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Living Your Blogging Legacy

What blogging legacy would you like to leave behind?

We are moving ahead so fast, we're not where we thought we were. When you look behind you, what do you see? Your day-to-day blogging activities are leaving a trail. You're building a legacy faster than you can look up the word in the dictionary!

Let's get a definition of legacy so we can be on the same page.

A legacy is something that is handed down from one period of time to another period of time. It could come from the past, and it could come from families, countries, or history. Legacy can also refer to something that is difficult to replace because of its wide use (which you hear referenced mostly concerning software).

In a nutshell, your blogging legacy encompasses the concepts of period of time and difficult to replace.

I've got some memories to look back on . . .

So today I'm saying saying this: What a blogger does over a period of time is determined by his/her attitude and disposition. Whatever this shapes up to be becomes difficult to replace. Ultimately, a blogger's mindset determines their blogging legacy.

Times change. You've already witnessed it in your lifetime. What we say and do now might not have much relevance way down the road. Then again, it might.

What memories will you (and others) look back on?

Living Your Blogging Legacy

Blogging Legacy for Strangers?

If I could build my whole world around you … I would step into this world you'd created … and give you true love and tenderness.

Let's think about this for a minute: Building a world, building it around someone else.

Often when we think of legacy, we're focused on family. But no, we're not talking about leaving a blogging legacy for your spouse, your significant other, or your children.

Do you realize you have decided to build a whole world around strangers?

A friend of mine once wrote a poem for her octogenarian grandmother's birthday. Entitled, “Living legacy for a lovely lady,” it showcased her loving-kindness towards family, friends, and strangers in a time when the world around us was become more embattled, embittered, and untrusting.

We can be sure that the legacy that lovely lady left behind was sweet and pure, but before leaving a legacy behind, my friend wanted to show how such a legacy is walked out in everyday living.

What kinds of things contribute to your blogging legacy? Things like hospitality, depth of knowledge, communication, trust, and environment. I'm sure you can name many others.

Blogging Legacy: Hospitality

This adage could have been speaking to any writer who is mindful of leaving a blogging legacy:

Don't forget to show hospitality to strangers, for some who have done this have entertained angels without realizing it!

It's easy to be nice and hospitable to our friends. We've come to know them, but it takes some extra work to throw the doors open wide for strangers.

We don't really expect angels to stop by, do we? Maybe not, but here's a neat example: The Squidoo platform uses a metaphor of angels (Squid Angels) giving blessings to extraordinary, useful content. It's possible they give some weight to how hospitable a site owner (lensmaster) is to guests. The blessing of such a Squid Angel can boost your lens rank, get more eyes on your writings, and who knows what else?

Similarly, strangers who stop by your blog might have the power to impact your blog in a positive (or negative) manner. What are the rewards of inadvertently entertaining a stranger, who could be “an angel” in disguise, on your blog?

Your blogging legacy could be enhanced by the level of care, helpfulness, and relevant content you provide to the strangers who stop by your (blogging) house (even if they are NOT angels in disguise).

Communication, Trust, Environment

Three other things that contribute to a lasting blogging legacy complement one another: communication, trust, and environment.

Here's my point: In every communication, we have to build trust, and provide a safe environment for strangers, angels, and everybody in-between because our blogging legacy depends upon it.


One recent communication that surely impacted a blogging legacy was a pro blogger's open letter to an external vendor communicating puzzlement and dissatisfaction with the service. That one will go down in history!

Whether dealing with your regular readership, newcomers to your world, customers, or vendors, your blogging legacy will be directly impacted by your responses in different situations. Others are looking and listening, taking notes and getting ideas. Handle it correctly and it will be water under the bridge, carrying away negative currents, keeping the peace, and leaving something behind you can be proud of.


Years from now can someone look back on what you've done and say you were trustworthy? Trusting you with an email address or even a physical address to deliver a product is one thing. But what about trusting you to tell them the truth about whatever it is you are sharing? Or trusting you to disclose relevant information concerning affiliations?

See, even trust plays a part in the blogging legacy you are now creating.


Whatever your ethnicity or cultural background, keep in mind we are playing a BIG part in a small world. You think I got that backwards? Many will tell you that the world is big and we are small, but if the “world is your stage,” and anywhere you go is “your playground,” how can that be? Universal. Global.

We're BIG. The world is small! No matter your topic or focus. No matter your level of expertise, your degrees and awards. You might be well-traveled, but have you created an inviting environment? For example:

How are you walking out your blogging legacy in your everyday living?

What Blogging Legacy Do Want To Leave Behind?

When you started your blog, you probably weren't thinking about the blogging legacy you would leave behind. Most likely, you were considering your goals and thinking about how to fulfill your dream.

You Said . . . They Heard . . .


Is what you're doing now open to interpretation? We cannot foresee the relevance or utility of our opinions, reviews, tutorials, videos, audio excerpts, or interviews on future generations. Just as we cannot live in the past, there is no need to live in the future. What we can do is live authentically now, say what we truly mean, deal above board and with clean hands, and live such that the blogging legacy we pass on — when viewed in the future — is seen in an exemplary light.

Will others remember what you've done in the spirit of how (and why) you did it? Will they attach the same meaning to it as you have done? Do you need to re-think what you are doing now (with an eye to just how long it will last to represent you)?

Written in Stone

The late spoken word artist Gil Scott Heron insisted through lyrics in the 1970s, “The revolution will not be televised!” These days I always respond, laughingly, “but it will be internet-ized!”

That's because Big Brother is looking over your shoulder.

Just kidding … I meant, The Wayback Machine ( is looking over your digital shoulder, recording (for historical purposes) what you say, all your articles, your site design, audio excerpts, video tutorials . . . And even if it wasn't, you've left a record elsewhere as you leave comments, write guest posts, upload videos to YouTube.

Over a period of time, you've left footprints. And whatever else you've done points to your intended — or unintended — blogging legacy. You, my friend, are unique and whatever you have created will be difficult to replace.

It's almost written in stone!

Your Blogging Legacy

Now that we've talked about how your everyday blogging activities are most assuredly leaving a blogging legacy, how does this affect you? Here are some ideas . . .

All this speaks to having a sound blogger mindset with a solid grasp of what's important, doesn't it? Whatever the blogging legacy you desire to leave, nurturing and operating with a proper blogger mindset will set the pace and either ensure it or sabotage it.

Lyrics: Singing duo Marvin Gaye and Tammi Terrell (who was originally from Ileane's hometown!); Gil Scott Heron (1949-2011). Images: Hiking Artist via Flickr. Scripture Quotation from Hebrews 13:2. Definitions taken from WordReference Dictionary of English.

Share Your Legacy …

Thanks for reading and thanks to Ileane for being a wonderful hostess at another diverse venue. 🙂

Take a deep breath and dive right in, fingers first! Share your thoughts, insights, and questions.

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