds when it matches their particular interest. To get subscribers, keep your content on topic to increase the potential value of your feed to subscribers. If your content is all over the place, many will opt out because you are wasting their time.

7. Make a special offer – Try offering a giveaway to promote your feed. Those who subscribe get a special something as an incentive. Just make sure your incentive is something people might actually want and won’t turn them off when they get it.

8. Use a special landing page to drive subscriptions to your feed – Design an optimized page that will use SEO, AdWords, and other techniques to feature your feed.

9. Offer a feed to email option – Reality is that many Internet users don’t want to mess with RSS. Give these users an easy way to subscribe by offering feed to email options from services like Feedburner.

10. Try your feed – Don’t just set up a feed and leave it: go the extra mile and see if it actually works. Many of your visitors may try to subscribe, but can’t do it because your link doesn't work. Links that don’t work are unimpressive to say the least, and certainly won’t help build up your subscriber base.

You have now seen how to get more feed subscribers: 10 tips can revolutionize your efforts to build a subscriber base. Begin today and subscribers will come faster and easier than you ever thought possible.


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