Rhys Wynne

Rhys Wynne is a 8 year blogger that has been featured on the BBC and The Guardian in the UK, About.com in the US and on a number of blogs around the world. Rhys has 4 years experience of working in SEO, bringing results for large multinationals down to freelancers. He runs The Blogging Dojo.

Three Pages On Your Blog You Never Dreamed of Optimizing – But Should!

WordPress is an amazing tool and of the Content Managment Systems I have used, it is by far the most SEO Friendly out of the box. However, there are still issues with pages on your site straight out of the box. A lot of the pages on your blog can cause duplicate content issues. However, straight out of the box this isn’t an issue. Your blog will still rank for all your keywords and there is no danger of your blog – which is full of unique content – from being deindexed. However, if you make changes to your site detailed in this post, you’ll find more of your site will be indexed in search engines.…continue reading…

Three Pages On Your Blog You Never Dreamed of Optimizing – But Should! Read More »