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Why You Shouldn’t Care About Blogging Schedules

You know, there are certain things that I don't really like about blogging (that I am annoyed about).

Examples include: List posts (can't stand these! 99.9% of these types of posts are just rehashed information with nothing valuable – at least for me), Bloggers advising me what to do when they themselves haven't achieved much (think about the number of bloggers who write about achieving a lot of comments when they themselves can't do it) and many others..

And, I can certainly tell you (with 100% confidence) that I hate blogging schedules.

You know, when I tell you I hate something, you can assume that I have a good reason (good for at least me 😉 ).

Anyways, the purpose of this blog post is to turn you into a anti blog schedulist (Oh, yeah I made up my own word) if you aren't already. If you are already against blog schedules, then read on, I am sure that you will find something useful :D.

Why You Shouldn't Care About Blogging Schedules?

You know, if you have been keeping with my posts (guest posts on this site and posts on my own blog), you know that I loved to break the rules (Yeah, that's my USP). The only thing I actually care about blogging – right now – is creativity (or breaking the rules).

By the way, did you read Hajra's post on conformity?

If you didn't, you should. That post can help you get a good understanding of the principle of conformity and how it affects blogging.

Now, back to post.

I used to like blogging schedules. I used to recommend people to use it. Like many others.

And I was alright with that.

But, now I am not. You see, I believe in the principle that we should never “hate” something until we have tried something.

So, I have tried blogging schedules.

And I hate them.

I will tell you why 😉

Note: I am going to tell you why it didn't work for me, and why you shouldn't have a blogging schedule.

Blogging Schedules – I have tried them, I hate them, do you?

Why do people use blogging schedules?

To keep them focused and help them to get things done, right?

So, what about the cons? What harm can blogging schedules do? Think about it.

I hate blogging schedules because it does me more harm than good. You know why? Blogging schedules can keep us focused. But, having a regular blogging schedule can really tire us out. It can decrease our motivation, patience and confidence with blogging.

Blogging schedules can tire you out, just like your old job.

Another reason why I hate blogging schedule is because it can obstruct our creativity – put up restrictions in our own mind. You know, the whole thinking out of the box phrase? When we do something or look at something from a certain perspective, our minds are fixated on it. It is much harder for us to change our perspective or “think outside of the box”.

Blogging schedules can block your creative thinking – to find more [and maybe better] ways to accomplish things.

When it comes to blogging schedules, this phenomenon will cause you to do the same thing over and over again – and in the long term can hurt you. For example, I am a big fan of blog challenges (read my other post about blog challenges if you would  like to know more about the advantages of doing blog challenges). And, if I were to follow a blog schedule, it would really mess up my creativity with blog challenges – and with other blogging stuff I do (I always like to discover new ways and experiment with it and I hope that you do too :D).

I think that, blogging schedules can also discourage you to do something new – along with your regular schedule – as it has done to me.

It's just like I wrote with the plans – planning your article before you write. Yes, they can help you. But, I think not having them is a good advantage for you.

But, all this depends upon your situation.

I would recommend that you experiment with it, learn from it and stick with what you like the best (At the same time, experiment more, you never know when you might find something that can be really useful with your blog :D).

So, yes, I am done with my talking (really, I talk when I write? Hey, why not write another article about speaking while writing 😉 It is a great idea, right? Well, I will keep that for some other time :D).

Thanks for listening.

Do comment if you think you have something valuable to add to this post 😉 Comment even if you don't. Tell me your thoughts!

Oh, I almost forgot my punch line 😉

Just Don't care. Nah, that doesn't work well.

How about Just Break the Rules?

Break the Rules 😉

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