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Why Every Freelancer Should Have a Blog of Their Own

It doesn't matter what type of freelancer writing, marketing or consulting you are offering, you are doing yourself and your business a disservice by not having a blog of your own. The benefit from having your own blog, whether for personal branding or business exposure is limitless. The start up costs are also minimal, and now you can setup your own WordPress driven web sites with literally the click of a button! In this post we are going to cover just five of the many reasons why you MUST have a blog for your business, and how it can massively expand your reach and sales in no time.

1 – Branding

If you are going to be freelancing, you are likely writing and working for other people so they can make money off your efforts. At the same time you should be building your own brand awareness. One of the best ways to set this up is through the use of your own blog, and especially with a logo of your own. Many people will throw a blog together and start writing content from day one, but not focus on their branding potential. If you are going to have a freelancing business, not only is a blog a huge requirement, but so is having a logo or specific branding for your site. It's actually much cheaper and easier to create a logo than you might think.

2 – People Find You

Even though I am not personally a freelancer, I can vouch for the power of having an authority blog and how easily it makes it for people to find your contact and expand your potential business opportunities. Through my blog I've been able to meet with people all around the world, travel to different countries and speak at many different conferences and as mentioned, the blog in itself has open up whole new worlds of opportunity for myself and my business. What possibilities are you missing out on by not having a blog of your own?

3 – Offer Your Own Products & Services

Freelancing is great, and it's always nice to bring in new work… but you are also limiting yourself and how much your can make, as you only get paid for the amount of time you are working. If you focus your efforts on not only your freelancing business, but also a blog, you can start branching out and creating your own guides, membership sites and premium services. Your blog will be working for your 24/7 and potentially selling your products and services while you are sleeping!

4 – Building Your Own Blog Business

As we keep referring back to a blog, you will notice that the power of a blog increases with time. As you continue to add more content and quality resources, more people will read your blog and maybe even link back to you. All of this eventually leads to more freelance work and maybe the creation of your own products and services, as we mentioned in the previous point. The bottom line is that you are actually creating a whole new business of your own. Should you truly dedicate your time and heart into your blog, you may find that your freelancing business soon becomes a second and side revenue generating compared to your blog. When first starting your blog, put in as much effort and quality as possible, while thinking about your goals in the coming months and years ahead.

5 – Long Term and Continual Growth

The end result… this is everything you are working for. The life of a freelancer can be a frustrating and rewarding one. Many freelancers will find that there is a lot of downtime in between clients and that they make have to spend a few days to weeks before they can even find new work. During this down time you can focus your efforts on building your blog, which results in more branding, exposure and potential business for your freelance work, but all a result of your blog. Just as important as it is for you to have continual business through your freelance work, your blog will continue to grow in time and eventually create it's own revenue path and new business.

If You're a Freelancer Start Your Blog Today!

Now it's time for you to move forward and start your own blog, whether it's for personal use or for your freelance business. The pros heavily out weigh the cons when it comes to creating a blog. Even if you find that you don't know what you could possibly write about, just think about your previous freelance work, tips you could provide to people looking for work, case studies and experiences you've had with previous clients. At the very least, you can use a blog as a portfolio and contact source for all of your previous and future freelance work. There is really a whole world of opportunity out there, and if you feel that no one is interested in what you have to say, you are completely wrong.

Stop doubting your potential and take a few minutes to go register a domain, throw up a WordPress site and start the future growth for your new blog and freelancing work!

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