Tim Soulo

Tim Soulo is a former professional DJ, who quit his career to study Content Marketing and principles of virality on Social Media. Check his Guide To Strategic Writing if you want to get more traffic and sales from your articles.

How to Craft Contagious Blog Articles

How To Write Content That Promotes Itself: 4 Steps To Crafting Contagious Articles

Content promotion is a new drug. “You should spend 20% of your time creating content and 80% of your time promoting it”, – I don’t know who was the first to say that, but the whole content marketing world had gone crazy ever since. That’s because it sounds like the answer to all your problems. The reason you’re not getting traffic is not because your content is poor, but because you don’t promote it enough. And so thousands of bloggers went writing mediocre articles and using every promotion tactic they know to distribute them. I’m sorry, but things don’t really work this way…

How To Write Content That Promotes Itself: 4 Steps To Crafting Contagious Articles Read More »

10 Awful Twitter Mistakes

10 Awful Mistakes That Keep You Away From Success on Twitter

Correct me if I’m wrong, but right after you’ve launched a blog, you’ll immediately go and register a few social profiles for it. With Twitter and Facebook being the first ones.

But registering these social profiles alone does not bring you any visitors. You should have a solid SMM strategy if you want to be successful. And most importantly, avoid common mistakes that most bloggers make as they are starting out. Just recently I asked 50 respected bloggers for advice on Twitter Marketing, which made me recall some awfully stupid mistakes that I was making myself early in my blogging career.

10 Awful Mistakes That Keep You Away From Success on Twitter Read More »

One Failed Attempt To Build Relationships With Bloggers

I decided to reach out to bloggers that have nearly the same traffic as I do (or even bigger) and suggest them to exchange banners. This way we could send each other a few extra visitors and increase our traffic numbers. It was a win-win situation and if you look at it from my perspective – I was getting a bit of traffic from each banner exchange, so the more of them the better.…continue reading…

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