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6 Tips to Help You Build a Great Blog

Here's how you can build a great blog…

A concerted blogging effort is a terrific way to build brand awareness, boost web traffic and increase conversions. As many entrepreneurs have discovered, it can also be a viable business in and of itself. 

Regardless, it's incredibly difficult to build a distinctive destination blog that stands out and really pulls in visitors. In order to differentiate yourself from the competition and create a place that's a fountain of value, the following blogging tips are certainly worth considering.

Incorporate Expressive Images
Part of the mosaic that is a persuasive and compelling blog post is a collection of great images that add to the narrative you're trying to construct. Forget pedestrian stock photography; you need unique and iconic pictures to set your blog apart and add to the overall value of each post.

If you have to shell out a few pounds, bucks, Euros or whatever to do this, make it happen. Great-looking blogs make use of memorable images that enhance their content.

Elevate the Conversation & Network
First off, incorporate Disqus or CommentLuv into your blog framework to make commenting as simple and frictionless as possible. Above and beyond that, engage other prolific, high-profile bloggers by intelligently commenting on their posts. In the blogging world, one hand washes the other.

It's easy to discover great blogs to read, and it never hurts to develop ties to other opinion-shapers and leaders within your specific niche. The synergy gained from such efforts will help you immensely in the long run.

Cultivate B2B (Blog-to-Blog) Relationships
Commenting on blogs in your niche is all well and good, and you should make it a part of your daily routine. However, nothing beats guest blogging if you'd like to add true value to your blog, generate quality organic backlinks and create long-term traffic pipelines. The SEO benefits of guest blogging are tough to quantify, but they are very real and have a huge impact on the bottom line.

Skip the Filler
The notion that you have to post content every day to achieve results is completely false. Weak content that adds very little to the conversation detracts from the effectiveness of your high-quality posts. If you want to maintain a great blog site, but you've got nothing of value to say, don't say it.

Filtering the crap from your output will give your blog a reputation as a purveyor of only the finest, most relevant content in your niche.

Diversify Your Efforts
Blog posts come in all shapes, sizes and flavors, so don't be afraid to break the mold a bit and experiment with your style over time. Your audience appreciates, nay craves diversity. We all do, when you get right down to it. After all, variety is the spice of life. You don't have to be all over the map with your content, but throwing your readers a curve ball once in awhile keeps things interesting.

Invest in Viral Promotion
The absolute jackpot of blogging is a post or a piece of content that goes viral and makes your brand a household name or at least a web sensation overnight. You can basically buy visitors from social media sites like StumbleUpon, Twitter and Facebook through Paid Discovery, Twitter for Business and Sponsored Stories, respectively. Obtaining viral buzz via these social media giants is the quickest way to kick-start a web traffic bonanza.

Firing on All Cylinders
One of the first hard truths that many bloggers discover through trial and error is that there's no magic bullet or professional blogging tips that can guarantee success. You'll need to deploy all of the blog advice and methods described above and then some to have a fighting chance at making your mark on the wider blogosphere.

Doing so isn't impossible, but it will require a focused effort that few have the ability or desire to give.

What tips can you share in the comments below for building a great blog?

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